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Anybody know what exact camera gear setup this guy is using?

Looks like a sony but unsure if FX3 or FX30 or A7CR etc

Either way, the video quality & audio for youtube blew the fuck out of the video quality that the Sony DSLR vlogger team faggots were using. (A7s3 or around there)

Video quality here:
Heres a sidephoto of the lens, looks like a wide aperture g master or sigma?
Looks like a tamron zoom because sigma zooms are more compact than that

A7cr comes in black so it's probably that
have you seen the video quality? it looks like the FX30 as a minimum imo
This is marginally the lowest baseline I would ever want my videos to look desu so I really am interested in knowing the exact model
You can easily get that quality with an FX30
Why would anyone buy a 61mp snoy for an elaborate video kit

The rolling shutter is so bad, and its a lot of money for megapixels that video cant even use
>sigma zooms are more compact than tamron
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Sony lens at 5:03
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Aperture ring, so 24-70 gm2?
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9:17, definitely not a FX or C cam. Standard A7 of some sort.
A7S III most likely, or possibly A7 IV you can see the hinge for the fully articulated screen and I think those are the only snoys with that.
Thanks bro, looks like I'mma be saving money and getting the A7S III not the FX3

Also in comparison, the Fishtank S2-S3 series were shot in FX3 rigs and they look decent but nothing to the quality of the A7SIII


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