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I bought a ZV-E10 mk1 a couple weeks ago and I'm still in the return window. It suits all my needs except it doesn't have a viewfinder. For the same price, can I get something that does video and autofocus as well, but has a viewfinder?

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Well it's pretty much an A6100 minus the viewfinder and plus a headphone port, faster USB, and the fully articulated screen. I imagine the A6400 and A6600 will perform the same, the latter giving you that headphone port and better battery life. An A6700 will get you the faster USB, headphone jack, articulated screen, better battery life, and even better video and AF. I'll let you research the prices.
yeah, I think the A6600 and A6700 are the only cameras Sony has that I would feel are a good trade. The 6100 doesn't do video as well iirc, and the 6400 is out of budget and not enough of an upgrade for me to switch.

I'm open to other manufacturers, is there a lumix that might be 'the same but with a viewfinder'?
gh7/g9ii/s5ii if you want decent AF
this seems to be a decent option but you'd still be settling for 3rd-rate AF (Sony, Canon, Nikon in that order). That being said it seems to have much improved AF compared to Nikon's previous mirrorless offerings.
Dude, it's not going to be worse than a last-gen Snoy, AND you're looking at crop sensors which anyway hurts AF performance.

The good thing with Nikon is the glass (both af performance and IQ).
Lumix af is not in the same league as sony and mft iq is so crap 4k looks halfway to 1080p lol
that's why I said
>1st rate
which is what I called sony's af
Notice I did not called it second or third rate either.

>mft 4k is crap
Simply not true but who cares/wants to pay more for a smaller sensor in a bigger body lmao
Where the fuck do you live that an a6400 is out of budget? I think your main mistake is buying snoy new. People buy Sony because their cameras are the cheapest on the used market and you have more lens choices.

Where I'm at second hand shops all seem packed with them+the crappy kit lens. Usually $400 and raggedy ones going for $300-350. I imagine all the actual crop shooters upgraded to the newer models with ibis and the rest are all trade ins from boomers that used them a few times and decided they didn't like photography.
Essactly why I think camera makers should stop making those fucking crop sensor models. You’re paying an assload of cashola for a mid range camera, but you still have to fork out another fucktruck load for the lenses. Wow great, I I can buy a premium apsc body & 2 premium lenses for $4000. Great, for $4000 I get iPhone-quality images, none of my focal lengths are right, and I feel like a sucker and I hate having been sold this weaksause bullshit. Meanwhile the camera corp had to invest design, engineering, production, distribution, & marketing time & money away from their proper fool frame cameras that actually make sense to buy in order to produce these. They should drop the stupid apsc racket altogether, and just make a high res 45mp sensor, a low res 36mp sensor, a fast full-featured model & a slower lightly-featured model of ea.

+ a med-featured, 36mp retro styled, super compact built around a few pancakes.

+ a 45mp amphibious video-centric model w/14, 35, & 80mm lenses.

And if you have to make your bodies in China bc Japanese ppl are too old, fine, but at least make your fucking lenses in Japan or Europe.
You forgot a gimble as the a6400 lacks ibis

Honestly for the extra investment needed to bring a crop up to scratch to FF you might as well just buy a FF camera. Which is only going to be 1k
Viewfinders are overrated my negro.
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michigan. It's as much as the zve10 *without* a lens. I really prefer the articulated screen though so I can put a fan+ac adapter on and do 4-6 hour consecutive video sessions of drawing/painting.

lol I wish, I'm 33

I prefer to shoot manual and after one week with the zve10 it's absolutely maddening using the screen to focus. I'm considering spending the extra $800 on the a6700.

this though is making me hesitate and maybe I just use the zve10 for 6 months, sell it and buy a full frame. I've held an a6700 though and I really would not like a larger device than that.

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