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Anyone ever submit to a FIAP Salon? I'm thinking about trying it. There's all sorts of old boomer photographers that submit to these things all around the world. There's seemingly multiple FIAP Salons to submit to each week? And it feels like a great way to waste a lot of money. Especially for those salons of very dubious quality from third world countries where the entry fees probably actually mean something there. Most of the photographers in their .PDF archive published each year have no internet presence whatsoever but the images can be pretty good from what I've found so far. It was actually a lot more fun than browsing Instagram or whatever. With how many salons there are it feels like endless content for casual enjoyment of browsing. But its really tacky when you find some boomer photographer where their name is like John Smith ERP AFAP DEEZ NU/t and their instagram is just a bunch of screenshots of certificate PDFs of fake accolades from trivial contests rather than actual photos? It feels like the old world of photography that us young whippersnappers aren't privy to... unless? Anyone here involved?

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