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Which camera manufacturer has the most aesthetically pleasing color science?
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Nikon because it starts out more nuetral than other brands color science.
Nikon leave you with a stubborn green or blue cast that's hard to get rid of. No idea why, and a simple color temp adjustment or color balance change either doesn't completely eliminate it, or screws up colors in another way. It's worse in video because even 10-bit log isn't as flexible as 14-bit stills RAW.
Canon and it is not even close.
Fuji > Nikon > Canon > Olympus > Panasonic > Sony
>Nikon over Canon... Nikon the brand known for green cast sewage
>Fuji not dead last; Memeji that is not even on the same planet as Panasonic let alone real manufacturers
Opinion goes straight in the trash. : )
This image is faked. Sony cameras have an AWB customization dialog like most. It seems she purposefully added a green tint. I have this camera and it does the opposite in AWB. In shade with foliage it goes +3 magenta.

This is absolute bullshit unless your raw processor is half baked shit or you’re using a crappy lens with a color cast

This also happens with poorfag gear on other brands
Sony fe 50mm f1.8 has a greenish cast
Sony 50mm f2.5 g is neutral
Many cheaper olympus lenses like the 45mm f1.8 have a greenish cast in some scenes
The nicer pro series primes are neutral
Many vintage lenses have a blue or cyan cast
In polls sony has the best color
In real life sony has the majority of market share for FF cameras only and loses to canon on the basis of not having quality entry level gear at all (seriously, the r50 feels and works like a fucking spaceship compared to every sony under $1300)
In real life sony nabbed a bunch of press contracts leaving canon with just getty right after the a7c/a7iv/a9ii/a1 were all out

And according to some retards on /p/ and *rumors comment sections (same people) these cameras are bad? After all the same panasonic shills that said the s5ii was killing the a7ivs sales and the g9ii made the a9s pointless found the one a7cii with a heavy green cast on earth. It must be true.
I am so fucking tired of seeing this face. you're actually going to make me touch grass
The only cameras i ever see are rangefinder style sony bodies, fuji x100s, and canon mini blobs like rebels or something (could be r100s tho)

If i see anything else its an older dude
she seems to be doing literally everything she can to make the sony side look worse and all the top comments on the video are all obvious ESLs. very suspicious.

you dont see green skin bitching anywhere else unless its the a7iii’s AWB or a lightroom user. very strange.
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holy cope
Yes, thats the one. The only person with this issue. Show the pajeets in the top comments.
1. Nikon
2. Sony
3. Canon

This is for modern mirrorless cameras. If we count DSLRs, then Canon had really good colors. Not so anymore though, unfortunately.

Don't know about the rest cause I haven't used any other brands.
Aw problem? Does it look a little too artificial with the jeet shills?

Nikon colors look too much like iphone colors. Dead last.
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Which pajeet did this crappy test with underexposed photos? You’re cropping out the sources logo for a clear reason.

Actually I think all the unsourced screengrab shitposting on /p/ is you. You alone. Some thirdie loser no doubt.
some white dude from vistek
>canadian camera store
So, pajeets had their hands in it regardless
>saars, iphone photo is brighter saars, nikon is dull and gray skin saars, by the apple product always my dudes, do the needful, smartphone is future, app is future, cloud is future. self storage and computer and dedicated camera is like farming now sirs. apple is like having grocery store. praise vishnu for this gifts!
he preferred the nikon colors in the video lol
>What the actual alien fuck
Even worse, poutine for brains
Kodak, duh.
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Quite so
I prefer Nikon's colors because they are the most neutral and I do very little correction to them, but Sony has better DR.
if you prefer skin tones that lean towards jaundice, sony wins I guess
Made up issue
Sony colors (the real ones without any shilling) are more filmlike, nikon colors remind me of primetime tv. If yellowstone is shot on all nikon gear i wouldnt be surprised. Same boring colors and rendering.
Nikon looks the most natural. Sony and iphone look like fake and unnatural.
Natural colors are saturation -25? You might need an eyesight check, or you’re viewing on a fucked up display with fake contrast

Sony colors look far better
Nikon and canon colors make alcoholics and pseudo-whites look paler and less unhealthy than they are in real life so theres some preference for them among latte skins and boomers

Yes sony is used by most fashion photographers that arent using MF at that moment, but they also shoot models that have good skin to begin with
Bullshit you pathetic excuse for a photographer. Not knowing how to develop your raws is embarrasing. Do you even shoot raw?
I do not know, I am not a nerd. But I like Nikon cameras most so I will say Nikon :)
Canon and then Nikon. Everything else is a meme.
Framing is not the same, their argument is invalid
>Color comparison
>compares composition
It's Canon, and you all know it's Canon. People buy Canon for the colours. They had right from the start, and the colours on all their cameras are the same, mirrorless too. Nikon does not and cannot do this, even the colours between the d8xx generations are wildly different with the d850 being the best but still no way near real life.

No way you actually believe this. I'm a Nikon shooter and even I would not be so deluded. The green cast is there on most Nikons, especially mirrorless ones.
What raw processor are you using jfc? Darktable? Shiteroom with adobes own profiles?

I have had 5 nikon cameras and there was no green cast on any of them. They were overly neutral and Zs are a bit cold. The only cameras that have ever been able to turn super shit LED-in-frosted-glass bar fixture light actual white.
I have had 3 sony cameras and no green cast either. All this green cast shit is starting to seem like everyone is using some awful presets or unironically shooting jpeg.

Also canon colors are gross, flat, and look like a video log gamma. Horrid reds. Fucked skies. Inaccurate skin tones that make the sickly look ok and the healthy and beautiful look sickly. Everything is too low contrast. I’d take a 2020+ sony over any canon for color except for a few of the clunky blobs. The EOS R series are not it, and I’m pretty sure 99% of their color was the lens coatings on EF because RF lenses worsen the gross sterility. Just like if you stick to A mount lenses on older snoys known for fucky color, the colors are suddenly very good.
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>nikon gree-
this post seems a bit like an ad

every single google result for this points to AWB and jpeg tards or lightroom issues with aps-c blobSLRs, and a retard saving in adobe rgb

since raw is now the standard (not one single camera renders raws to usable images as well as c1/phocus and we’re way past the point where raws were too slow to process and too space hungry for most computers) and white balance is essentially arbitrary this isnt an issue

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you are plain wrong and a liar to boot
based, film is the height of photography
>not one single camera renders raws to usable images as well as c1/phocus
I'm at the point where I'm ready to expand into something more robust than NXstudio for editing my photos, should I get LR or C1? from what I've gathered:
>NX gives you the best colors
>LR is easier for a beginner
>C1 + photoshop is industry standard for pros
Capture one without a doubt.

All lightroom has is aislop
Capture one is way faster for masking, color adjustments, and retouching

Lightroom has the plasticizer/ai denoiser and peter mckinnon presets, and a lot of lag
Assuming you had the right setting any FF released in the las 14years has enough data in the raw to make this question irrelevant. Its a skill issue related to color theory and software knowledge. And don't even bother to answer me, because if you disagree you just failed the skill check

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