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File: slid.jpg (1.06 MB, 1916x1188)
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1.06 MB JPG
Why is slide film the literal definition of soul? Why was it allowed to die? Who benefits with this?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeXiaomi
Camera ModelRedmi Note 9 Pro
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.4
Sensing MethodNot Defined
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)23 mm
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Image Width2592
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Image Created2024:12:26 14:53:14
Exposure Time1/50 sec
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Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
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Image Width1916
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You use soul to refer to the phenomenon of false nostalgia

Because your culture is emotionally void and confused and simultaneously obsessed with novelty and authenticity you never realized it was trite nostalgia and your snoy snapshits will elicit the same nonsense in the corporate slaves of the future, even if they’re the equivalent of test shots to make sure the first frame wound on right
Opinion discarded.
People didn't want to pull up a projector to show their vacation snapshits any more, simple as.
literally all it is

soul with a v is internet kid for nostalgic but missing the more acute connotations and instead mis-associated with alt right VHS effect nonsense
>sub 100 iq people when they see something old and absolute dogshit

>sub 50 iq when they see something old and absolute SOVL.

Literally still just an emotionally stunted take on nostalgia. You’ve reduced nostalgia to fucking tribalism.
>t. Sovllet.

i kek'd
>ITT: people who never held a 4x5 slide on a light table
looks like something that edgy chatGPT would spit out
after i photographed the atacama desert i went to pick up the developed velvias, put them on the light table, and i literally shat my pants right there. you never see that BLUE sky anywhere but live and in those slides, nothing comes close, ive seen plenty work on the subject nothing does it justice except velvia 50.
forgot to mention, pics were done on a Pentax 6X7
You want to see his pictures. LOL
Buy a better laptop or a nice monitor. Apple studio displays and some thinkpad 4k HDR 13-15.6 panels can actually show you what a full frame+ camera captures and faithfully display velvia’s colors.

Most computer screens can not. When you see people arguing over IQ and they seem very determined, its probably an apple user arguing against someone who views their photos on a vastly inferior panel and literally can not see the problem because its resampled to 2mp and 80% of SRGB instead of 8mp+ and 100% of aRGB or more
pixel peeping has totally different meanings too. for a long time every computer displayed images the same. then apple pushed retina displays, and the rest of the industry refused to get the message that ppi=quality except for phones. humans can distinguish ppi differences up to 600 or so but good look telling the tech industry. to someone who has 4k on 15”, photos are very close to a standard 300dpi print and pixel peeping means 200%+ zoom and 100% 24mp is just a few inches bigger than screen size, to most people who have 4k on a 32” gayming monitor, 100% is a truly pixel peeping experience.
This thread isn't about IQ, it's about SOVL.
You can't have SOVL in disembodied pictures, on a screen, or if you can infinitely duplicate the image.
SOVL is only present in one-of-a-kind objects.
>or if you can infinitely duplicate the image.
this. some tards obvs didnt read fucking basics like benjamin, and pretend to discuss media LOL
>he thinks slides have never been duplicated, replicated, or printed in any media

Spirituality applied to the material is a disease.
But that is the only application for spirituality. Otherwise you’re talking about an imagination with no one to imagine it or anything to be imagined in it. Attributing qualities of value to physical things other than themselves and considering those values in decision making are a species first pangs of sentience, the bare minimum step up for life more intelligent than a dirt eater, and one this mostly stupid species of filthy apes is still stumbling over. Other things can have qualitative value without being equated to gods, despite powerless humans obsessive desire for supernatural & superpowerful human-like gods.

A slides ability to freeze and preserve light in a scene into a physical, tactile medium as it appeared striking the emulsion layer in that instant, creates a unique artifact. At any point, as any new light is allowed to pass through it, the image continues through the slide from the original scene as if time had never passed. Not a reflection, not an inversion, not some approximated printed copy at 300dpi, but the actual image made by the light that was arrested in that film plane is now continuing on its path as intended, regardless of the passing of time and space in between. That is a physical, real, tangible non-spiritual connection between the image leaving the original scene and entering your eyeball with the least # of distorting interruptions possible, bringing you the closest you can possibly get to time travel. For lack of a better word, that is the quality unique to slides that provides the impression of a more meaningful connection. …or, “soul”.
Absolutely no soul. The material world is evil. Digital is about accepting the truth. It was never real.

You’re clinging to light like a scavenging rat mate.
>its unique and shiny and a bauble my precious my treasured my beloved!
Peak bridge troll.
>he thinks film doesnt alter and approximate

most film is way less color and detail accurate than modern cameras. its also editable. people faked film all the time.
>he thinks
>minimal = not at all
Reading comprehension of a small negro child.
film is heavily altered. bayer is basically how your eyes work, but rgbg instead if rgbw. film is layers, and layers see less color less accurately than a demosaicing system. digital is actually far less unaltered than film. bayer only falls behind in contrast resolution - aliasing tradeoffs, but you see… how you see uses a softer lens and effective AA filter (mammal eyes are front supplied and the blood vessels diffuse light). contrast resolution only applies to pixel peeping and reality can not be pixel peeped anyways, and if you did it would be a tad soft like a meh lens and heavy AA filter.

its funny because non coping non schizophrenics have always said they prefer film because it is LESS real. it is MORE like a painting as an interpretation rather than a copy of reality. and yes, how you see is reality, because what you see is the only quantum state being measured without the presence of higher lifeforms like lam and yahwah.
Ah yes the minimal processing of maki ng an image out of 3 layers of colored dots
the jews and yellow jews (japanese) to meme their digital bullshit cameras
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I want a single element lens with a sick ass flare/diffraction shape like The Eye, and a fluid filled lens mount for extra sovl

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Horizontal Resolution113 dpi
Vertical Resolution113 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width511
Image Height527
Scene Capture TypeStandard
wtf eyeballbros, this is it....
opinion discarded

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