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Incels were right. Looks are everything. Look at Peter McKinnon, MFer has almost 6mil subs on YouTube and his photography is ass. He literally puts HDR filter on his photos, is a gaint gearfag and his subject are dudebro tier. Yet he is famous.

He looks handsome because he has nice skull, head full of hair, wears fashionable clothing tattoos, rides bikes and wears cool jewelry. Him being pretty is the main reason for his fame NOT his photography. This is a brutal blackpill hard to swallow.

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Trevor wisecup is an ugly gay faggot and he's popular

Just like you OP
He has low body fat, bony face, nice height and head full of hairs so he is not ugly. He would be 10x more famous if he looked like McKinnon doe

Only somebody with mental illness would think this. Dream a little bigger OP.

This is the instagram of an actual photographer whos actually making it. Notice their are zero photos of him, for an actual proper photographer, its about their work.
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>Brutal Blackpill
>Incels were right
Yeah! Beautiful humans are liked. What a surprise!
At the end of the day, sick landwhales, hunchbacks, nerds, and those fat bulldogs look like shit.
My wife loves me because I'm a funny, clever IT guy, but deep down, she knows she'd fuck the 6'4 delivery guy any day of the week if she could.
Biology is a nasty thing, right?
Now you can keep complaining or get a nice haircut, buy some nice clothes and go to the fucking gym.
>making it
>zero photos of him
Because he shares handsome models, retard.
OP is right: looks are everything.

You have to admit, its beautifully shot. And his consistency is incredible, every shoot is to the same high standard.
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I was brutally blackpilled even before I knew about blackpill. In my teenage years I got selected for a group exhibition. My photography was bad but in comparison to whole group it was decent.

To my surprise when I went there nobody gave a fuck about photography. Nobody interacted with me. Maybe because I was from a village, maybe because I had no vagina, maybe because I was not a chad, maybe because I wasn't from a rich family, maybe because I was autistic and not a normalfag.

All of those city slickers(most of them were well endowed) with big egos drifted and talked so smoothly with each other and formed groups. Some of them knew each other before the exhibition. There were few women(utterly terrible photographers) and every one was trying to score those holes. It dawned on me that those people were there for a "nice weekend hangout" and NOT for photography. I felt like shit, anxious and broken. They went for dinner and I incel walked back to nearest bus station.

Looks, health, money, planned upbringing, education from prestigious unis etc. mogs the just 10,000 more hours bro any day.

Should have become a farmer like my grandfather.
>Beautiful humans
>posts a heroine manlet
these are the most boringly lit photos I've ever seen
everything is sterile as fuck, every single photo looks like a still from a porno at the dentist
he's good at framing and directing models for sure
but he's not even close to being a good photographer, or else he would know how to use light properly to convey what he wants
there's no eroticism or sensuality in any of those

that being said, >>4391447 that's a lot of words to say you find this faggot attractive
his photos are boomer tier garbage but guess what: boomer tier garbage is what a lot of people want
showing 1 mediocre looking white guy to prove your retarded point means nothing
if you wanna be serious about it, look up at least 50 of the most prominent photographers nowadays and see how many of them are actually "pretty"
You'll find out it has way more to do with their Wikipedia's "early life" section rather than looks
Like that faggot Eggleston who had 1 decent shot every 5000 he took: it's always been this way
Having a rich and influential family gets you further in art than any pretty face ever could any day of the week
>My photography was bad but in comparison to whole group it was decent.
Nah. That's your cope. Most people grow out of that delusion by 18 or so...
if you do any hobby to get laid you're retarded.
I didn't even mention women. But yes most curators in galleries are women. A chad photographer will make their panties wet and will get the exhibitions while I'll stutter and spill the spaghetti and incel walk back home empty handed and teary eyed.
I got a lot more work when I wasn't ugly and fat so OP's pill tracks.
This guy is not good looking, he has a weak jaw hidden by a beard, ugly incel hair, and hes probably short. You have no idea what you're talking about fakecel.

Massive reach. He's a sunken eyed weirdo. If that's the standard for good looking, then what you have here is not a blackpill.
Fuck off, faggot. Discuss photography, not your personality problems. No one gives a fuck that you're assblasted autist. Go to gym and therapy.
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I haven't seen this post ever. It's very true and accurately describes current state of this board.
t. good looking well adjusted normalfaggots who probably have photography careers with stable incomes, are married and have friends
I already told you to go to therapy and hit the gym. Being well-adjusted and achieving stuff in life is a skill, not something you were born with. If you can't even get a few people to like you, there's a problem with you that you need to fix. And it is fixable, even if your start was absolutely shit. Trust me, I come from a dysfunctional family and absolute poverty.
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>isn't discussing photography
>is also an assblasted autist
As a final checkmate I shall now briefly talk about how getting into any hobby for anything other than self-satisfaction, fullfillment, and enjoyment is a common faggot fallicy, also known as a faggicy.
It is entirely possible to do photography just because you enjoy it, and no, you don't need to hit it big on instafag or do it as a job to enjoy it.
not everyone on this website stays indoors and has trouble socializing.
Normies arent real, you're just autistic

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