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File: GFX-ETERNA.jpg (184 KB, 1243x970)
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Don't know, don't care.
Real ergonomics, sweatie.
where's the dedicated film sim dial?
if you have to ask. you can't afford it.
can you?
the name is in the filename...
no. IDK wtf it is either.
Fuji's first cinema camera
This is their answer to the Canon C400
It's the one you won't have with you

I will only respect them if it's every frame a full 100MP medium format still. Like digital imax.

Unfortunately they aren't futurism acc pilled enough for that yet
>wtf why is a cinema camera just a sensor body?? I can't hold this???
not a mirrorless SLR. DOES NOT COMPUTE. how many megapixels? how 'snappy' is the autofocus? ERROR ERROR. is the phone app any good? does it have IBIS? CIRCUITS OVERHEATING
It doesnt even have more bokeh. Just less noise and more sharpness. The least important things in video. This camera is pure fucking wank.
whats the point of a camera if you can't hold it? worthless investment
>its bad on purpose. it makes it more exclusive you pleb.
They really named it Eterna? That's Kodak motion picture film line.. the absolute audacity
Cameras like those are meant to be placed permanently on a wheeled base with a white box covering the ugly parts of the body
Yeah I was gonna say, this isn't really a body you're meant to just handhold. You'd have an arca grip or a gimbal at least, and more likely a cage or rig. It's glaringly obvious, but anon wants to anon
kys zach
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I know frfr, where's the autofocus?
why would he need a cinema grade camera?
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No it ain't.
>does it have ibs

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