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File: 1420340826.jpg (3.21 MB, 2761x2761)
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It's essentially a copy of the PhotoPlug that doesn't cost €35, it plugs into your phone's 3.5mm jack and masquerades as a microphone while using an app called Shutter-Speed. I'll show you how to make it for less than $10:

What you'll need:
BPX38: https://a.aliexpress.com/_ooNVS3N
3.5mm male 4-pole (TRRS): https://a.aliexpress.com/_okCBOkR
4.7k ohm resistor: https://a.aliexpress.com/_oCb7WGP

Step 1: Take the 3.5mm plug and bridge the sleeve (mic) and ring (ground) next to it with your 4.7k resistor.
Step 2: Your phototransistor has an emitter, base, and collector lead. Snip off the base.
Step 3: Solder the BPX38 in parallel to the resistor. Make sure the emitter is connected to the ring, and that the collector is connected to the sleeve.
Step 4: Cut off the cable strain reliever and screw the plastic cover back on.

There ya go, enjoy not having to worry about exposure guesswork with your mechanical film cameras anymore.

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Picrel circuit diagram:

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Do not click those virus links
Fuck you, I even provided the part names. Merry Christmas.
Based as fuck, mite build this.
based beyond belief
>it plugs into your phone's 3.5mm jack
wow so you took anon's advice and followed through gj ig
Get an old phone for legacy use or just plug it into your pc and record with audacity
I am anon from the cross-thread. Just wanted to make a new one as a PSA.
send your virus to someone else nerd
>Doesn't have an airgapped VM to use for testing shady shit in
ngmi fag
Why so salty, did someone deposit their viral load into your mother?
do ypu know what 1h of labor costs?
this is the same lie (((economists))) use to tell us that cooking actually costs more than eating out and you better stimulate the economy goy

do you spend every waking hour at work? according to (((economists))) you should never live for free!
That's neat.
I just removed back of the film camera, pointed a digital camera at it and did a long exposure on digital + tested ss on the film cam and compare that to tested ss on digital + open shutter on film.
But it's definitely not as accurate.
You must remain at your designated place of employment for x amount of hours in order to pay for y product/service. The geedeepee demands it! This>>4395084 is the kind of tripplevaxxed normie herd animal that has never changed a light bulb or a tap washer because it's best left to the professionals.
Nice rare effort post, for once OP no homo. I'm going to give this a go. Would have been nice to see the between steps and labelling the pins on the BPX38 and the audio plug but the data sheet is easy to find and you could check the plug side for continuity.
this is awesome, I've been meaning to do some projects lately and I might give it a shot soon. thanks OP
Thanks for not insulting me, I hope the step-by-step tutorial isn't too enigmatic. Reason why I didn't post pics of the innards was because I ordered some absolutely massive resistors, so the wiring is very condensed.

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