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>sees someone overdosing on fentanyl
Why are street photographers like this?
wtf I love street snapshitters now
there's your answer
is a doggy dog world
How else will I remember my customers?
gotta let nature take its course, anon.
stop interfering with trash taking itself out.
Fuck off Ricky
It's a way for people to take a look at poorfags, like in a zoo, but without leaving the comfort of their home so it sells quite well. As a bonus the photographers can claim that they care about them.
because fent users go into the cringe compilation
Fent is a deliberate attempt by the Chinese Communist Party to disrupt American society and get people hooked on debilitating drugs because if you're tweaked out and slumped over on meth you can't fight back or enlist in the armed forces.

It wasn't working well enough so they released COVID too.
You would know all about communism wouldn't you, trucker. Watch out, the janny might issue you a warning for off-topic!
Hey, it worked when the Br*tish did it to them with opium. Why fix what ain't broke?
> Moscow
> fentanyl
more likely krokodil
>someone leaned over, drugged up, asleep or maybe mid reach
>wtf why are street photographers like this??
why do people come to 4chan.org/p to virtue signal about pictures they'd be too much of a pissbaby to take
>nooooo you gotta intervene and save a junkie's life NOW so that they'll just OD tomorrow
>where's your heckin empathy chungus 100???
>Fent is a deliberate attempt by the Chinese Communist Party to disrupt American society and get people hooked on debilitating drugs
Turn about is fair play.
Is this engagement bait?
Le ebil china is poisoning mericans and le ebil russians manipulated the elections oy vey.
So you’re saying we can start selling krokodil to china?
Did somebody else's photo on instagram really deserve its own thread here? What are you doing jannies?
Additionally, notice how almost the entire thread is completely off-topic, something the new janny seems to hate, yet the thread and all the replies haven't been deleted yet?
Oh yep, I happen to be something of a nooticer myself.

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