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Do you honestly care about anyone else's photography, other than your own?
Post some photos and I'll let you know if I care or not.
Not unless they really resonate with me, which for me is pretty much only Greg Girard. I definitely don't care about any of these balding failures.
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I care in the sense that I enjoy seeing nice photos regardless of who took them, and having friends who you share a passion/hobby with. But there's a general over saturation of it (mostly derivative stuff) that the internet and social media has caused. It's not particular to photos, it's just every kind of hobby or interested has turned into this if you look anywhere online.

On the other hand I sure as shit don't care about "content creators" who make 10+ minute videos (gotta' get over that 10min mark) about nothing, just to keep pushing releases and engagement to keep riding the algorithm wave.
Add some lofi hiphop beats in the background, hold your Røde wireless lapel mic in your hand and not use it on your shirt (like it's fucking made to)
Frame the camera too close to your face. Jump cut. Act like you're sharing some crazy secret that's really common knowledge and takes up 30 seconds of a 10+ minute video.
Lower the contrast like crazy to get a totally flat image and colour grade the absolute shit out of it. No image depth and instagram filter colour grading is totally cinematic guys!
I'm so tired of social media.
So I can steal ideas
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I don't seek out other photography much anymore. Every now and then I'll open one of my photo books or cruise some portfolio sites.

Taking photos is just something I enjoy doing. Looking at other photography doesn't have much affect on me taking photos, one way or another.
i barely care about my own lmao
I wish someone could answer me for once.
I don’t like other photographers and most people don’t. Painters doubt they are even artists. Cinematographers think they are just idiots with trust funds. Non-photographers usually get some interesting shots.
Non-photographers generally take better photos than photographers these days

Reason? No exposure to magnum, new topographics, NY street, pretentious hacks like alec soth, etc. don’t pollute your mind with garbage and behold it flourishes. but once you’re contaminated its too late. It’s like trying to write good music after binging a bunch of rap.
>Do you honestly care about anyone else's photography, other than your own?

I browse Flickr and Tumblr every single day and own dozens of photography books, so I'm going to say yes, yes I do.
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I care about other peoples photography, I do not care about other peoples clickbait though.
i didnt even know you could buy other peoples photo books until i started using /p/
so no not really and even then i dont even know where to buy photo books of other peoples works
have any good original photographer accounts to follow on tumblr?
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I care about my photography. I don't expect others to care, I do it because I like to. If other people wanna see what I'm doing, that's cool, but how could I be so self-centred to just expect it? The skill ceiling is so low in photography that most people don't really value it. Even the best, most perfect and interesting photo entertains the average layperson for like 0.3 of a second.
is this engagement bait?
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I care about my brother's photography because he's my buddy, but otherwise no.

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