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Why does everyone hate P&S cameras?
everyone loves these pieces of shit you dunce
describe who you mean by everyone and provide at minimum 5 verifiable examples of the claims you're making before i even consider taking you seriously.
Go in /fgt/ and say you love your film p&s and post it with a street photography shot. Bonus points if it is a contax p&s.

Personally I love them. You can bring them wherever and anyone can use one even if they know nothing about operating cameras.
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bought a GR1 specifically for a 2 1/2/ month long trip back in May and it's shutter just stopped working. oh well. at least it served its purpose. loved that lil camera like you wouldn't believe. I'm probably going to shell out the money for the repair.

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>film p&s and post it with a street photography
i think they're hating on the user because that honestly sounds like someone who gets all their inspiration from tiktok
that's nice, what film/dev?
HP5 that went thru multiple scanners
Rodinal that i've had for almost a decade.
Is this engagement bait?
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>pic rel
Poor image quality, crap shutters/lenses, junk automatic settings. Not that film is worth much but still is a waste of it.
piss and shit?
based paracetamol user
i just hate the stupid prices they are putting on these things for being "vintage"
For the eternal zoomer anything older than 10 years is vintage.
Lack of flexibility

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