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In 2025 I am going to become a local glamour photographer. I already have a couple of strobes.

Anybody know whos good in 2024/2025 that I should be studying in this genre? Instagrams, websites whatever. I am looking to get with the current look. Also glamour photography thread, any tips etc.

Current plan is to book a hotel room, shoot a few models with strobes to get the most value out of the location. Frequency separation retouch on the skin, build up an instagram, and once its rolling start charging the girls money.
This blog sucks.
How do I unsubscribe?

you might want to do some self reflection how this upsets you so much.
Glamour photography is one of the biggest genres of photography to ever exist.
Its probably the easiest genre to get into after weddings, corporate and events as its a huge market so there is room for tons of photographers.
anadias obviously

Yeah seen her stuff, man her website is so annoying how it shows a thumbnail of half of every photo.

Anyway I dont think I could replicate that and definitely not consistently. She is on a different outdoor location in the sun every time. Also shooting a fully nude model every time.

Thats why I am going for hire hotel and strobes, I can easily do that over and over. Also I will just shoot the girls in lingerie as thats what the majority want. Nudes would be super rare.
I will be extremely selective for hotel rooms too, it should not look like a cheap hotel room.

70-200 means I only need about 1 square meter of nice looking location, add in the strobes, it should be very consistent and repeatable.

Ideally looking for photographers who do something like this.
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glamour is done for now my man, this shit goes in cycles. try again in another 5-10 years

whats the thing right now then?

for the record I think glamour could make a comeback on the 70-200 with strobes as everybody has years now of wide angle iphones and natural light/video lights. Its time for a change.

Alongside the digital shots I also have a cable so can trigger the strobes from my film camera.
Therefore I can also hit that retro vibe as well. I hope between the 2 things, people should like it.
Why is she using a 5D Mark IV, doesn't she know about the dynamic range?

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has the classic sleazecore creepy photog camera shape, the models can't get in character otherwise with a mirrorless
I've mainly been photographing my wife, but here are some takeaways:
*Hard light on a beautiful model makes for compelling photos (reflector, beauty dish)
*Uggos need soft light (big softbox)
*Getting good facial expressions from non-models is a challenge. Nervousness often shows through.
*If the model feels anxious or uncomfortable, the entire session may be ruined.
*Hotel room space is limited. You may need to be at 35-50mm to get everything in there, unless you have a big room.
*Keep colour temps consistent (gels) between your strobes and environmental lighting or big practicals.
*Props can elevate an otherwise mundane shot.
*Even if you want to have a default assembly-line setup, mood board it, and communicate with your clients.
*Make-up and hair. Has to be good. Consider if you need an assistant on set.
*Make the model have a backup outfit
*Have models wear loose underwear before the shoot.
Having experience with regular full- and half -body and portrait shooting is essential before doing glamour or bodouir. The main challenge is making the client feel happy to work with you.

You will have to put artistry in the back seat if you're in it for money. Develop an easy look that nobody will hate.

Have you done your market research? To cover your expenses, gear, location, possibly insurance, admin time, and retouching, you may be looking at $400-$600 per shoot. Is the market strong enough for this? Also remember to get a deposit to cover all your expenses needed to start a shoot.
She looks like a kid with a photoshopped body.
Forget it, models don't show up. They flake on you, lead you on and then cancel last minute, always some bullshit excuse.

OF and COVID killed off any type of photography with attractive women. Every woman with a cellphone now is a "model". Move on to something else. Most of these girls use their iPhones now and don't need a man to garner them IG clout.
flakes were always a problem, even with the paid ones.. but yeah, the well has really dried up compared to a few years back.
I got pretty lucky to work extensively with professional SFX MUAs and cosplay designers to collaborate with on projects, but finding EXPERIENCED non-agency repp'd models in general is stupidly difficult and/or expensive since the coof.
Aren't you going to advise OP to hire hookers? Now you're just copying an anon's experience from that other thread lmao. Fucking creep.
Never heard of her but she's actually pretty good. Funny how sometimes women can excel at coomtography, I guess not having the pp becoming the big pp and getting in the way helps. Seems to use only harsh natural light and a couple of young blokes (probably doing it for free) to hold reflectors.
>Funny how sometimes women can excel at coomtography

Probably lesbian.

God-tier photographer, though.

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Highly skilled, anyway. She has a great eye for composition.
Watch pic related. Thank me later.
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Spent all day studying instagram.
Literally no girls are doing photoshoots.
I looked at so many girls pages and every single photo they took themselves.
Even the ones published in magazines don't even put the photos from the shoots on their page.

I don't get it.
women disgust me
An incel? On 4chan???

Now I’ve seen everything.
>dont like women huh? INCEL
50% of the users here are gay or trans thats why street photography and low res noisy meme gear is liked here
>low res meme gear
?? What's wrong with this
Since when did you expect femoids to care about aesthetics? They just want to show themselves being beautiful in a beautiful location, as part of the female arms race. But they have no sense of a beautiful image, and don't care.

The only women I've seen who consistently order photoshoots are rich Asian girls. And most of the time they are still too stingy to figure out that real photoshoots cost money.

Pro-tip, I was anon, I dropped my trip because of TDS on this board. I gave up the genre and will focus my efforts on something I'm halfway good at, landscape.
protip: it's protip, Diabetes Retardus
You dropped your trip because people hate you for you. Do us all a favor and drop the trip permanently.
Elaborate, please. Is this instructional? No need for coom bait or drama slop.
>Is this instructional?

In a way. Guy makes art, client wants fap material. Great insight into the workflow of an industry-leading fashion photographer.

There's probably gonna be a follow-up at some point, because of the cancel culture drama that's befallen him afterwards.

As long as no-photo trigglypuffs seethe at my very existence I will trip harder.
Yes that's why you admitted to anonymous posting. You really are retarded, but I suppose that's par for the course given your trucker profession.
Not OP, but thanks. Very educational if you pay attention to the BTS footage.
Amazed Bellemere could keep his cool working with the knob bong coomer producer.
Go away, you annoying piece of shit.
Pic related is the greatest nude photo ever taken. Can any of you guess why?

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Dunno, but >>4395265 and >>4395409 both look like they have a pound of makeup on them and just gross and unnatural.
This photo at least does not have those disqualifying properties.
I'd argue it's far from the greatest. Excellent, sure.
Why do you think it is?
>In 2025 I am going to become a local glamour photographer.
nobody gives a shit about photos on social media, vertical short videos is the future, adapt or go extinct.
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Yeah, the future of worthless porn slop
Which is, all cope aside, what 99% of photos of non fully clothed women classify as.
theres a lot of women and gay "fashion" photographers whos shots are of the hotel room glamour type, but id never do it id be bricked the whole time. i cant imagine not being bricked up and steaming taking pics like that whats the point if we're not fucking
the greatest is probably the pam grier le corbusier spread from players mag or the first jimi hendrix electric ladyland cover

Local man gives up on his New Year’s resolution before the new year even starts.


Ai is just getting ridiculous and will kill glamour dead.

Even worse real life models are now starting to use ai augmentation. Keep your body add a whole new face.

Take this page for example

This type of ai slop can be produced faster than I can do photo shoots and will evolve to whatever climbs the algorithm, nobody is gonna want to see a 6/10 photo from a local glamour photoshoot.
The only work for models coming up will be live porn shows.

Everything else will be ai.

I think augmented ai will take over. The girl still videos herself, the screen shows her augmented to a 10/10 that looks nothing like her, she lies to herself it still looks like her. Since nobody in real life ever meets these girls it won’t matter. She still gets attention.
But absolutely no fucking way she can work with photographer as that will show how she actually looks.

The only way anything else happens is if ai can do this better and faster than a girl doing augmented ai can. If that happens people will just make 1000s of these bot ai girls and stick them everywhere.
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>I think augmented ai will take over.
already starting to happen. more blatant in china/korea/japan right now for everyday pics, but it's quickly catching up in the west.

to anyone who's discouraged by this, just remember they typically aren't your client, those people are used to having smoke blown up their ass and ego inflated beyond healthy limits.
change your targeted clientele to average people so you don't need to accommodate for their already inflated ego, you'd be amazed what working with a talented (or even just competent) HMUA can accomplish. Then all you gotta do is focus on service and results.

Convince those to shoot that never originally considered it. there, I said it.
Nah. Glamor photography is for dimwits. Even of it wasn't it doesn't change OP being a blog posting faggot. Discussion of photography doesn't need to include excerpts from OP's diary.


you are deluding yourself if you think stuff like this doesnt impact.
Glamour has been one of the cornerstones of photography since its invention. We are discussing techniques to do it in real life.

A real life issue I am 100% running into is that Instagram I just posted above.

I am already changing my strategy with a good idea from another poster. I am best to target people who would never of done photoshoots anyway. They are probably the last big market that will remain that photographers can tap.

I am also gonna try some onlyfans girls that have been around for awhile. They are less likely to use AI as they cant really change how they look as their fans will notice.

its crazy how fast the AI tech is moving though, its really going to change things for anybody shooting photos for social media over the next year or so.
>Forget it, models don't show up. They flake on you, lead you on and then cancel last minute, always some bullshit excuse.
this is because of you not because of the models
>Keep your body add a whole new face.
the body is ai too, this whole thing is ai
this is not glamour

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