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Daily reminder to print your photos. They aren't worth shit without being printed. We'll be all dead in 100 years, and the only reliable way to preserve our memories is to print physical copies of photos. So, pick a few of your photos, print them and keep the copies. Store them in a box, in an album, whatever. But have physical copies. Plus, it's a complete different story, looking at physical photos vs digital ones.

Pic unrelated, posting a snapshit.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS RP
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 7.3 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:06:02 19:37:32
Exposure Time1/500 sec
Exposure ProgramShutter Priority
ISO Speed Rating12800
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FlashNo Flash
Focal Length85.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
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White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Why print if you can just frame your positive large format film sheets of Ektachrome?
btw what's the durability of printer made photos compared to let's say selenium toned silver-gelatine prints or varnished wet plate?
Modern high quality print will last for 100-200 years if it doesn't get wet, won't rot etc. 20 years in worst case.
Silver-gelatine will last probably over 150 years, same with wet plates. All when assumed that the conditions are good.
Digitals last forever, print mediums are inherently lossy and subject to degradation
Digitals aren't worth shit without a device to display them on.
>Daily reminder to print your photos. They aren't worth shit without being printed
Fuck that. Prints are shit. Scans for digi distribution + archival storage of slides & negs is where its at. Prints arent worth shit either, theyre also expensive, and are obnoxious to lug around your whole life & age poorly. If you must monetize your work, print in book form only once you're done with the body of work..
Yeah its too bad for scanfags since planet earth doesn't have devices that can display photos on them.

Hey knucklefuckers, how am i supposed to view these "digital images"? like oh sure hold on imma just go invent the computer or something... lol ritards
Imagine being this much of a hyllic
>let me just view this 100MP negative scanned with an 8MP CCD scanner on my 30MP 4k monitor.

You don't have any pictures worth hanging on your walls?
Photographs do not go on walls in a house like this. It'd be about as appropriate as tearing an ad out of a magazine and hanging that up.
>slide film isn’t worth shit without a device to display them on
Likelihood that all those prints you paid for will survive through the years aside... my problem with prints is that you have no hope of controlling what your image will look like when it is finally seen. Sure the print is at best 300dpi, and the color accuracy is about 4-bit, but worse, the casual bastard who looks at your print forms their first impression of your image by seeing it at whatever angle they happen to have grabbed it, randomly lit by whatever light at whatever temp happens to be in the room at whatever distance, no guarantees that they're even seeing it flat and not bent or distorted... prints are the worst way to display a photo there is. A proper calibrated display is ideal, otherwise, a projection set by the artist to reflect their intentions.

Plus then after babying your prints for 25 years, that day your cunting brother in law pops over when you're on vacation and stands on your archives to grab that copy of the lease for you, or the fucking moisture that got in bc the carpet got damp doesn't totally destroy everything. Only print what you need to satisfy a client. Otherwise you're just adding to the bulk of shit you have to drag with you through this life and the stress of maintaining it.
Good sir I humbly disagree. Faggot.
You could easily fill out an entire wall with a thematic selection or your creme-da-la-creme, if you weren't shit. I mean, you don't need to be printing out 20x16"'s; could easily print out and frame some decent 10x8 or 6x6 for your shitter or something.
Oh, so you haven't...

Impressive skill issue.
>putting photographs on walls
>not a chance.
>ok but how about putting your own photographs on your walls???

lol you must be a teenager. Imagine your houseguests having to pretend you're not totally lost up your own ass decorating your home with your own work. jfc this site sometimes...
Projection the post.
this is /p, anons are unfamiliar with social graces, and most likely also the entire concept of having houseguests.
Well no. Not everyone lives in a drywall box. I have almost 0 wall space, and what there is, is taken up by the wood stove, the fireplace, and what little shelving I use. There is actually nowhere to hang art, but if there were, it'd be a painting, not a photo.
>Someone comes to your house
>"Hey anon are these your photos?"
>No, I would never put up something I made in my own home for myself or guests to see.
>"Oh, okay..."

Actual insanity anon
>i dont think photos are ever worthwhile. Painting is harder and therefore aryan based redpilled fatherlandcore tradwhite.
You are simply looking for something to complain about. What a waste of everyone's time.
y tf would I want one photograph on my wall just stuck hanging there still like a corpse, when my glorious bright 5k display is in the room cycling through ALL the photo sets of my choosing as a screen saver all the time. Wow sure jus let me devote a bunch of time effort and wall space to a single photo, that I'd have to do over and over to change up. Yeah how about no. Walls are for showing off the woodwork, not covering up with pictures.
this x100 except I don't have a 5k display
>15mp display is good enough for me and my pictures!
aside from the fact that you shouldn't indulge in your suicidal ideation, wouldn't it be better to create some sort of tribute to those fine lives that others might learn from and appreciate rather than taking that out of the world? even just a blog that might be seen by a dozen people is better than total elimination. shit you could collate it and donate it to a library or cultural center for preservation and study so that if we don't nuke ourselves or die in water wars they'll be able to inform the future.

and don't kys yourself anon, you may think no one gives a shit but someone absolutely does.
But then your 100MPickle film scan will be sad.
Digital outstripped film 20 years ago w/ 6mp cameras
You know, sending me a suicide warning + optimistic words of inspiration & deleting the post about taking my photos with me into the dirt was really not necessary. It's cancer. I'm not living more than three years as it is, & not that I should need to explain this further, but I've seen enough people deteriorate this way. I'm not dragging it out til its gory end out of fear of death, I'm taking responsibility and handling it before it gets horrific for the typically very few friends & coworkers that stick around by then.

Point is, none of you will live forever either, so decide what you want to do with your images before they are carelessly tossed in a garbage pile by people you don't know.
Hold up a good silver gelatin 8x10 print next to your monitor or a digital print and you will see how incredibly foolish you are.
lol, lmao even
Ok I'll give you 12mp, but that's my final offer
Jannies confirmed faggots
Imagine being a janitor on Thanksgiving lmao

Never seen a silver gelatin print in real life, but pretends to know things the post
nta but I agree that you can't take it with you so you might as well let those things you care about live on even if you won't.
look, I've been more than fair with my 12mp offer, but with the way you are acting that offer's off the table. Best I can do now is 10mp, take it or leave it.
Silver gelatin paper can resolve over 100lp/mm, chump.
Lots and lots of coping here over OP. Here's another angle: you will most likely enjoy your work way more printed and other people will too. I do not have a very good printer but the results from it are beautiful to me. It's totally changed how I take photos and process them and what I consider worthwhile. It's way more important to me now to have a photo that reads well "zoomed out" and having a theme or color scheme or message between a few photos. People like going through my photo albums too. I'm not even a very good photographer but we lost something huge to our medium when we gave up "stack of prints from the developer" as the norm.
Extremely based, and I suspect much of the cope is from people who have never printed their pictures.

A photograph is not finished until is printed. Period.
Yesss consooom more dead trees, your pictures of building corners deserve it
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I don't give a shit about my photos after I am finished scanning and processing them. They are a waste product of an enjoyable process much like a turd is. Negatives I throw in a drawer, I will arrange for them to be burned when I pass to avoid the off chance of getting Meiered.
that's weirdly specific and weirdly retarded at the same time
Wrong. Your photos are good and people will like looking at them if you print them. They will tell a story and show your unique perspective on the world. You just have to print them and hold them in your hands. Buy a couple cheap frames or a photo album. Show them to your parents, your siblings, whoever when they come over and you'll be surprised.
The people most inclined to print and distribute photos are those with friends and family that don't immediately shit down their throats for having a gay hobby.
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I printed posters of my favorite shits to my family for Christmas. None of them have put them up anywhere. I printed a photobook for a friend and only asked him to give me feedback before tossing it away. He never mentioned the book again. That's feedback of its own. I don't put anything up in my own house because I inherited a bunch of paintings by my late grandmother and they occupy all the walls, and I value them far more than anything I have ever produced. The only hope in this field is to enjoy the process because everything else is meaningless, even just posting online only means some AI faggot corpo will harvest it for their own gain.
Post a pic.
This is your brain on building corners and backs of heads
post an example anon
I just bought an enlarger
Unfathomably based. What kind?
Should have got a license for gigapixel instead
Get with the times gramps
Most cringe post award goes to you! Congrats!
What's a good printer?
The Epson P20570
saying cringe is cringe
Your or that post demanded it. You said it twice, btw. ;)
trvth nvke reality pill
faggotized cope pill
Opinion discarded
Nuh uh.

Depression, apathy, and low self esteem are more common among women (2x rate) and gays (over 2x) than they are among straight men. Being a depressive weenie is for the feminized.
>Nuh uh
>Reddit spacing
>Bringing up fags and sexuality out of nowhere aka projection
NTA but yikes... Enjoy your cope and being closeted I guess?
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Just started printing some things. This is fuji lustre, 12 inch.
The photo was ektar100 on an intrepid 4x5
is 8000 pixels longest side enough for a B1 print bros?
splendid for images that are being looked at from a distance. completely fine for something being looked at up close. Just a bit short of 300ppi which is the gold standard. I'd go for it, no one is going to pixel peep at a print that large.
You act like a teenage girl trapped in a 30yo /v/irgin’s body. Troon confirmed.
Spot on.
Is your anime profile picture at least cute?
weird samefag
You're a weird samefag.

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