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I cant get rid of it, nobody wants it.
I guess i will have to be fe2fucker forever T_T

What are some of your unsellable gear?
What cant you get rid of?

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>Nobody wants to buy my FE2
processing is pricing hipsters out of the market

D4/70-200 2.8 VR2 combo
D800/15-30 2.8 Tamron
F3/50 1.2
Full RB outfit w/4 lenses
Leica IIIb
Full Russian KMZ M39 kit
You're selling the leica? I thought we were gonna be leitz bff's 4eva
is this engagement bait?
I don't know why you are such a fag I visit this board every 3 months and yet you are always there posting some random car racing pictures and commenting everywhere. Just shut the fuck up retard you are lying for some (you)s and post stupidly random pictures, stop wasting my bandwidth

I can't sell it. It went to Ireland with me and I've got most of the Leitz lenses from the period, all I'm missing is the 28 and 35
Oh like that, Im glad ur not getting rid of it.

all /p/ tripfags are like this unfortunately, underdeveloped socially so this is the only place they have to "interact" with the world while consuming copious amounts of photography for their autism. Also why is the 4chan make you jump through hoops just to make a single post now?
I LOVE when u guys make up these wild headcanons about us.
Almost anything Minolta.
I swear, by the way they're written its the same guy almost everytime. Someone with a very unfortunately small penis.
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That 15-30mm better be the G2

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The good trips all left because they realised they were better than /p/
There are no good trips.
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It's because of the Tampon in front of it.
Put some 50 1.8 ai on it, try to ebay it against and report back.
Oh look a trip/namefag circlejerk thread
Literally just start ebay auctions priced 30% under the cheapest buy it now and accept that shitty nikon blobs are constantly losing value?

Dont be that guy who thinks his thinkpad is still worth $1600 when the going price is trending towards $60
If I buy it from you will I become fe2fucker? Will you be freed from the curse of being a namefag in turn?
>can't rid of it
Lower your price then retard
yes, but it will immediately be replaced with a name based on my leica ownership which is so much worse

M8Mate.. Imagine..

no, 350 for a near mint working unit with 2 lenses, a flash, OG strap and manual is fair.
350?!?! USD? You've gotta be fucking kidding no wonder it's not selling.
>starts a thread to stealth promote his ebay listing

It's not, what's so special about the G2? I love my G1 shits dope and its super sharp, the stabilizer is very good, corners are sharp. Is there some huge upgrade I'm missing out on?
>its a fair price y no1 bai?
Because it’s not a fair price

You’re sitting on a grungy $100 meme camera, negligible accessories (strap out of packaging=$10 tops), a shitty ancient flash, and a couple of $50 lenses that no one wants. And selling it as a bundle so whoever buys it has to resell the shit they dont want and take the 13% ebay loss. You are worse at business than you are at photography and you’re so bad at photography you’ve devolved into being a self deprecating clown on 4chan.
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>The free market will correct itself
Since ebay doesnt have a gubbermint putting their hands all over prices and shit, you are only able to sell something for what someone will pay for it.
I saw some nice EF L lenses sit at $1k and have remained there for months. You might see that and go, "oh look they're worth $1000, I'm going to list mine as $990". But that's mornic, since you're only seeing the ones that aren't selling.
The second someone put one up for $600 it was gone within an hour. That's what someone was willing to buy it for. Maybe a little bit more, but listing them as $1000 then offering $100 off, then going "oh fuck woe is me, why won't my shit sell" is retard behaviour.

BASICALLY, if your thing isn't selling you sell it for less. If you don't know how much less, you auction it and set the base price as something you'd be willing to part with it for.

Feetfucker needs to put it up for auction at half of whatever he's listed it for. But he won't becasue
>I know what I've got. No lowballers. I want 80% of what I paid for it at LEAST.
When in reality, if you wanted it gone it would be gone in hours.
>you're only seeing the ones that aren't selling
Anon, you can filter for sold listing's. I agree though, he's not getting 500usd for it.

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Feel free to ignore the suckers who fell for japanese scam listings

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I thought he said $500 for some reason, he might get $350 depending on if the other lens is actually good but it probably isn't if the tampon is the one he shows. It helps if you can include test shots and this retard probably has 20 metres worth of building corners on negatives instead of just saying "worked last time it was used"
If the other lens is worth $250
But not as a bundle because the intersection of people who want both is slim
Lens pictured aint the one im sellin, idk what made you think that since i never said picrel :A)
kys retard this thread is a bait idk why you are still not banned
>Lens pictured aint the one im sellin, idk what made you think that since i never said picrel :A)
Well one would assume... if of course this wasn't just engagement bait o.0
So rude of you to assume so lowly of me! Just because you couldn't think outside the box, but then again the only person to properly engage with the thread so far has been Sugar. Feels like there are a looot of bad faith actors here.
do you have an eBay link ?
>get banned for bants within existing photo thread
>start thread to sell your ebay shit, it stays up
Nu /p/, everybody.
Sad, many such cases.

350 is hipster tax prices.

That is a 100 dollar camera at best assuming all the seals have been done, the Tamron lens might be 50 it's an SP those are p good. whats the other lens?
>350 is hipster tax prices.
I know, that's the point.

I looked everywhere on Fakebook Marketplace and CL and ebay and don't see it for sale, that's why you haven't moved it.
>Hasn't offered to buy it once
so rude..
then shut the fuck up retard what is even this thread
Lmfao, its jover for tripfags

I don't know,, tell me about the kit maybe we can trade or sum'n
that would be cool but i was just being silly, I need the hipsters money for other things
You have to make the potential buyer want it. Photograph it outside in direct sunlight, make the shiznit pop.
t.established camerascamsman.
would only pay 50 bucks for it
not even if i rub my cock all over it and poke a hole through the shutter?
I've got a mint condition F2 I just wanted to buy to see what it was like. It's amazing. It's also completely useless to me bc the only film shooting I do is on a blad that's no bigger than this giant beast and well, med format so


It sits on my desk. It is incredibly beautiful machine. Maybe the prettiest 35mm Ive ever seen. All metal. The shutter snaps shut with a recoil that reminds me of sex and makes me itty bitty pp stand at attention.
theres those two girls, that have that lab that's nice and good and not so spensive at all.

filmdeveloping dot c o (no m)
>processing is pricing hipsters out of the market
last time i checked rodinol is still dirty cheap
>doing anything but the bare minimum

why do you think every high end full auto exposure lever wind camera has exploded in price while their cheaper manual counterparts and 90's plastic slrs are still dirt cheap? its a cool fad for most people

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