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E-mount bros we eating good tonight.

Seems to be a similar size and lighter than the tamron 28-75mm

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>muh zoom shit
fuck off retarD
>Least based prime enjoyer
t.cant carry an extra 300g with his feminine hands

Hit the gym faggot
>Look at me I am a fat fuck
Fuck off retard I use a DSLR with prime lenses
>sigma prolongs the sony winning streak
Canon set to lose getty too
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>similar size and lighter than the tamron 28-75mm
How fucking retarded are you? And yes, that was a rhetorical question.
you're both gay and retarded, dslr's are meant to use both, if you want to be faggy purists just buy a leica for primes and a bridge camera for zooms, otherwise shut up
>not parfocal so not even useful for video
I'd sage but your thread isn't even worth filling that field
Bro its fine, its ok, calm down
fuck off twink retard
god i fuckin wish lmao
The Game
I just lost the game
>fuck off chud you're too weak to carry my f/9.5 zoom slop

I thought it looked smaller from the picture and the pixels
Canon had no problem making a 24-105/2.8. Starting at 28 is for f2 zooms. Wanna know why sigma really stopped at 28? Nikon.

Remember: nikon’s licensing terms are why we get retarded shit like this. This means nikon is cooking a 24-105/2.8 or considered their 24-120 a competing lens.

Kill Z mount and third party lenses can start at 24mm again. It is ONLY and ENTIRELY, one hundred percent, NIKON FUCKING IT ALL UP. I honestly hope sony or canon cook up a way to drive these incompetent fucks out of business but they probably wont because nikon is a snoy pawn and canon cant do anything except be the windows of cameras. Nikons bodies dont focus for shit (Z8 has worse autofocus than the canon R8 - call skill issue but remember the price point and that its the best they could do), their lenses are sterile, and they are actively fucking over third party offerings for everyone else and basically murdering L mount with legalese because they cant make a fucking camera. So what will happen? Panasonic dies, sony and canon take the market share. Death to nikon. Kill every nikon shooter. Z9 bonfire best day of my life. All you fucking blurry photo noisy ass fake raw video nikon fags are guaranteeing is permanent sony/canon dominance because sigma is 50% of L mount. Sony doesn’t need sigmas lenses to win. Panasonic and leica DO. Sony will kill YOUR brand after you finish killing L mount for them because just one E mount body funds more R&D than all of nikons sales. Good going you fucking nikkors. Genius strategy.
The s5iix has autofocus between a z6ii and z6iii. Panasonic may have sony tier autofocus soon. Nikon could very easily die no matter what.
This is your brain on Snoy
Is it worth buying the 28-70mm smegma? I mostly use primes due to size but people say that is compact

The shit in OP looks way too long and unwieldy
No I think thats his brain on panasonic

The recent sony releases (aka "the sony winning streak") seem to have buckbroke panasonic fanboys into blaming nikon for panasonic's failure
>wtf the g9ii was meant to kill foolframe its better than fucking nikon!
Are there compact Zooms on the market? I think a 24 to 50 or60 mm is more useful as a walk around lens.

I was an exlusively prime truther once too. Let me tell you: The golden path is 50mm or 90mm prime for portraits and zooms for everything else
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My comfy FE 28-60 fits the bill as a compact walkaround lens. Not bright by any means, but serviceable. Perfect for skiing also, I won't care if I destroy it. Starting from 24mm would've been better, but I usually take a 21mm prime with me anyway.

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If it's the EX it's a soft turd it should actually be a 28-70 f5.6 don't buy it
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The golden path is never using a lens that breaks the classic camera look. Zooms are only ok if they are narrow tubes instead of flared out bazookas. A good photographer cares about good aesthetics, not the sharpness of pine needles in the corner at 28.5mm. Ever notice that people who use ugly cameras take ugly photos? Photography was better when gear wasnt so ugly it was demoralizing to hold.

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ugly & clashing camera/lens combo in pic
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Its aesthetic and classic as it gets for things /p/ can attain.

The real sexy cameras cost as much as an FF snoy for a non CLAd film box. I dont intend to torture the poors too badly. They dont have to be this expensive, but since japan has no aesthetic sense anymore (read: they stopped copying the germans) they’re few in number and facing huge demand.

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Idk about you but leicas need short and stubby lenses in my eyes. Long lenses look disproportionate and any sort of widening or narrowing of the front looks weird unless its extremely short.
This lens here must feel like a familiar sight to you
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not as familiar as my voigtländer is to you
Oh yeah that looks just like your mothers anus after i finish
bro turned off his cod blops 27½ just to reply to me
Glad you took a break from your own CoD (cumming on dudes) then bucko

Modern SLR zooms remain atrocious
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oh no no lol
they look like those penors that have a normal size head but a looong skinny shaft. you go down on em and there's no meat to suck on just this mallet that keeps punching your tonsils for like no reason.

Thats what I think of when I see a Leica.
>slightly worse than the $2k first party lens with less range on a 61mp camera wide open

Still better than anything on fuji/m43, and not far off from canon’s 24-105 f2.8
>i think about sucking dick when i see a leica
Ok not a particularly interesting or unique perspective
That's a night and day difference anon

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