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Any tips for cleaning?
I Don't have a cleaning kit.
Yep, step one is to buy a cleaning kit.
The sensor is covered by glass, so you can use whatever non abrasive material, or solvent and then polish it with the material.
>q-tip and rubbing alcohol
>q-tip w/ microfiber cloth around head
Specific sensor-sized swabs and cleaning solution kits are like $20 on amazon. Stop being a cheap fuck and do things the right way mang.
I've been cleaning my sensor with a cotton swab / q-tip and 70% isopropyl alcohol for years. It works every time. You don't need a kit of special sensor cleaning swabs or any retarded shit like that. Cameras are retardproof nowadays because they've ruggedized every single part. No CMOS sensor created in the last 20 years needs anything more than a q-tip and iso alcohol.

IMPORTANT: Pour the alcohol into a small shot glass (or use the cap from the isopropyl alcohol). Use this to dip the Q-tip. When you do clean, start from the top and work your way down. I usually start top left corner but I suppose top-right would work just as well. Use gentle circular movements and use the 'typewriter' method of top left across to top right, then down another 'row.' Continue until you reach the bottom of the sensor, then flip the q-tip or get a fresh one to remove any excess isopropyl alcohol. But don't sweat it too much because this shit is ultimately foolproof.
Did you really had to use a red marker pen on your sensor?
what's step 2?
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using it to clean...
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