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What do anons prefer? The swabs or the blower? I keep seeing varying shit on forums about blowers introducing more dust, but manufacturers seem to always recommend the blower and tilting the camera upside down.

It makes more sense to me to avoid physical contact with the sensor and the blower seems safest.

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Don't get it dirty, also >>4391933
Blower most of the time, since it's often enough. Otherwise swab.

>It makes more sense to me to avoid physical contact with the sensor
It's covered with thin glass. You're not literally touching the sensor surface.
Thanks, my bad.

Thanks man, I'll go with the blower first. The thing I'm surprised by is that the camera has to stay on for the sensor to be locked in place, I thought it being on would attract dust (or so some people claim).
Try rinsing with salt water.
>the camera has to stay on for the sensor to be locked in place
That depends on the camera, but yeah it's a small annoyance with some of them.
I'm cool with it staying on to lock the IBIS in place, but it still sounds really odd to leave it on while I'm working on it, considering the stories about static electricity and the camera being on attracting dust.
>It makes more sense to me to avoid physical contact with the sensor
You're not touching the photosites themselves, there are protective glass elements
You will need both eventually. Don't be afraid of swabs. It's hard to fuckup.

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