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File: art.png (1.05 MB, 1261x1439)
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After a few month hiatus from photography, I have had some inspiration and for the first time I am going out with purpose and vision. I have a rough idea of what kinds of compositions I am looking for and it's been a completely different experience from my aimless walkabouts. Now I feel like I'm trying to bring something into reality, I'm trying to share something with people that can't be communicated strictly with words and producing things that are meaningful to me instead of just pleasant images.

>inb4 show us
No. They aren't even close to being ready, let alone a coherent set.

Aside from that I also have noticed a decline in gearfagging. I got the gear required to produce the images I want and now I don't feel compelled to buy anything else. I also noticed a decrease in photo fomo, I no longer feel regret or anxiety about not being out all the time and I no longer feel like I'm looking for validation
This blog sucks.
How do I unsubscribe?
Extremely based

Also read the chapter on Subject in the book "On Being a Photographer"
That's right OP! You show 'em! Make photos don't take photos! Yeah!
keep walking the righteous path anon and don't let haters get you down
Well done, OP!
A pro friend once told me he shot *everything* on a z7 with the 24-70 f4S, and his images were gorgeous.

Keep following your artistic vision!

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