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File: GYlIC9BXoAAfi_I.jpg (22 KB, 818x346)
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I got a lot of rolls saved up that i need to develop But i don't wanna drop $100 on developing them. I was thinking about buying a c-41 development kit cause i already do black and white, but the warnings about cancer and birth defects kinda freak me out. are there any other options or should i just man up and do it anyway.
wear PPE if you're worried, rubber gloves and glasses will do you just fine, if you think you're gonna splash and spill, an apron could help

i dont wear any PPE and I really should, but im lazy
just don't drink the chemicals retard
Use disposable nitrile (or whatever the dev kit instructions recommend) gloves. If you worry, add goggles and apron (or a lab coat). Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling chemicals or mix darkroom and kitchen wares.
Those are non volatile, don't drink them or rub in your eyes and you will be good. Use separate dedicated utensils (ie don't mix it with the spoon you eat) and you will be good. Also they don't cause cancer with single brief exposure rather by prolonger one.
Buy sous vide cooker to control temperature and good thermometer, mercury based one, search for it on ebay or local flea market/thrift store. Kodak Process Thermometer Type3 if you can find one. Temperature is a key in c-41 (even more in e6) and you have to keep it steady the whole time of development (fixing/bleaching not so strict) otherwise you will get color cast like Sony
Maybe use ECN-2 dev instead? The color developer chemical in ECN-2 is also much less toxic than the one in C41.
Cross processed film is not really suited for analog printing, but scanning should work fine.

The only (suspected) cancerogenic chemical is hydroxylamine sulphate (HAS) usually, and is only part of the C41 but not of the ECN-2 recipe.
It's a preservative that increases the shelf life of the working solution.
The manufacturer may still add the HAS anyways so you need to check the SDS.
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c-41 was made to be harmless enough that 14 year olds working the hour photo kiosk could do it without fucking themselves up

I've never really freaked out about ppe for it the blix will burn the shit out of your hand if you have any open cuts though.

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Working the photo kiosk doesn't involve sloshing uncovered liquids around, they feed the film into a minilab and negatives and prints come out the other end.
A lot of chemical warnings are government bullshit. Don't do anything retarded and you'll be fine.
t. chemplant worker
watch chemistry youtubers to build tolerance
You already are a birth defect. Why do you even care?

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