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Will they turn it into a monthly subscription?

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Camera SoftwareAndroid UP1A.231005.007.A045FXXS8EXJ1
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Image Width720
Image Height908
affinity is better though
pixelmator was too maclike in the ui - really hard to get used to if you grew up with the mental retardation that is photoshop
why the fuck would them joining Apple result in a monthly subscription
Pixelmator is perfect as a basic editor. It's the reason Apple doesn't need to make another iPhoto/Aperture app that does the same thing. They can just keep PM going for the price of a few developers and ensure Apple users have a pretty good basic editor far cheaper than developing their own from scratch and not charging for it. Since Affinity got bought out, & their parent co is notoriously pro-subscription, Bringing Pixelmator in-house ensures no one else buys it and fucks it up, which would leave your avg apple user out on their ass for options. Buying them was smart, now all they have to do is fuck about with shoehorning all manner of 3d, video & ai bullshit into Pixelmator Pro and leave PM basic the fuck as it is.

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