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The Game
syphoning your gas tonight
Every one good photo you saw there were 500 before it that got deleted, It's a numbers game.
Every good photo you've seen has been edited in lightroom
t. shot 9250 frames only to edit and select 440
you mean capture one
Nah do it like a true gypsy and punch a hole in his tank, its faster AND more destructive.
Is this an ad?
Technical is easy, interesting is hard.
Every "nice" photo you see is photoshopped to hell and back. It shouldn't even be called a photo anymore imo.
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Just point and click, bitch.
Use the one you have with you
You have to updog your lens
can see naked women
Sony is the best system for 90% of new photographers
the one you have with you
*Sony is the best system for 90% of photographers
Canon is pretty boss for shooting small and rare birds without needing an a1/a9iii you must admit but otherwise lol
Fuck you
Photography is what you start with when you want to paint, or draw, but you can't do either, and it becomes what you end with instead.

and it won't get you laid so forget it
It's just a shit tier hobby that anyone with a little interest and time can master it. Pros know this, and that makes them bitter people.
Depends on what kind of pictures you take, retard. I got laid after taking pics for a girls instagram with my ZV1.

Anyone who ever wanted to paint or draw is an actual faggot if they are not just a wine aunt.
>oooh i am such a sensitive and thoughtful person i expressed myself by drawing a blue flower. now, time to do some furry porn.
I like photography because I can record womens tits in exacting detail.

Correct which is why photobooks are pretentious nonsense, countless "great" photographers are nepo baby hacks, and the only value in any of the pictures is purely historical. "A good photo of ____ fact/event".

If you like photography, like photography, not high on acid art where you call following a photo of a hobo with a photo of a semi truck an intersectional critique of climate privilege. The only art in any art is in doing it well, like artisan baking. Its just bread not a fucking cultural heirloom and even if you did paint because it seems more arty based on paintings being in museums you’d make yet-another, the mona lisa cool because its uncommon not because painting is special. One of the few good surviving paintings of an average looking woman. Having the only good photo of a historical event left after everyone elses are blurry or deleted is the same thing. Meaning in "art" (things done with a modicum of competence) is a farce. There is only novelty satiating your caveman hoarder brain and propaganda satiating the higher egos of the higher stations.

The old tiers of art said it best. The highest paintings were flattering portraits that endeared the rulers and the royal bloodline to the people and beautiful depictions of churchslop. No meaning just propaganda and novelty.

>but there IS-
No, you have a mild manifestation of schizophrenia and notice patterns and meanings, often unpleasant ones, where they don’t exist. This is the real reason ashkenazi jews came to become overrepresented among artists and art critics, everyone is unkempt and antisocial, and there’s a dearth of peoples with lower schizo/‘tism rates.
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>I like photography because I can record womens tits in exacting detail.

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Blackpill: Everything you do is irrelevant.

Noone sees it. 10 likes on instagram. It's not the 70s anymore, noone watches that slide projection on your tv anon. Nobody cares about your art, your vacation pics look like all other vacation pics. Even if your girl was pretty (she isn't) that's a dime a dozen scrolling through instagram now.

It will get thrown out just like the cardbord box of negative prints from your grandma.
>Doing anything for others
Are you 15? Lmao
photography is a meme

it's not art, it's not passion, it's literally the lowest form of "creativity" where you can feel like you're participating by just buying more gear..

there's a reason why women flock to photography with their Cannot DSLRs and Smegma Art Lenses to shoot dArK aNd MoODy photos to impress normies. it's easy. just point the overpriced chink machine your husband bought you and let aperture priority and whatever preset you bought do the rest. There's a reason why there are literally no females into adjacent fields like audio or video, cos shit actually takes a working brain to do.

Same way why everyone is a "documentary" or "natural light" photographer.. they never learned posing or composition and are scared of flash.

street photography is taking blurry photos of the backs of people's heads.

travel photography is paying some local indian family a year's wages to pose next to their little shit hut, that or spending money you don't have to go to iceland, or new zealand, or fucking japan to take the same shitty photos everyone has taken the past decade just to get 20 likes on boomer social media.

you want to get into boudoir or nudes? just pretend you're a guy who wants to empower women or pay local whores to pose for you.. i'm sure any minute now the IG sluts will be banging down your door.

any other field like automobile or architecture and you're just competing with autistic chinks and virgins who can wake up at 2AM to take photos of an old bridge or cart in a truckload of lights to take a photo of a shitty 70s car.

tldr; photography sucks, leave it to the wamans
Lets see yours
It doesnt matter how or with what you do it as long as you capture the moment.
Take pictures for you and your loved ones.
There is no such a thing as a "good picture" or a "bad picture".
Making moments worthy of a picture is more important than the picture itself.
It's fun as long as you don't take it seriously
It's funny to walk around and take pics of things you think look nice. Preserving memories is also pretty cool.

Honestly, not entirely wrong.

Small gnomes inside your camera paint whatever scene is presented to them. Aperture, shutter speed, ISO, lenses - it's all bullshit. You can't 'capture' light.

Now that you know this, hundreds of assassins from Sony, Fujifilm, Leica and co. are coming to your house. Sorry OP.
1% or less
Does downdogging work as well?

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