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File: xdcskvd6pe7e1.jpg (146 KB, 834x1280)
146 KB
146 KB JPG
>stumbles upon Pulitzer Prize level le-social-commentary photo opportunity
>portrait mode
>abhorrent composition

fucking normies man
History remembers whoevers photo is nicest

Wherever you are make sure you have something that is not a phone
That's a whatsapp picture
That's the entire purpose of it
To share "funi thang" with friends
Looks like it was taken with an mft camera.
t. foolframer
you're just sour you didnt take it

also is this engagement bait?
>t. Seething micro fool turder
Who are you quoting?
A seething newfag.
I'm not the one incorrectly using green text for a t.
Here's a correct example so you don't keep making the same retarded mistake
>hurr I suck dick every day I'm a regular cumbrained faggot
t. (You)
>t. Super seething newfag
t. newfag that has revealed himself
>no u

Thank you, I'm here all week

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