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I’m going to go pick up my film scans today from the camera store.
Is there a better feeling in photography?
Yeah not having your amazing film turned into an 8 bit CCD digishit picture by a film scanner.

You have never seen film grain. You do not know what it looks like. You’ve only seen digital noise and sharpening halos.

Scanning completely defeats the purpose of shooting film and transforms your $1000s in portra, ektar, ultramax, and e100 into lightroom presets slapped on a $75 nikon d200.
Getting a perfect photo w/ SOOC jpeg, beaming it to your phone w/ wifi/bluetooth and posting online.
A feat rarely achieved unless in black and white+jpeg S due to digitals gross inferiority to film and japans inability to catch cameras up with phones processing power and… basic QOL (worse screens than $100 phones, wut auto brightness, multi white balance is still black magic so film handles odd and mixed light better, unstable and convoluted phone integration mostly thanks to apple being faggots about USB mass storage and jeetdroid fragmentation)

Maybe in 2060 a grand total of 5 cameras will be slick and usable in HEIF and skip the phones with their own 5g radio and an overpriced shitty brand specific servicd. But you’ll shoot raw anyways for the noise reduction and manual moire removal, as they will still be using today’s sensors. And because of the brand specific service.
When you walk out of the darkroom with the first print of a new negative and see how nice it looks.
what is with the demoralizing faggots lately
>lab scans are an insult to the medium
You better be with how much those putzes charge to turn a medium that outperforms most digital cameras into a 3000x2000 blown out joke
even high end dedicated scanners (ie: flextight) suck balls compared to what you can get in the darkroom or with a proper camera scan

im surprised some wanker hasnt started doing lab scans on a cheapo pentax with pixel shift yet
But why? Shouldn't an actual scanner be better than taking a picture of a picture? Unless scanner manufacturers are just making crappy stuff due to less competition
It depends on film type and format, but it doesn't really matter because film needs to be printed/projected at the end of the day.
>a feat rarely achieved
True, I cheat and after uploading to my iPhone hit auto in the Photos app. Always turn off saturation and vibrance though.
>unstable and convoluted phone integration
Wut lol, the other day I just plugged my Olympus E-410 in using a lightning to usb adapter and it just werked^tm. Even opened up the RAW in the Photos app and edited it. Too bad Apple Photos noise reduction is kinda ass.
Actual scanners were the better option a long time ago. They did all the inversion, had all the color profiles set up, were usually cheaper, and you did not get a macbook with a 2tb ssd and a copy of capture one/lr+nlp in the 2000s. Only a few turbo autists were stitching with their 8mp cameras to scan film.
You need to do your own prints . Otherwise there's no point in film photography
>muh scans
(You) are a joke
Scanner tech is 20+ years old. That's 20+ year old digital imaging tech.

Of course using a modern digital camera with sharp macro glass will be better. No stitching even required.
Developing your negatives, see them drying before you, and to hear the compliments of your friends (when you give them prints)
show us your photographic prints, go on, be the better man
the expression is "be the bigger man" you non-native English speaker
>you can't say food tastes like shit if you aren't a chef!!!!
>y-you jjust CANT, OKAYYYYYYYy!!!!!!!!!
dimwit takes from the dimwit board on this website as usual.
Only if you use a pakon, you cum sucking faggot
is this engagement bait?
not a argument
better a dimwit than a midwit amirite?
Is this engagement bait?
>Is there a better feeling in photography?
developing it yourself
what the fuck are you even doing that your camera scans have visible digital noise, scanning them handheld with auto ISO?
the nikon coolscan 8000/9000s have some of the best macro lenses ever made
>then just mount on camera & scan at pixel shift min ISO
honestly a good idea, I may do that eventually
for now I'm happy with my 9000
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based photo poster
wish more people would just post example photos instead of paragraphs of the same talking points back and forth
is this engagement bait?
no one claimed it was an argument retard, your foreigner is showing
Nice pic
>said the foreigner
Who are you quoting?
im meme arrowing
what you don't know about meme arrows?
>being this much of a newfag
cringe offtopic namefag
he's not a newfag but many no life boards like /jp/ or /a/ use that as a response to end an argument.
it's one of those being insufferable as possible types of argument enders.
prime example.

As much as i dislike fe2fucker i can at least admit he's a better photographer and more creative than me with this but larping this hard is sad
i think the statement warranted the response

larping as what exactly?
if he's a better photographer than you I'd hate to see your photos lol
lurk more
no u
>larping as what exactly?

i didnt mean you
i mean this fag>>4392251
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oh lol

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ok namefag simp maybe take 2 seconds to read before responding next time kek
>i can out /b/ you
keep trying
you'll get there eventually
who are you quoting??
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kindly keep /b/ tier posts on /b/ tyvm
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>Is there a better feeling in photography?
Yes, going to the exhibition of your favorite photographer
Completing a project
Making a photobook dummy
Talking about photobooks/photo history with your friends
Finding a rare photobook for dirt cheap
Nailing a composition after 60 tries
Your project idea making sense with all of its problems solved
When a photo works because you're at the right place on the right time
When rain wash away the haze and light is heavenly
When a stranger ask you to take their photo
Getting sucked off by art hoe in the bathroom of the gallery in which your work in on display
Watching your enemies drowned in jealousy after looking at your work
Surpassing most boomers in your creative output and making them seethe

>I’m going to go pick up my film scans today from the camera store.
Congrats you're an ideal consoomer. Might as well change le film photography with funko pops.
You have never done any of this and just typed out everything you thought sounded like success, but its actually selling out and pretentious nonsense
>but its actually selling out and pretentious nonsense
Weird way to say that your art suck balls. If you're good and then you'll get publish. Try harder and stop projecting. Maybe buy few more rolls of films to cope like good little consoomer.
i know the people taping bananas to walls look successful but the success part was arranged before they were born or right after they turned 13

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