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Sons of the Living by Bryan Schutmaat

>Sons of the Living is a photobook about the land and people along the highways of America’s deserts. Photographed over the course of a decade in the American West’s arid and sweeping terrain, this work depicts a human capacity for endurance. Schutmaat offers an updated view of the “open road” that addresses a new era of uncertainty and anxiety. Amidst a backdrop of environmental decline, economic dispossession, and societal neglect, Sons of the Living draws attention to trouble on the road ahead and searches for our hope to withstand it.
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>Two thousand nine hundred ninety-nine other people have bought the book, and the first edition is sold out, with a second edition on its way to be printed. That is phenomenal for the market in 2024. Believe the hype.

Mediocre, /rpt/ tier

Is writing a blurb about climate change really the secret to a good photo
>Mediocre, /rpt/ tier
I would like to see those. And where are rpt's projects and photobooks? Any grandmother can take a single photo. That's ain't means shite. Make a full ass project and then wave dick.
>one boring photo of a rusty sign? amateur
>20 with a bridge and a few hobos? Slap a political blurb on and PROJECT
The MoMA and magnum have been a disaster for photography as an art form.
Handling a project and presenting a coherent vision in a photobook looks easy on paper but it is a big time pain in the ass. Try it. It's not easy.

>The MoMA and magnum
Wrong. Anonymous(and some well known) 19th century American western landscape photographers spawned this aesthetic. There FSA photographers during depression era took the lead.
very cool thanks for sharing
>about the land and people along the highways of America’s deserts.

How much money do you make on average for selling a photo book?
Trying to figure how much money this guy made.

Your book only has to capture a tiny percent of the market to make money, just got to find those little niche untapped markets and could make a nice little bit of money.
Also critical question, are any photo books shot on digital or it’s always film?

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