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137,000 euros for two crooked photos with converging lines and chopped-off feet by Annie Leibovitz. Srsly?
>noooo muh mathematical framing rules
jewish photography is black jazz
she has been always a retarded nigger nepo baby so what is new
Never liked her style. Her shit is also insanely processed and unnatural looking in a bad way.
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This is what she did for the Locarno film festival this year. They payed her hundreds of thousands instead of hiring someone local...
I admire her irl shitposting ability desu
They have prepared the press talks already
>i-it was all intentional! She's a genius!
Kek it's worse than that fucking giraffe walking off into the sunset meme
> The Queen, elevated and illuminated, represents adaptability and relevance, while the King, unstable and shadowed, reflects the precariousness of an institution struggling to find its place in contemporary Spain.
bit reaching, but to be honest king's side looks like it was done on Sony
First time you hear of her? She's a dyke who used to work for Rolling Stone decades ago and built her career from there, she's even done cameos in The Simpsons.
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It's what I immediately thought of when I saw that even before your post
wow this kinda sucks but ive never done portrait so idk
She went to lake Locarno, took a snapshit and told her team to shoop a lepard into it.
>100k plz thx lmao
Swiftly, I began to hate them at age 9.
Didn't she do all the fucking tacky smaltzy fucking bed bath & beyond series of books of babies dolled up in monochrome sets of flowers and shit? Gag me with a spooon.

ITT: stunted rubes that still can't do better than medieval barbarism like the muhammads & resent anyone who does. It's the 2000s, learn science and get a life ya fukken losers.
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that was anne geddes
Utterly horriffic christfag hive breeder mentality realized.
Peak hallmark puke that sold more fucking copies than any goddamn photo book in the world.
What a vain species, spewing their ugly maggot-looking offspring everywhere & can't stop looking at themselves.

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I like them. I would love to see any anons portrait work that btfo this.
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Why do you think that picture btfo op picture?
Why does it have to be some anons work? We aren't hating on a random woman. She is supposed to be the pinnacle of portrait photography, she is a member of the Academie des Beaux-arts, she charges and arm and a leg because she is supposed to be the best. She very much is in a position to be criticized.
Your retarded argument is like saying "You can't say Riddley Scott's new gladiator is bad because you yourself haven't made a movie".
Don't talk shit about Biden or Trump, where is your presidency huh?!
Opinion discarded
Whatever the fuck she does in post looks absolutely horrific to me. It just looks so unnatural and processed it's crazy. It almost looks like a paper collage. Her style hurts my eyes.
NTA, it does.
Saw this and thought "that ones not bad", so all the power to you Anon

Though you were Annie Leibovitz's sloppy seconds there, so no wonder,but still, must count for something
because I took it, I like it, and I think it conveys the subject's personality (moreso than "wow look at the king in his military uniform in a palace!").

appreciate it, but how am I sloppy seconds in this context?
I just meant that in comparison to the first two pictures of the thread, you instantly winned the game

But nah even looking back at your picture, it's cool, I really like it
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Sorry your opinion is worthless, you haven’t posted a photo
Most semitic post on /p/ award

Does she have ANY self awareness
I appreciate that you agree with my opinion. Lmao!
trash, you can only write if you have ever written a published novel
lmao this is so dumb but I do think the finished product looks decent even if it's stupid
Retard the king of copes and all copetardia, we can all snap a little snapshit. Hit ctrl+p and put ink on paper.

I guess you don't have a camera?
She is embarrassed to use a Sony camera. With Hasselblad and Mamiya it is a different story.
no u
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>Highlights blown out like her vag
>Feet chopped off

Average /p/ troll could have done 10x better
Well shit, you sure got me with that one.
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Her life and career are defined by trying to flex her status. She has no talent. She has no skill. She can't even edit her own photos. She pays other people to edit while she watches. She pays other people to "read her mind" with the lighting (read: she doesn't actually light the photos, her assistants do). She still presses the button of course, and look at how that worked out - the editing team can't always salvage tilted photos and cut off feet. Her entire life is defined with the words "I knew celebrities". So she has to keep knowing them forever. The very source of her relatively modest wealth is "I still know celebrities". If she does not project the lifestyle, she is absolutely fucking nothing. Nothing. Nada. Not even much of a photographer. Of course she would be embarrassed to use a brand with bodies that start under $5k. The wealth adjacent buy up more luxury shit than the wealthy because they are a fundamentally insecure group.

Honestly, if you walked on set you could borrow her flash trigger, tell the assistants business as usual and shoot better than annie leibovitz. More actual good and significant photos of the famous have been taken by the actual famous people that annie is adjacent to - using film PNS boxes.
>famous people
>a random nigger that stole a camera
still I hate that broad like you wouldn't believe it
What about this disgustingly unhinged and bigoted christphobic post deserves to stay up while mild dislike of jews gets baleeted left and right? #nomoredoublestandards #christianlivesmatter #wwjd
The /p/ list celebs:
Frank Ocean: Contax T2
Taylor Swift: Olympus E-M10 IV
Christian Bale: Leica M8 & Rolleiflex

Annie "the canaanite camera" Leibovitzberg: haha snoy
>Taylor Swift: Olympus E-M10 IV
beyond based
in now deleted post I suggested she shoots snoy, well well well
Don't be so hard on her, she did Pirelli calendar
not even joking, that's the real 2016 Pirelli calendar she did
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although her Vogue cover portraying Lebron James as King Kong was kinda based
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>"stunning and brave"
>the foot is cut off
it must feel alienating to live up to the expectations others have set for you. you have to be a you that you are not. she must think, "what would the me who i am not do in this situation?"
>gets Pirelli shoot
>how to satisfy clients Italian beauty & style sensibilities
Shoot a this entirely typical fat German whore from the culture of garbage in murrica.
People expect her to be feminist and jewish, so all she has to do is take aggressively shit photos and spout some sontag tier schizo babble about colonial intersectional paradigms and some weird sex shit and she’s gold(berg) and can get away with shooting literal nazi propaganda if she thought it would be funny
accurate take
> Verification
> not
> required.
even machine knows it's true
100% a nepo baby who's "work" is probably used for money laundering
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that got me interested in rest of her 'work' which I admin I'm not really familiar with as I have little interest in portraits.
So I looked around and I have to say there are even worse that those presented here. Looky here

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and another cut feet, seems to be a common theme:
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wouldn't be (( )) if seething over Jesus wasn't in place
i bet there's a special story behind it how she was trying to show the impact of patriarchy on poor poor women or some shit
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here the chair has its leg cut of holy kek

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and my absolutely favourite which made me laugh out loud
Whoopi Goldberg

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Am I crazy or does the cut foot kinda draw your eyes up towards the center of the photo? I am partially okay with it tbqh.
not me, I looked at light spot on the dress first, maybe if foot and tibia line was at the center it could
i like a good diptych but the editing here is so tacky
deviantart photoshop tier
flip to any given vogue photog and there's a 90% chance they are better than annie
Based clipmaxxing.
money laundering
fuck me thats a good shot
Sort of reminds me of those early shitty CGI ads you'd see in the 90s.
>All these deleted posts
Is this reddit or something, pretty sure no one cared about Leibowitztein in /p/
Revolving door of jannies. There’s a new one every week with his own chip
on his own shoulder so moderation will always appear inconsistent.

Even moop, doghair/huskyfag, and isi have been jannies.
Doghair was never a janny. It was completely made up by the dog abuse spammer on /an/ that took a disliking to him.

Imagine falling for lies made up by a real animal abuser.
mine was deleted and got warning because I was mentioning certain ethnicity
I have seen posts about people bitching about getting banned and being deleted again in this thread like 3 times already, all because of that thing you mention
Winograd and Leibovitz have a defense force on the internet i would've not expected
>quietly deletes any posts he dislikes in numerous threads
What is this retard doing
Also something something btfo'ing footfags (by purposefully cutting off feet in images) is a style
I don't really mind the cut off, it simply btfo's one of the arguments made in this post's article >>4388589
>"The positioning of the King’s feet further emphasizes this precariousness; there is no visible grounding beneath him, suggesting a lack of direction or support. This visual instability mirrors the real-life challenges Felipe VI faces as a monarch. Public discontent, economic struggles, and political scandals have weakened the monarchy’s standing, leaving the King to navigate a delicate and often hostile environment"
yeah right
>tfw you'll never have a jewish defence force to delete comments for you
Why live
>yeah right
this whole article is so much reaching interpretation it's hard to read whole in one go
The original response to the post going missing is pretty sus

Seems this was meant to be the last word
Check the archives for the truth, my boy.
ironically the nigger with a camera is a lot better than Annie https://www.vogue.com/slideshow/frank-ocean-2019-met-gala-film-photo-diary-gallery
>photographer celebrities are better than celebrity photographers
Wow its almost like one actually worked to be a serious artist day in and day out on movie sets and the other just knows famous people and owns nice cameras
he's a music guy, no make movies. he is a pretty big cinephile though
He’s been learning to be a director for the past 2 years
>the people saying that status adjacency is all that matters
redditors are so gross

garry winogrand influenced photography more by picking the best of thousands of snapshits of strangers lmao
i liked blond but i'm not a frank ocean fan or anything. when i saw the cover for this album i got the impression that he was a photography fan. i've even seen that pic of him at the gala with the camera but i never put it together that he's probably a full-on photographer
Half the thread is missing to be fair
I remember in the mid 2010s he did an interview either for a magazine or it was his Boys dont cry one, but he had a top 100 list of genuinely great films. I'll try to find it in the next thirty minutes it takes to post now for some fucking reason

Found it
better than the entire thread missing
> Frank Ocean
basketball american
list of great films:
> 1. ATL (2006)
basketball americans on roller skates doing hip-hop

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