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File: Canon-EOS-M.jpg (35 KB, 480x365)
35 KB
Hello im an artist form a small town and nobody is making good videos around or at least videos that are not for corporate business.

Is pic related (Canon EOS M with magic lantern) a good place to start, I also heard that the sony a6300 or the lumix GH4 can be a good choice.

Can you point me in the right direction I have a budget of around $500 including lens

These are some video looks that I like for reference



Thanks guys

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
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Image Width3400
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yes, any of those are good options. But you would need to learn about video editing and LUTs to get the look you want.
God no, it's awful.. I'd say gh5, but it won't leave you with much for lenses. There's also lots of other stuff you'll want, so it's hard on a tight budget.
Just get a sony like everyone else. Working autofocus uber alles. Leave the BUT ITS THE CINEMATIC WAY shit to gear nerds.

Lol wut autofocus?
Get a couplea GoPro's and dig into the menu, turn off the stupid wide angle fisheye setting to get a flat sane image, and use those. When you need your band to do that stupid shot where the cam's on the floor and they're all mugging down into it like the beastie boys in 1986 and every other band since, turn the fisheye back on and viola. Since GenZABCDEF doesn't have any knowledge of anything beyond tiktok, GenX has proven you can just hoover up all the cliches you want from the first 50 years of rock music and shovel it all down their gullets with every video and the kids will swallow it whole and pay out the ass to see it live besides. Sell your clients on regurgitating shlocky old pop antics today!
only dilating me hungry hungry anus for you big boy
come an get ur aids
i got em for ya like candy
aids flavored candy
i wouldt not advice magic lantern for somebody without much prior experience
get a sony, they have good autofocus and good enough image quality
i personally use panasonic but i am good at manual focus i know other handlets cant do it

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