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>BRB. just the biggest upgrade (cheat mode unlock) you can make to your photography skills.

Yet, it's ignored by noobs and seasoned hobbyists somehow.
Because even the average IBIS on the a7c allows you to consistently take sharp handheld 0.5-1s exposures with a 50mm if your technique is anything better than sloppy and you can manage not to sway back and forth while standing, and digital cameras have such enormous ISO ranges compared to film that the only people who still need tripods are using telescopes, shooting self portraits, or doing long exposure photography.
what is this exactly supposed to do if i wanna be quick about it?

bro forgot to turn off his projector
watch out ur bulb is gonna burn out
Let's see it.
Tripods and base iso go hand in hand. Something so satisfying about going into mirror up mode, setting a shutter delay to further minimize vibration, then taking the shot at tiny aperture low iso. So cash opening up the RAWs later and enjoying the massive depth of field, dynamic range, and color depth you get. High iso is and has always been a compromise.
Lately I've been thinking about trying to simulate ultra low ISOs with frame averaging and one of these. In fact with a crop sensor you could get full frame or MF-levels of noise (and sharpness in theory?). Might be useful for landscapes or high contrast shots like sunset.
fuck off grandpa
>you can just buy a 1000 dollar camera body so that you can maybe get a 1 second exposure instead of buying a tripod for 20 dollars where you can get as many seconds as you like.
>sharp handheld 1 second
The average person can easily do this with no ibis at 50mm, longer if you crouch or lean against something
20 dollar tripod is not holding your camera still.

Do you have an example?
OP post on /RPT/ is handheld, and its at 300mm, though I was crouched.

>20 dollar tripod is not holding your camera still.
Seeing as tripods become instantly valueless as soon as you buy them, you can easily get an ultra high end tripod for that price. They are absolutely everywhere.
Well, a tripod would have let you stop down to get more than 3mm of frog in focus for your selective color slop.
>w-w-well OKAY fine but its still bad
If it wanted to stop it down I would have, its a 300 f/2.8 and im going to shoot it wide open no matter what. I can hold a camera steady with no issues really. I thought being able to hold the camera was part of the basics but apparently not.
I guess it passes because it's 300mm.

>20 dollar tripod
If your camera is under 5lbs you may be able to get something okay, but an ultra high end carbon fiber tripod is definitely not 20 smackers.
NTA anon but I bought a tripod for what I think would be around 90 USD that would have been around 900 USD new. Im sure you could get a 300 dollar new one for like 20.
>im going to shoot it wide open no matter what
Well that's dumb... composition works on all 3 axes; DoF is part of the equation.
Yea but that close @ 300mm, even if I went f/8 there would still be heaps of blur. Might as well commit. If I wanted more DOF I would have just used another lens.
What's a good basic tripod under $70? My current $20 is no longer staying level.
Nice score. What kind you get?

Apparently you should just buy used. You should be able to get a used carbon fiber gitzo for that price.
Miller air fluid head with manfrotto 475b geared legs
To each his own... I don't like seeing the entire focal plane as a flat line like that. I have 105, 70-200, 300, and 400 f/2.8 on FF and stopping down to f/4 would make a huge difference with all of them.
Tripods and monopods have their uses but both are both shit for my needs. I may use one every 2 or 3 years and even then I usually end up handholding for my favourite shots.
I nearly never use my tripod any more except for night photography and long exposures. It's too annoying to carry on a trail, and sensors nowadays are good enough for handheld in 95% of situations.
Plus I've noticed that using a tripod, I get much less creative because I essentially stay in the same spot for longer to avoid doing the setup all over again. I also try more unusual angles without a tripod.
>everyone on /p/ is insisting they never use or need tripods
>everyone on /p/ most posts boring snapshits
Much to consider
I'd gladly pit my 50 favourite shots against yours.
PHOTO BATTLE! You guys could both do it. There's no images in this thread yet!!
>trip mogs anon
many such cases
It's more fun when trips fight ngl
I was going to disagree but then i realized the anon that mogged at least one trip was actually cANON!!5d

The worse trips post photos from another device to spare their content from their trips bans
>more well poisoning cope
Nobody is ever going to believe you post good photos, cANON. Make up as many dumb stories as you want nobody believes them. You're a snapshitter who is too cowardly to attach his name to his work lmao.
>muhh ban
>muhh secret good photos
>muhh mog
If you put this much effort into taking a photo maybe you'd have one you felt comfortable posting instead of being a bitchboy.
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Very true OP.
If anyone wants an affordable tripod rec, this is a pretty good substitute for the peak design travel tripod IMO: https://www.smallrig.com/SmallRig-Lightweight-Travel-Tripod-AP-01-3987.html

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I’m not cANON but you are clearly one of his mogging victims
He waves a rent free sign so gleefully. It is most amusing.
Link to his work then, let's see it.
lmao it's bad
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I've almost bought the AP-01 but changed it at the last minute for the AP-100.
It's been an okay tripod for the past year but I only shoot 35mm and don't want/need anything heavier in the future.
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I asked for this beefy thing for christmas. currently using some shitty magnus tripod that cost me like $50. picked up an L bracket and a geared head so just gotta hope my gf delivers

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which geared head?
Looks to be better than most tbqfwy.
You are cringe.
I have a tripod with a quick release or whatever, but what I really want is one that gives me some travel to move the camera forwards/backwards for macro
You are seethe.
>i'm totally a random anon sitting around defending the nophoto trip for no reason
>the very nophoto trip i bring up out of nowhere to spin positive stories about him: >>4391046
This would actually be even more pathetic than you being cANON

Check the mirror for pathetic, cutie pie. :)
It's someone trying to false flag me into looking pathetic
you already look pathetic lmao
Different canon, chudette.
Oben GH3W
as a landscape photographer, i enjoy taking my time and using my tripod to get the angles and composition just right
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absolutely needed 4 ND

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