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File: IMG_5924.jpg (83 KB, 550x686)
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I’ll start, I love sports photography and There and Back by Jimmy Chin is something I can recommend if you like that kind of photos.

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/p/ photobook

Edward Weston Omnibus
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these are what i have, plus a periodical book/zine from photoworks of sf.
all pictured are long term projects of the photographers' travels, spanning years
apiary is a documentation of a specific instance of a yearly ritual, shot on mf bw

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>book has american in the title
>book is by an american
>book is about le american life
Shan't be reading
based. neither
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Based. I've made one exception as it pertains my people. It's kinda glossed over though, doesn't really show the kind of conditions which lead to a lot of the emigrants leaving North America for the Soviet Union (where they were executed and dumped in sand pits after getting their farms and villages off to a good start). The Japanese architecture book had an enclosed letter for its original owner signed by Yoshinobu Ashihara. It only mentions the first name of the recipient so I haven't been able to find out more. I'm only a rock and leaf man, after all.

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Any recs for good photobooks from Suomi?
I don't know anything about that place
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For current year I cannot say. I just hoard old books, most of the sceneries in them are long gone through the abandonment of rural life and old industrial centers, and I just want to see how things used to look. I don't associate with other photofags so I don't know what other rock and leaf enjoyers are doing. Maybe someone is making landscape books, but as far as I know nobody these days gives a shit about you unless you shoot animals or some ultra gimmicky stuff like macros of snowflakes.

Pic is the letter from the architecture book in case anyone cares. I just picked it up from an old junk store for 5€.

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Image Created2024:12:15 11:29:19
no one gives a shit about what you are not reading
post a photo book or shut up
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spread out of yelena yemchuk's odesa. good book if you like slightly ethnographic portraiture-street, environmental, and traditional

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see >>4392427, >>4391891
Seething. No one gives a fuck about American or American "artists" that are just propped up by their ethnicity
where the fuck do i even buy photobooks?

>im tired of /pol/,/v/ and /a/ let me go try out another hobby that requires me to do something different but behave the same exact way
>what the fuck why does everyone hate me i just want to take hecking photos

go back to whence ye came retarded no-life.
I have this Sally Mann that I like. The Ishimoto is a gift and is ok (I only enjoy 30% of its content). I also have a big magnum one
>snapshit: who let a teenager hold that camera?
>snapshit, poor slavs: WOW, SO HUMAN, SO COMPELLING
>with cigarette smoking: *bursts into nintendo switches*
That's a fucking dogshit image
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This is my favorite photo book :)
Where do I get lewd "photobooks" from?
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i got two via ebay, one in a bookstore, and one in the leica store

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I thought these were figurines at first. This is amazing.
Can anyone help me find a photo book from some Nordic bar owner that died, and they found the photos he took over his life? It was in a foreign language.
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There is a few doll photographers photobooks that I would like but yes these are not dolls :)
Not sure sorry, I have seen them on buyee but I don't know enough to rec
what do you mean, bruv?
>captura de tela
de done eres parcero

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