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Midnight Creepin' Edition

Prev. Thread:

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development
>[film dev] shows results of development regimes
>[news & community links]

>thread question
what is the best black and white developer and why is it XTOL?

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>what is the best black and white developer and why is it XTOL?
It's LC29.

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>what is the best black and white developer and why is it XTOL?

i only ever used rodinal. i heard its not good for fast film though? what should i use for that? my main concern is shelf life
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haven't shot much in the past two months

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From last summer, I haven't gotten around to digitizing most of what I shot.

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No, tear.
>human hair anon
This would be such a cool shot if film didnt ruin it
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Here ya go, fixed.

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Image Created2024:12:30 12:48:20
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Nope still film

Its the lenses, they lack 3d pop unless you use 500mp 4x5 to make an 8mp 8x10
Are you shooting 65mm film?
you clearly don't know what you're talking about
stop watching youtubers and parroting their buzzwords and actually learn photography
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Yeah, respooled by one of my friends.


Not even worth a (You), don't waste your time on him.

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Image Created2024:12:30 13:38:47
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Onto 120 spools? Your friend is crazy.

Yeah, totally worth it. Sells them to me for 10 dollars a roll. I think he sells them for 15 otherwise. Time consuming as fuck especially since he's got to cut them down too.
After some practice it probably isn't too bad to cut and tape the film to backing paper. Still crazy. Is that 50D? I've shot some vision3 in 65mm/70mm aerial with a proper 70mm film back on a mamiya rb67. Super nice, but those damn film backs are so freaking finicky.
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This picture is taken with HP5 (box speed) and developed in Ilfosol 3. I find these results very pleasing to look at, the grain looks nice and the sharpnes is just enough with film.
I am just thinking maybe I should change my developer into something else, maybe Rodinal or DDX, since people say it is better and much more suitable with HP5. Some people even say that Ilfosol 3 is bad with Hp5 and bad all around developer. I just don't know what is right in this hobby any longer.

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Start printing your images with an enlarger and doing test shots developed in different developers. You can sort of divide film into T grain vs. Traditional and test how they react to developers like that.
>what is right in this hobby
there's no right/wrong if you like the look of your photos but there are different ways to achieve your style so you can do research and then test out a developer that gives you what you want

personally I've only ever used rodinal and the Tmax Developer clone and those two work great for me, both one shot developers to cover conventional and tabular grain films

Actually 250D! But I want to try E100D since he bought a roll.
i've been looking for a while now at different lightweight, compact mechanical 120 cameras with a wide angle lens for backpacking trips. i tried out a horseman convertible recently which seemed to fit the bill perfectly, but it had slow shutter speed issues so i returned it to the seller. fuji gsw690 is a little too bulky, and fuji gs645w is unreliable (i already have a gs645s that i've had to get repaired twice, not going to get fooled again).

all i can think of now are the makina w67 and hasselblad swc. makina w67 has a reputation of fragility but not sure how much of it is actually deserved, seems like a lot of it is people mistreating the folder rather than it just failing out of nowhere. swc is a little clunky and heavier but looks very solid, it's just that ultrawide squares are tricky.

anyone mess with these or other cameras? i'm aware if i went a standard focal length i'd have more options with vintage folders or tlrs. electronics would open up the mamiya 6 or fuji gf670w but the idea of one of these bricking in the middle of nowhere is terrifying

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grain looks nice with Rodinal
I recently shot Fomapan 400 at 800 and developed with Rodinal 25+1 for 10 minutes
I think it looked great but for some it would be too grainy
You could always try out a graflex swxl. Basically the same thing as a horseman convertible. What was wrong with the horseman?

The other option is using something like a sinar handy with a 120 back on it sans grip. More bulky than the convertible, but it packs fairly well and you can use a 47mm super angulon with a 69 back, and get full coverage. The handy also fits a 612 back if you wanted, or you can get a sinar zoom film back that let's you choose any 120 format from 645 to 612 and change crop midroll with auto calculated spacing. Very pricey, but really cool.
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I've shot 4 rolls on chrismas, lot of scanning to do
I've done this 15min exposure on a balcony
turned out pretty crazy, there was a fog so the bottom is overexposed

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in regards to the 47mm angulons i had considered the brooks veriwide 100 before, which is a lot more compact than the xlsw and handy. my concern with those is the uncoated optics and f8 aperture making handholding difficult, as well as difficulty of finding one in good condition. but actually the more i look at sample photos on flickr and elsewhere the more i like the look.

the horseman had a really strange issue with the slow shutter speeds where they would fire perfectly when the shutter was cocked level or pointed downwards, but if you cocked the shutter while the camera was inclined even a little upwards, the slow shutter speeds would fire instantly. basically if i wanted to use the slow speeds (think 1/8 or slower) on a tripod, i would need to remember to point the camera downwards to cock the shutter and then recompose. i have no clue if that was actually a defect but i could find no mention of it in the manual. if i'm being honest this would've been extremely minimal impact for 99.9% of my photography but nowadays i take no chances, especially if i'm within a return window.
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tried out psychedelic blues, pretty neat little film. shot with a Bigfinder 35 AF
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it has a few other effects besides square/circles but a lot of those are family/friends so I don't plan to post them here
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and of course there's no way to know in advance which effects will be on which frames. still fun and worth a shoot if you want to spice up your shooting
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Olympus Pen EE-3
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That is a bizarre problem. Probably a missing spring or something. Kinda sucks. Those look like fun cameras.

I really like my uncoated super angulons. The 47mm I have is really quite nice if you don't get near the edge of its projection. Pic is a 4x5 shot with the 47mm angulon. She wide.

You could also simply ball out like a madman and purchase this sinar lantec kit for 15 grand, lol. Widest lens is a whopping 23mm. Check the projections on the lenses because they may only work with 645. You would need an adapter to go to something like a mamiya 645 film back, which they do sell.


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>slow films better than fast

fuck you im sticking with kentmere 400
amazing reading capabilities, anon
>thread question

genuinely prefer barry thornton's two bath developer. on roll film you can get a wide range of contrasts and you can actually use the zone system (if youre a nerd)

for 4x5 it also helps with maintaining shadow detail while also fully developing the highlights (same with roll film but it really shines thru with large format)

bath A:
80g sodium sulfite
6.5g metol
30g typical table salt

bath b:
12g sodium metaborate
7.8g sodium carbonate

each bath gets 4.5 minutes at 20 degrees C regardless of film, as long as you know that film's true iso (ie catlabs 80 is more like an iso 30-50 film, hp5 genuinely a 400 speed film) w/ normal agitation. no prewash or any rinse between a and b bath. stop as normal and fix as normal. pour each bath back into its bottle and be careful not to contaminate bath A with bath B.

should last around 10 rolls or 40 4x5 sheets or 10 8x10 sheets. stock lasts at least 6 months (my oldest stock was 6 months).

400 iso and above may work better at 5 minutes in both but i just like having iso 100s in my tank as well so i stick to 4.5 in both.

i've had kentmere 400, 100, hp5, delta 100, 400, 3200, and t max 100 in there and all my negatives came out great. even mix and matching rolls in tanks came out fine.
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Waiting for film to dry is the most shitass part.

Based on the negatives alone though, I think the massive dev time for Arista (Foma) 400 at 320 in XTOL 1+1 is a tad short. I dev'd about half this batch of 4x5 sheets at the recommended 8 minutes, and the other half at 8'30", and the 8 minute batch seems a tad thin.
If you have a hair dryer you can use that to dry them in like 3 minutes. Rubber gloves are a good idea, and don't let the film get too hot.
photoflo helps a lot.

always hated inverting phone pics of my negs. never works out well for me at least
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It's too late to scan them anyway, gotta work tomorrow so I might as well just let them dry normally at this point.

Sometimes it can give you at least some kind of idea of how they're going to turn out once properly scanned.
Love the dynamic range
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"Don't worry bro, I promise not to drown you all again. I'll just incinerate you instead." t.God

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Image Created2024:12:30 21:41:38
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That's interesting, what kind of results did you get?
I have been thinking of starting to shoot more Fomapan since the price of Hp5 seems to be too damn high. Man I wish I would know how to bulk load, so I could save some money on film.
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4.81 MB JPG
Really like this one

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it's better to hang your negatives from a corner, so that the water gets concentrated in a single point and drops, instead of having it like you hung, which can make water accumulate on tge bottom and dry there, causing stains
bulk loading is just about buying a bulk loader and a can of film, there's not much of a technique
get one and start doing it, it's cheaper in the long run
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another one, 10 minutes on an old cemetery, cropped of course because I can't compose for shit in the darkness with a shitty tripod

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yeahhh i think ill just decide between the makina and swc then lol. probably going to try out the makina first, 55mm on 6x7 is a lot more reasonable than 38mm on 6x6. another issue with the swc is how to attach a lightmeter, i'd have to get one of those hood cold shoe clips to stick one on the front of the lens. also swc prices are crazy, at least for the cf versions.

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>I can't compose for shit in the darkness with a shitty tripod
skill issue
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how come no photos i'm taking on this camera seem to be in focus? f3 with a 35mm lens. am i just terrible with this lens/camera only because everything else I take looks normal

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have you tried other lenses with the same body? or this lens on another body?
maybe your viewfinder is misaligned, which would explain images looking sharp on it and misfocused on the film itself
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I took 2 photos this saturday, one after the other but a couple hours apart, and they came out quite perfectly aligned by chance
>the joys of photography

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the lens seems okay on another body, at least from the LCD preview on a digital, i'll get one big screen to see for sure. i haven't yet tested another lens yet on this F3, that was my next step, as i had a suspect feeling something was off on it.

even at F8 or so, looking to get as much in focus as I can with a fast shutter speed, it just still looks funky.

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put the lens on the digital body, stick it on a tripod, focus on something at a certain distance, switch for the analog camera, and see if it's still in focus (the film plane and the sensor plane should be at the same place but it won't matter that much changing a couple inches for something at a reasonable distance
then check if the thing is still in focus
do it as a quick but not exhaustive test
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Fun with a red filter

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scanning is the worst
File: IHATESCANNING.jpg (3.34 MB, 2160x2081)
3.34 MB
3.34 MB JPG

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Camera SoftwareNegative Lab Pro
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File: Bench.1.4x5 copy.jpg (2.9 MB, 2500x2000)
2.9 MB
2.9 MB JPG
Might have gone a bit too aggressive with the tilt or not aggressive enough with the aperture on this one. The effect I was going for is there and kinda neat, but maybe a little too much there.

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.1.1 (Windows)
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Image Created2025:01:01 02:45:37
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File: Hi-LineBridge.4x5.2.jpg (2.9 MB, 2500x2000)
2.9 MB
2.9 MB JPG
I was a bit too slow to catch the locomotive on this one, would have made for a better shot. Just need more practice working the crown graphic faster.

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File: Hi-LineBridge.4x5.1.jpg (2.51 MB, 2500x1667)
2.51 MB
2.51 MB JPG
I quite like how this one came out though.

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Image Created2025:01:01 02:50:40
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File: MLPS.Skyline.4x5_C_.jpg (2 MB, 2500x1250)
2 MB
Or this one that I cropped down into a 6x12

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareNegative Lab Pro v3.0.2
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Image Created2025:01:01 02:52:11
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1.86 MB
1.86 MB JPG
>That's interesting, what kind of results did you get?
What to get for scanning? I guess scanning with a camera is the way to go most of the time because it's quick and can fit multiple formats with the same setup saving money. But out of all the stuff available, what's the best? Or would it be a better idea to just get some flatbed and deal with it?
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522 KB JPG
It's the new year, let's post some 2024 stats!
>87x rolls total
>39x C41, including:
>- 3x chromogenic B&W
>- 10x in home dev kit
>38x B&W, including:
>- 1x cross-process (R100 roll in B&W)
>7x R100, including:
>- 3x ruined rolls (due to spoiled developer)
>3x E6
>74x 135
>13x 120, including:
>- 7x 6x6
>- 5x 9x6
>4x ISO 8
>4x ISO 12
>2x ISO 25
>4x ISO 50
>3x ISO 80
>23x ISO 100
>2x ISO 125
>2x ISO 160
>17x ISO 200
>1x ISO 320
>19x ISO 400
>2x ISO 800
>2x ISO 1600
>2x ISO 3200
>8x pull
>4x push
>First roll of the year: Fomapan R100
>Last roll of the year: Ilford XP2 @1600
I was hoping to break 100 rolls, but I had a few weeks of unexpected downtime. It's still the most I ever shot in a single year.
The most surprising thing is that B&W makes less than half of what I shot, it's normally 85-90% of all. It's the first time in 20+ years for me that B&W wasn't a vast majority. But I was experimenting a lot in color this year, including some at-home development of C41.
Anyway, no matter how much you shoot, I hope you had a productive, creative and satisfying year! Here's to this one being even better!
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2.78 MB JPG

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Thanks, that actually looks great, I really need to give it a try!
I ain't reading all that nigga
File: scan0013.jpg (1.82 MB, 1999x1295)
1.82 MB
1.82 MB JPG
i shot 5 rolls, i think
one foma 400, three rolls of 5222, and one ektar

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Camera ModelLS-4000
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
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Ok heres mine

Rolls: idk
Processes: 50 year old rodinal
Formats: unsure
Speeds: slow
Cameras built: 1
My 2024 stats:
I don’t know, camera just goes click.
idk 5 maybe, numbers scare me
Rodinal on 2, rest I didn't develop myself
I have control issues, that's why I started developing myself.
film lol
first roll:
gold 200
foma 400
times I got laid:

I think my X-700 is about to break, sometimes the light meter takes a bit to come on. And no, it's not one of the later shitty Chinese-made models.
New battery?
I put in a new one because I thought it was the battery, didn't help. Must be a bad capacitor.
Yea probably is then. Time to bust out the soldering iron.
Best of luck, here's a service manual I came across (2'nd post)
the shutter works no problem so I think it's not the infamous issue with the faulty capacitor the newer models have but it must be something related to that
or maybe just an old solder joint that needs reflowing
Afaik there are two caps that can go bad on specifically the x700, one for the shutter and one for the meter.
One is under the base plate and the other is (i think) under the iso dial

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Very nice and crisp, that’s slide film?
look at the film border
2024 stats:
like 6 rolls and 75 sheets of 4x5

most in d76, started doing d23 and two bath like a few months ago

50 sheets of 80 iso
25 sheets of 100 iso

6 rolls 400 iso

first roll: delta 400
last roll: kentmere 400
Let be guess, the one that is a bitch to get to (top one) is for the meter?
File: _DSC4953-Pano.jpg (3.23 MB, 9192x9136)
3.23 MB
3.23 MB JPG
around 45 rolls total
Processes: B&W only, mainly HP5 and Kentmere 400 in XTOL
Formats: 6x 6x6, and 35mm rest
Speeds: not gonna count all that shit, recently not slower than 400 because of winter, pushed hp5 and kentmere to 1600/800
frist roll: of the year Gold 200
last roll: Kodak Vision3 250D

I've gotten into medium format this year and I absolutely love it
you can push the film few stops and still looks nice and smooth because of the negative size, I will be definitely experimenting more with it, I've 3d printed some 37mm filter adapters for my Minolta Autocord, and I've designed also a suitable sun hood

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Image Created2025:01:02 00:34:07
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Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
stand deving Double-X rated at 800 ISO in rodinal (1+100) for 60 minutes tonight lads
Based. Enjoy the lovely grain and contrast.
any 4x5 fags use a roll back?

i no longer have access to a 4x5 enlarger, only one up to 6x7. i plan to get a roll back for my toyo 45e and a field camera (idk what it is ngl but it looks like a wista, hopefully it has a graflok back since its still in the mail).

which ones should i get?

i know its not the same resolution but a bigger negative would help me at least do what i need to do vs 35mm film. i think it'll be easier to bracket as well lol. cheaper for sure, and also i can finally use 400 speed film (i basically only use catlabs 80 in 4x5 and i know its in 120 but i can also use kentmere or whatever i want). i dont want to keep my cameras in the dust as well, like i've been doing since i switched back to 35mm.
Best overall, but probably out of budget is either of the sinar zoom models. One goes up to 6x9 and the other goes to 6x12. They let you switch between various formats shot to shot with auto spacing, so you aren't wasting film.

Mid tier, but still good is probably the horseman backs. I think they are more modern than linhof backs, and they are lighter, but still well made. More modern linhof backs are also pretty good. Just make sure you only get ones with a cocking lever and not a roller/knob advance they have spacing problems because of the thickness of 120 paper.

Do not get the ones that look like the sinar zooms but aren't sinar zooms they are really difficult to load and the one I used sucked at everything.

I've never looked into it, but you may be able to get adapters that would let you use rb67 or whatever film backs as well.
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944 KB JPG
first 6 months of film photography (started in july)
shot probably 60 rolls or so this year, all c41 except a single roll of p3200 tmax. shot everything from 100 to 800 c41, first roll of the year was ultramax 400, and the last roll was psychedelic blues #6 200iso (which I believe is a hand-fogged roll of 200 gold judging from the can). all lab developed and scanned, although I've got a film scanner coming as a christmas present. then maybe i'll get in to home development at some point this year. probably will slow down on shooting as now I have a better idea of what subjects interest me and what film stocks I like, though I have a lot to explore with b&w still.

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But is says right there in the mail that there's no exceptions. Us yuropoors have no rights.
do post results, i wanna try doublex at some point but cant find ANY examples of people developing with rodinal
File: scan0027.jpg (4.16 MB, 3651x2686)
4.16 MB
4.16 MB JPG
here you go, half frame double x exposed at 800 rodinal 1+50
this one is double x shot at 250, rodinal 1+50

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Equipment MakeNikon
Camera ModelLS-4000
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.6.0
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File: scan0039_01.jpg (4.19 MB, 3618x5315)
4.19 MB
4.19 MB JPG
another, exposed at 800 again, 1+50 the same as the rest
NTA but this Sinar Zoom looks very cool
would be nice to make some panoramic shots
I know it's a retarded question, but how feasible would it be to cut a strip of 120 and tape it to a 4x5 holder?
Getting it perfectly flat can be hard but I believe it would be possible
Or maybe 3D print a mask that goes under the tabs that hold the film and has 120-specific tabs that let you slide 120 film as you would with a film sheet
I don't know shit about 3D printing but I'm sure it's possible
Would be nice
The juice is not really worth the squeeze unless you needed to use some 120 only film stock for panoramic shots. You could just mask your ground glass to 6x12, use 4x5 film then just crop in post.

It's pretty thin under those tabs. Maybe with the right material it would work.
File: scan0058_01.jpg (3.88 MB, 3672x5721)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB JPG
another from the same roll
i am nether a particularly skilled photographer, or super precise/consistent on development. 20C +-2C, agitate 5-10 seconds every minute
i am sure other people can get much better results from pushing double x in rodinal

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
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Image Created2025:01:02 17:06:55
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File: R1-02593-003A.jpg (2.85 MB, 3517x2345)
2.85 MB
2.85 MB JPG
Portra 800
Ektar 100 x2
Wolfen NC500
Tmax 100

Portra 160 x2
Velvia 50

Gold 200 x2 (p&s)
Santacolor 100 (p&s)
Portra 160
Ektar 100
Velvia 100 (Not dropped off at lab yet)

>xmas & NYE:
Gold 200 (Not dropped off at lab yet)

15 rolls and about 500 shots on 35 mm to a cost of 430€

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Image Created2024:09:19 21:48:22
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ough, yeah nah i dont think im gonna push mine when i do end up getting some, thanks for the heads up
File: scan0027_04.jpg (1.41 MB, 3280x2624)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB JPG
keep in mind that pic is half frame too and i think i messed up with some temperatures as well. tap water gets to be around 6-8C during winter
here it is cropped but otherwise unedited i guess
i agree though, pushing double x in rodinal does not result in particularly pleasing pictures...

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Camera ModelLS-4000
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Image Created2025:01:02 17:37:33
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File: KodakDouble-X@800ISO-14.jpg (1.74 MB, 1418x2048)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB JPG
I'll post a couple, the rest are of family over the Xmas period.
File: KodakDouble-X@800ISO-17.jpg (1.79 MB, 1378x2048)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB JPG
File: KodakDouble-X@800ISO-18.jpg (1.68 MB, 2048x1371)
1.68 MB
1.68 MB JPG
maybe aluminum?
I just like experimenting with stuff, and it would be a ""'cheap""" way to shoot some cool panoramas with slide film without buying some absurdly expensive Fuji G617 or something like that
Just for fun
Shooting slide on 4x5 is on my plans for this year, though
I think its the stand dev that does it.
Usually makes for really chunky grain.
Super thin Double sided tape on the entire face + cut acetate sheet to align the 120 strip would work. If you search the large format photography forum there's a specific tape people use, but any double sided would probably work in a pinch. Don't leave the film on the tape too long or it will leave residue.
Thought I'd plug these guys real quick
Very interesting stuff
And a video of the founder explaining his process

I just got 2 myself, one 35mm and another 120mm, will post when done
File: R1-07293-0010.png (4.43 MB, 1381x2055)
4.43 MB
4.43 MB PNG
if im not completely wrong, pic related is from a roll of washi x
more liked washed out
File: txp70mm (8).jpg (1.72 MB, 2981x2198)
1.72 MB
1.72 MB JPG
Here is a poorly exposed and developed shot of their actual washi 4x5. The film they put on the washi paper. It's almosy black in person, but I got this out of it by scanning.

If you plan on trying it I highly recommend that you load the film under a darklight. It is incredibly difficult to load in a changing bag because of how flimsy the paper is.

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File: Image 7.jpg (532 KB, 756x1134)
532 KB
532 KB JPG
Here is another washi film. Maybe their xray film. Can't remember.

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Equipment MakeEPSON
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 9.0.0 (Android)
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And here is one of their super slow speed, super fine grain, high contrast films.

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File: Image 25 (1) (1).jpg (674 KB, 1503x1974)
674 KB
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>smashed and slammed

You can get some interesting effects with their high contrast film. I think the spectral sensitivity is also kinda unique or unusual. Maybe just a contrast thing...

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Just stand developed some box speed foma 100 in rodinal 1:100 400ml and got insane contrast.
Rare foma w? I usually gotta overexpose or cook it in 1:25 to get any contrast.

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neat you had a few for show, thanks for sharing
this is what im going for, really nice!
From what I gather the S for 35mm and the I for 120mm are in the ranges of the two last posts
im seeing some cheap calumet roll film backs for non graflok backs that just slide in
In my original post I warned against that style of film back. Ymmv, but I tried using an old non calumet version that is the same style and it freaking sucked in every way. Very tedious to load and the spacing was never consistent. Maybe the calumet ones are good, but I really have no clue.
I just found out one of my filmholders has a lightleak
I'll bring it to the store to get it replaced, but it was a bummer I first lost what would be a beautiful shot of children playing in a waterfont, which I assumed was fucked because my grandpa opened up the bathroom door that I forgot to lock when I was developing film
all sheets were already in the stop bath, but I thought that one got fucked because maybe it was the topmost negative when he opened the door
It was quick and under dim light, but I thought it was that
And the other one were some fucking cool geese at the park
Good thing I kept track what was shot with which filmholder and which side, so I lost the minimum amount of photos possible
Still kinda sucks though lol
Kinda bittersweet to know at least it wasn't my fault in the first shot, I kept thinking "shit, I shouldn't forget to lock the door when developing"
still a lesson learned, also
Sorry, didn't mean to quote you
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4.25 MB
4.25 MB JPG
wtf happend to this shots? I can't figure it out. I had a nikon l1b filter on the lens but that can't be it right?
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4.2 MB
4.2 MB JPG
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3.56 MB
3.56 MB JPG
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4.01 MB
4.01 MB JPG
Most of the rolls came back with the exposure cracked up to 11
Did you set your iso correctly?
They look very overexposed
Can be the scanning, tho
Check the negatives, can't tell without them
Shitty scan methinks
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144 KB
144 KB JPG
Just got some of my test shots back. First time using the RB67. Lots to improve but I think that if I focus on actually making a good photo instead of snaps I could get some sweet results.

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550 KB
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Kodak gold and portra were used for this test.

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I read people had a hard time hitting the focus with the RB67 put it seems it got the focus right every time
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Camera ModelOpticFilm 8100
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.1 (Macintosh)
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Image Created2025:01:02 19:27:29
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File: stairway access.jpg (4.06 MB, 5000x3438)
4.06 MB
4.06 MB JPG
finally got my own scanner, now to spend ages fiddling with it and scanning in way too high a quality to edit it with my limited ability and then save it in a downscaled format to post on 4chan.org/p

picrel ofc
I've never heard complaints about focusing with the RB67
in fact it's the clearest viewing glass I've ever seen in any camera, with precise focusing control, the image is super clear
focusing with it is a pleasure
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Got scans back, really impressed with Sora 200. Very strong yellows, even more than Kodak Gold.

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Image OrientationLeft-Hand, Bottom
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An extreme example from a sunset

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Image Created2025:01:04 13:11:00
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Is that the big gangbang building where all the rich ugly greaseballs in LA pay pornstars to fuck in the middle while they watch with their fat wives?
All excellent images, but I especially appreciate including the full image to the edges here.
Have you considered taking your meds?
>Sora 200
what is?
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Picked it up from their vending machine while i was in Melbourne.
Here's another shot from it. Turned the purple Jacaranda into basically a pink.

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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
That was my thought exactly! Guess you shouldn’t trust random yt camera test videos
buy an ad. this is cancer
if a photography content youtuber can't focus with a fucking RB they should find another career
Being the fun police is cancer.
What's a good 150mm coated lens for my crown graphic? The 135mm Optar it came with is nice for some situations but the softness is detrimental in others.
Best would be an apo sironar-n. May be a bit overkill. If you have a spare shutter you can look online for a sinaron se or other sinar branded 150mm lense mounted in a db shutter. They're usually a lot cheaper than the exact lens but rodenstock branded.

Something like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/154052684870

This is the older and slightly lower performance version, but the newer sinaron se is going to be closer to 600-900 dollars instead of 230, and they are really designed/priced for even sharpness over their large projections, which isn't needed for a press camera.
There's lots of other good options as well. Schneider, nikkor, caltar 2, etc.
any of the fujinons are cheap and reliable
I heard JoBurg and Pretoria used to have beautiful Jacaranda
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Here's an oldie

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Got this for 10 bucks. Anyone know what I'm in for? One side holds 35mm film and the other is a ground glass for framing. It's more compact than using my EF mount + 1v atleast...

I guess it remains light tight when you rotate the thing between gg and film...

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Camera SoftwareAndroid UP1A.231005.007.S928U1UES4AXKF
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looks like your typical rollfilm back for a view camera, you still would need to mount it on a camera so it being smaller than a 1v is highly questionable.
that's a large format camera accessory that allows you to use 35mm
you focus on the ground glass, rotate the thing and shoot it on 35mm film
I have an ef mount to sinar back adapter for my view camera. Definitely not more compact than just an slr, but it essentially serves the same purpose just a bit less convenient.

I wonder more about the functionality of that specific rollfilm back. I guess you can just rotate it to the gg side to keep it light tight. I'll post more about it when it arrives. For 10 bucks it seemed like a fun little accessory. Might be nice for some things.
>It's more compact than using my EF mount + 1v atleast..
>Definitely not more compact than just an slr
you duplicitous sack of shit, and to think i answered you in good faith.
-_- you misunderstand.

In my initial post I'm saying that the rollfilm back + view camera is more compact than my ef mount to sinar adapter + 1v + view camera.

This post >>4397045 seems to think I would only be using my 1v without any view camera, probably because I wasn't totally clear that when I said ef mount I meant ef mount to sinar back adapter so I can use my 1v attached to my view camera.
Can I ask why you would be using 35mm film with a view camera in the first place?
To maximize the inconvenience and tedium of exposing small squares film.

Nah. It could be cool for high magnification macro, using super long focal lengths, and massive camera movements.

I'm sure I'll find some fun uses for it. Remember it was only 10 bucks.
I recently got some assorted 120 film as part of a camera trade. It was fridge/freezer stored but expired in 2014, so I was following the general rule to overexpose the film by a stop. Earlier today, I loaded a roll of Velvia 100F and started shooting it, following the overexposure rule without realizing the different process it uses (I'm also getting a little confused by how E-6 works).

What's the best course of action from here? Shoot the rest of the roll following the same overexposure rule and ask the developer to push it by a stop? Or just consider the first few frames wasted and shoot the rest of the shots at box speed or underexposed by a bit?
>To maximize the inconvenience and tedium of exposing small squares film.
That's what I was thinking. Interested to see what you get out of it anyway. There was a guy on /p/ ages ago that cut up and sticky taped a whole roll of 35mm to the backing plate in a view camera so it was like a single image collage type thing. That was a bit pointless but cool I thought.
slide film is the one general exception to the "rule" and many here even think that rule is bullshit as it is. of all the emulsions, slide is typically the one worst affected by time and also the one most difficult to mitigate the effects.
I've considered that, but then I just shot an 8x10 sheet lol.

Using shift + rise and fall to take multi shot images, printing the frames in varying crop levels then stitching the prints together(think collage) could make for very interesting images. There's definitely some creative stuff that it would enable or at least make easier/more precise.
I think I get what you mean and it could definitely be interesting. Sounds extremely tedious as well though.
This is Perth Australia and there’s swathes of them depending where you are in the city. Really beautiful walking along entire streets or paths of them.
Have any of you used Olympus Mju Zoom cameras, what is the quality of the lenses on those cameras, are they absolutely crap?

Lately, I've seen a lot of these cameras on sale for very cheap, why aren't they suitable for people is it just because Mju II hype makes them less desirable?
They're fine, nothing special however.
I can post some pictures Ive taken with one later.
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ripe and dense motherfuckers
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foma 200 shot on a mju zoom 115 developed in rodinal

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Have a free black metal album cover to commemorate breaking a new Mamiya C330.

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Image Created2025:01:03 18:54:37
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Image Created2025:01:05 15:27:38
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You smash it?
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1.42 MB JPG
Was supposed to type "breaking in" but given my luck with old tech, it's probably not far off in the future.

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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.6
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Image Created2025:01:05 15:58:09
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1.21 MB
1.21 MB JPG
Not yet, but I'm an ogre handed brute so probably soon enough. I'm not really a fan of fiddly cameras like the C330 but it's the only thing that's affordable in the medium format game these days.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeEPSON
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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.6
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Image Created2025:01:05 16:12:23
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File: C330TX4DEC2412.jpg (1.17 MB, 1992x2000)
1.17 MB
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Image Created2025:01:05 17:07:23
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Last one for now. Probably won't take this thing out for another spin until the spring. The cold was definitely starting to jam up the mechanism, had to use an uncomfortable amount of force to turn the cocking lever for the last few frames.

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Image Created2025:01:05 18:29:38
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3.59 MB JPG
came out fine, little bit more grainy than I expected, I adjusted the time +15% because I already reused my XTOL for 7 rolls

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Is it as yuuge as it looks? I been thinking about getting one but I didn't realize how big it was until I saw it in a youtuber's hands. But maybe those youtubers have tiny girl hands.
Dang that's a shame, would've thought that would be a benefit of no electronics
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I used to have a Rolleicord Vb and in comparison C330 is only somewhat larger, but significantly heavier. Older C-series bodies are a bit bigger than C330. Size and heft are a plus on my book because it's just easier to operate with gloves on and keep steady at slower speeds. Rolleicord pissed me off with how fiddly and light it was, and I'd never get another one. Also how it was a boomer magnet, but I think the C330 will suffer from the same problem for being a TLR, although nowadays I don't shoot around where there are other people most of the time so it's less of an issue.

Also electronics work perfectly in the usual winter conditions, I shoot my Dynax 800si in winter all the time and it never gives any issues. Up to -20C doesn't affect batteries as much as you'd think, especially lithium ones, and I don't go out in temperatures colder than that. Pic related, just got back from a nice -15C frosty walk innawoods with the Dynax. A local old fart showed up in a car as I was leaving and gave me an evil eye but drove off, probably saw me in a trail camera and thought I was poaching. Nothing good ever comes from encountering people in the boonies, but at least he didn't feel like yelling at me.
>film didn't stay caught on the winder so now I have to reshoot it all
at least now i'm cognizant enough to realize when it goes over 37-38 exposures there's probably an issue and it confirms when the rewinding has zero tension
Beginner question, what are the practical differences between a light meter in a camera and a camera with auto exposure? I got a Nikon EL2 and it has an auto exposure option to adjust shutter speed based on aperture, but not a light meter
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been wanting to shoot more panf for some big, clean looking prints, but have been struggling to find a good developer for it. only things i have on hand are rodinol and hc110. picrel is 1:100 rodinol semistand and i havent bothered with hc110 since dilution b on 50iso pan f is something like 4 minutes and The Online People recommend against it. was wondering what you guys use for it for finer grain/better contrast

love this

el2 should do manual metering just like any other camera. just set your shutter speed to something normal like 1/125th and then adjust aperture til the black needle is in the green needle

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Oh okay, thanks! i haven't gotten a battery for it yet so I haven't experimented with that
Pan F+ is 11 minutes in rodinal 1+50 or 6 in 1+25, what's wrong with that?
>he watches youtubers talk about cameras
Based, I just got a C330 as well. Pretty mint condition. Going snowboarding this weekend and will be taking it with me to the mountains.
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1.36 MB JPG
Late but es ok

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PhotographerOnly the Best :-))
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Bros it's hard editing everything on my own. Sometimes the scan comes out dead on, sometimes it just needs minor color correcting, but sometimes it's a grainy mess and idk if the sensor is fucked or if my photo is just grainy/underexposed and that's fucking with it or what. And then sometimes I rescan it and it looks perfectly normal as if there was never a problem. And I can't tell how much post-processing is too much, I usually push things untill they look cartoony or grainy and then walk them back. Even with gloves, a blower, and a negative safe microfiber cloth to catch the negs and keeping them in plastic baggies until I put them in their cut up sleeves I can't help but feel like I'm scratching them and getting fingerprints on them (or maybe it was my prior bad handling... Or the lab's). Maybe I just got a meh scanner, maybe I need better software or just more practice in darktable/rawtherapee. At least for most pictures it's a simple process and gives me better results than lab scans, but the 10% or so of photos that I both care about scanning well and have some issues that needs heavy editing is really going to force me to learn a whole new skill set.
You didn't noticed the rewind knob not spinning when advancing?
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4.42 MB JPG
nothing is wrong with that, just wanted to know if anyone here had any experience/preferences

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Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.0
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FlashNo Flash
White BalanceAuto
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3.91 MB
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in my experience expired slide film stays the same speed but picks up a heavy color cast as it gets more and more expired. velvia in particular will get super magenta. i have some extremely cooked 20+ yr old velvia 50 and it actually is salvageable with some white balance though.

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Camera ModelOpticFilm 8200i
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.1 (Windows)
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Image Created2025:01:06 21:23:18
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no I did not. its something that I should be paying more attention to clearly. then again, this is only the 2nd time its happened, hopefully there won't be a 3rd
shoot film like a boss is the goat watch your tone nigga
>popular thing bad because... it just is, OK!
I genuinely despise the unique brand of extremely homosexual contrarian that has infested this site.
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54 KB
How do you do scans? I saw a local deal for the nikon CoolScan 4000 ED and am thinking of getting it. The alternatives seem to be dslr scanning and plusteks. The Nikon seems like the best of the bunch for 35mm.

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lmao little faggots wasting your life watching Z grade amateur video. and get butt blasted when called out about it. by all means, cocksuckers. waste more of your sad life. you werent doing anything with it anyway. remember this post next time you are pissing away 45 min on some retards' vlog and how the best shot you've ever taken is some barely in focus dog shit of a building corner or flower. thanks for the laugh ;D
"DSLR" scanning with a macro lens, it's super fast and quality is comparable to high-end scanners
I just got a Primefilm XA plus and while I'm still learning with it when I get the scan right it's definitely a noticeable upgrade compared with lab scans. It's finicky and it can't really deliver on the promised ability to scan an entire roll automatically but it does have a nice workflow of put the roll through>scan best images, do some editing while the scanner is working>comes out the other side for me to chop the negatives up and put them into storage.
>How do you do scans?
I was using the Nikon Es-2 with the 40mmDX macro on my Nikon D5100 but the diffuser on the es-2 cracked and was showing up in the scans as a line

yesterday I used the Essential Film Holder for 35mm and the D5100/40mm macro and results look pretty good so far. I just gotta setup a more level scanning setup on my desk and figure out a way to keep the holder from moving on the light table as I push film through it. the Vlads Focus and Alignment Strip really helped here
>based and grasstouchingpilled
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1.28 MB JPG
replaced my tripod's head because it had a little wiggle room that, albeit minimum, made it difficult for precise movements
it was cast iron head by Linhof, and I changed it for a Manfrotto 808RC4
I liked how intuitive the Linhof was, but I'm anxious to go out and use the new one
it's way more precise, for sure
and not having that wiggle will be a relief

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Is that a weird custom sinar rail holder?
I take multiple section shots with my Trannysoynic G9 in pixelshit mode and stitch them in Photoshop. If I can make out individual grains without aliasing on 4x5 I'm satisfied.
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2.58 MB
2.58 MB JPG
I have a Toyo Omega View 45D (or C, I truly can't tell the fucking difference)
the rail is circular with a rectangle on top
And the triangular cut is probably so that it bends to properly grip on the rail

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I found the Gnome's, they're real!

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What sort of cooked film is this?
Fuji Superia 400 that was sitting in the cupboard and expired in 2007 that I metered at 100 ISO (because when I metered at 200 it wasn't enough).
I have one more roll of it that I'm going to use when I'm in Japan next.
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Went and got this one. I did some math and for the price of this and a firewire to pcie card it matched the price of a cam scanning setup but has the ability to batch scan a whole roll without any issues. IDK if this is noise from the scanner or ultramax just looks like this. Propbs wont even show on the export though. Quality is better than what I got from the lab, though so that's nice.

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To add, I fiddled with the drivers and am using the nikon software. It's pretty ancient but seems to work so no complaints as of yet. Might test vuescan in the future. What's really nice is the "Digital ICE" which tries to remove dust etc. from scans. Works wonders.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeNikon
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.1.1 (Windows)
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Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
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Image Created2025:01:08 18:50:54
Color Space InformationsRGB
shooting badly stored expired color film in a trip abroad is wildly retarded
at least you already know everything will be as shit as the shots you posted
well it's not like i would just use that one roll
honestly the lack of contrast and flat whites create an interesting look to me
wildly innacurate? absolutely, but fun nonetheless
i have a coolscan 4000 also, but vuescan is the only option for linux. no idea how to get nikon scan to get the twain source in wine
digital ice in vuescan is pretty bad, but otherwise great scanner and very good scans
soldered the two pins on my sa-21 so it takes full rolls too, very nice
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>accidentally scan film strip improperly like a moron
>realize it can be compared to a proper scan to gauge sensor noise vs grain rendering
I used expired film on a trip to Hawaii. It was fine, pics came back fucked up in a cool way. I also shot new film so it was fine.
i was shitting on you, shoot however you like best
I've never liked shooting expired film, but I did it a couple times
at best it looks like it should, at worst it looks like complete dogshit
and in general it tends to look like complete dogshit to my taste
so anyway, whatever floats your boat
It arrived and the film advanced works better than I thought. The pressure plate is mirror polished. I wonder if this will have any strange effect on the film...

The ground glass is adorably tiny. I kinda love it. Shooting a roll of xx through it rn. May post scans later today

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if I may suggest you something, use a shitload of camera movements
at least to me the fun of it would be precisely doing stuff i *can't* already do with a 35mm camera
tilt/shift/swing, exaggerated perspectives, razorthin DoF shots etc.
I will try. I took a few macro shots as a start. I couldn't finish the roll before sunset. :(

So far my main difficulty is working with 150mm+ focal lengths only. It makes things kinda tricky framing wise. All my shorter lenses are mounted on linhof boards, I lost my adapter somehow, and I'm not sure my camera can even get close enough to use a 90mm lens at infinity because the 35mm adapter adds about 1 inch of distance between lens and film.
oo which film back is this
My guess is that it may actually be a custom made adapter. I've browsed the sinar catalogs and have never seen anything like it before.

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wouldn't it be possible to use a ground glass in the back to frame your shots first, and then swap it for the 35mm adapter?
The only thing you could possibly have to adjust is the focus, so no big deal
Just get some chalk and mark on the ground glass where the 35mm frame would be and compose the shot as normal
Doing everything through the 35mm window frame must be a pain in the ass, even when using wide angle lenses, because no matter how short the lens is, it'll be a tele lens if you do the math considering the angle of field covered in that tiny 35mm window
You could definitely do that, but it sort of takes some of the fun out of using the rotating back and convenience of not having to switch backs and fiddle with film holders. It wasn't too bad, and I really enjoyed simply cupping my hand oved the ground glass to see it instead of using a cloth or binoculars.
I was using a sinar tripod head that works quite nicely for rough framing, and then you just shift the standards around for precise framing.

With regards to focal lengths and standard lf lenses, you can only really get down to like 35mm-47mm and still have a full 4x5 coverage. I think the grandagon design has one at 35mm or less that does it. Extremely expensive lens that requires a center ND filter to fix the vignetting.
The other option is using the newer digital versions of lenses designed for use with digital MF backs. These lenses are much sharper than their film counterparts and have reasonable focal lengths for shooting MF with. Not really interested in getting them because they are thousands of dollars and would be of limited use to me. I fully expect these shots to all be quite soft actually, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing because the softness will be even throughout the frame rather than smeared corners or whatever.

Large format lenses have crop factors, but it's all standardized to full frame. For example a 300mm lens on 8x10 is roughly equivalent to a 45mm lens on a full frame sensor.

My old brass lens doesn't even have a focal length on it. It just has the biggest film the projection will cover, and it works out to be around 50-60mm equivalent for 12x15 sized film, which is around 700mm in full frame... Kinda funny to ponder on that one.
He's a fun story.
Decide to hike out to a natural harbor some 30 min out of the way.
It's always empty but when I get there I see a perfect little fishing boat anchored in just the right spot.
About to take a photo when two guys come out of the woods and start threatening me.
Both are carrying guns .
Clearly hunting without a license.
Make some excuse and wait for them to get on the boat, then take a couple of cheeky shots.
One of the guys notices and yells he's going to beat me up and even point his fucking gun at me...

Can't wait to have the roll developed.
I really wish it was in color tho.
Have you been threatened for your art?
I guess I will post this in the film and gear threads. I have some old EF mount lenses (yes, EF not EF-S) from when I had an aps-c rebel in college for film class. I saw that you can use EF lenses on film bodies so I just ordered a rebel 2000 off ebay for like $50 with batteries and shipping. how good/shitty is the auto focus and light meter? I'm trying to decide if I want the camera or if I am going to give it to my brother for his birthday. I feel like if I am going to take a camera I can't fit in my pocket I'd rather just take the 645 SLR I have. My 645 has manual lenses and full stop exposure comp and shutter and half stop lenses, so its kind of shit at slide film. idk what cameras my little brother has but I know he has a K1000 I bought him for his birthday one year and I think he has a range finder and was looking into 120 cameras. I think the rebel 2000 (it hasn't arrived yet) has 1/2 stop exposure and shutter speeds so would it be good at shooting slides or in low light or some other scenario I haven't thought of that would make it have a niche? right now I am thinking of just giving it to him and telling him to use it as a beater/so he can have a different kind of film loaded.
I guess its a while off since I have a whole fucking freezer full of film I need to shoot first, but is xp2 any good? What would you recommend in terms of C41 films I can shoot in a 120 camera that only meters/exposure comps in full stops and a 35mm point and shoot?
Any decent c41 film has tremendous latitude, so just make sure you don't underexpose your film and you'll be fine.
Anyone in the LA area getting kino shots of the fires? Hope everyone is safe out there.
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I've pushed HP5 to 3200 with good results using Ilford DD-X, picrel
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found a roll from summer i forgot to scan lol
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I've been thinking about doing this mod. Does it remove the compatibility with shorter strips, though?

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no, it works exactly the same, ive run 4-38 frame strips through mine no issue
>because no matter how short the lens is, it'll be a tele lens
whether a lens is telephoto or not has to do with the design (effective focal length > physical focal length) not the format
changing the format doesn't change the focal length either, just the angular FoV
a 150mm lens on 4x5 is still a 150mm lens on 35mm, anyone familiar with 35mm will know what that looks like
changing the format means only a fraction of the lens' angle of view will be actually exposed
it will be effectively a tele equivalent
it's quite literally the same thing as having a 4x5 shot on 150mm and then cutting out a 24mm x 36mm rectangle out of it
to get that same fraction of the image covering a whole 35mm frame you would need a tele lens, not a 50mm lens (which would be the equivalent for a 4x5 150mm)
you should probably study up on lens terminology
I'm not saying it's a tele lens because it was not intended for this use, but it will behave as a fucking tele lens, you illiterate fucking moron
it's pretty clear what i'm saying and yes it WILL effectively be a tele lens because the angle of view WILL be <30º
just admit you're wrong and fuck off
now you go study not only lens terminology but also how they work and basic text comprehension
What should I be using to clean (old, 50 years+) slide film with fungus on it? Cotton buds and IPA seems to work well, but the buds sometimes scratch the emulsion.
>whether a lens is telephoto or not has to do with the design (effective focal length > physical focal length)
Maybe try a soak/agitation in a couple rounds of distilled water to remove all dust and debris, then soak in photo flo and dry. Use a test piece first.
Is there a term for lens that has a longer effective focal length than it's physical focal length? Sometimes I wish these existed for large format.
I found out is called a retrofocus lens.
retrofocus yeah
>keyword: effective
please, I insist, enlighten me on how it will not be effectively a tele lens
please explain to me how the image projected in that tiny 35mm frame in the other guy's adapter will be 50mm equivalent even though he's only using a tiny fraction of his original field of view
please, really
I'll wait
Based. Nothing so exciting as that but I've definitely had a few homeless people yell at me and for taking their pictures when I'm walking around with my camera, regardless of if I was or not. One guy followed me for a while demanding I delete the pictures I took, and when I tried to explain that I was using film he just looked at me blankly and then told me I was lucky he didn't beat the shit out of me as he walked away. I wish had taken a pic of him desu just because of how aggressive he was being for no fuckin reason.
There's confusion over the technical definition of a telephoto lens.

Regardless of film size/crop factor the bellows draw for focus remains the same.

Large format lenses are not labeled with an equivalent 35mm focal length. It's just the focal length. Focus/bellows draw at infinity for a non tele lens is equal to roughly the focal length of the lens. For a tele lens the bellows draw would be less than the focal length.

When you apply a crop factor of .28 to a lens you would get the equivalent 35mm focal length in 4x5.
"effective focal length" does not mean what you think it means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focal_length#General_optical_systems
tl;dr it describes the optical power of the lens, not how far away the aperture is from the film/sensor
Look at how incredibly based sinar is. I found out yesterday that they hide a ruler inside the main rail.

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>When you apply a crop factor of .28 to a lens you would get the equivalent 35mm focal length in 4x5
well yes, of course
but when you look at the goddamn photo, is it or is it not equivalent to using a fucking tele lens?
I know what a tele lens is and what it's not, and focal length and all that shit
just answer the question
if i have, let's say, a 60º angle of view lens for 4x5 and I crop a tiny part the size of a 35mm frame, will the field of view still be 60º or will it be, let's say, 20º?
>made up numbers just to illustrate the line of thought
a 50mm lens on 4x5 will produce a wider angle of view than a 50mm on 35mm
the 50mm lens on 35mm will produce an image like a 35mm 50mm lens, not longer
the difference between a 50mm lens made for 4x5 and one made for 35mm is the size of the image circle
so using the former on the latter will allow for much larger movements than a purpose-made lens for 35mm
but it will still have the same angle of view that a 35mm shooter expects from a purpose-made 50mm lens
there is no equivalency calculation needed unless you are trying to shoot the same composition on both 4x5 and 35mm
>tele lens
does not come into play at all here
you can have a 500mm telephoto lens, and a 500mm non-telephoto lens
they will both have the same angle of view, but the latter will be bigger because it doesn't use more complex optics to reduce the physical size of the lens
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>bird fills the whole 4x5 back with 150mm lens
>without changing anything else, I make a crop
>24 mm x 36 mm out of the 4x5 image
>only a small part of the bird fills my whole 135 frame
>if I use a 50 mm lens on a 135 body the image will be the same as the 4x5 with a 150mm
>to get this same tiny part of the bird in the red rectangle to fill my frame I would need to use, let's say, a 135 format 105mm lens
>105mm lens is tele lens
>cropping a 4x5 to fill a 135 frame is the same thing as using a tele lens on 135
so as I initially stated
>it'll be a tele lens if you do the math considering the angle of field covered in that tiny 35mm window
how do I go about saving some extremely thin negatives?
made a fuckup with developing and negatives are fucked, like so thin I at first I thought it came out just see through but when I looked at them against the light once they dried the detail is there, no fog, there just isn't any density at all.
Is there a way to add like probably 5 steps of density to them?
>Is there a way to add like probably 5 steps of density to them?
Unfortunately not, shit's fucked. Only thing that could be fixed is if the negatives were fogged and all you would need is to throw it back in some fixer for a few minutes.
Just chuck it into the scanner and see what you can get out of the negatives.
scan with autoexposure?
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Okay fellas, I got my pics developed from my goofy adapter. Here's a selection of them that came out okay. These are double X @ 100 devved in xtol 1+2 for 9 minutes.

I used a 300mm, 180mm, 120mm macro, and the brass 700mm lens.

You can selenium tone them for a teeny bit of added density.

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File: doublex100 12.jpg (2.22 MB, 3427x2237)
2.22 MB
2.22 MB JPG
Oh yeah, most of these were shot at f22.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.1.0 (Android)
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Image Created2025:01:09 15:30:51
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Brass lens stopped down to f40 with the aperture slide. I took a couple portraits without the aperture slide and they are very pleasing in that softer lens sort of way. Aside from the inconveniently long focal length I am really happy with this brass lens.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.1.0 (Android)
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Image Created2025:01:09 15:31:59
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Image Created2025:01:09 15:31:15
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File: doublex100 17.jpg (3.23 MB, 3391x2342)
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Kind of a bad picture, but it demonstrates what you can achieve with lots of swing. This was taken with a 300mm lens at f22 and the foreground object was around 30 feet away. Impossible to get it in focus with swing.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeEPSON
Camera ModelPerfection V800
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.1.0 (Android)
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Image Created2025:01:09 15:31:41
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This was with the 180mm. I love photographing this little shed so much.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.1.0 (Android)
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Image Created2025:01:09 15:32:49
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File: doublex100 27.jpg (2.56 MB, 3377x2229)
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Test Bird.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.1.0 (Android)
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Image Created2025:01:09 15:32:14
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File: doublex100 15.jpg (2.06 MB, 3344x2118)
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2.06 MB JPG
This may have been with the brass lens stopped down as well.

That's it.

My thoughts are that taking 36 pictures with a view camera is a lot of work. The image quality is better than I thought, I want shorter focal length lenses to use with this setup, xtol + 5222 is pretty nice also. Overall a good test roll, and I will continue using this thing for more creative ventures soon!

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeEPSON
Camera ModelPerfection V800
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.1.0 (Android)
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Image Created2025:01:09 15:33:33
Color Space InformationsRGB
File: webcam scanning.jpg (1.77 MB, 2560x1920)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB JPG
>we have dslr scanning at home

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behold my crime

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its a neat effect anyway
actually there isnt any fog in them, they look just right when I put a light behinf them and look at just the right angle but they are too thin for scanner to pick up, tried like this kodak quickscan or something like that I use for quickly previewing rolls and then dslr scan I use for better pictures and it picked up the fucking texture of the backlight better than whats on film
they're so cooked it probaby wont hurt to try
like this is what the scan looks ooc from the dslr
like the histogram just peaks in the middle of the medium gray
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like there is some information but it can't get out

i believe this happened because I used leftover rodinal (foma) solution I had from previous dev, it was sitting in my lab for a couple weeks and this is what it done. I never used old solution but that one time I did too much and thought i was gonna develop earlier so i let it sit. Won't make same mistake twice, gonna mix fresh each time now.
this is awful. how the hell is this large format?
It is small format. It's 35mm double X shot through a view camera with a rollfilm adapter. Look at the earlier portion of the thread if you want to see the adapter.
>typical nophoto pleb
>105mm lens is tele lens
wrong, see >>4398208
even disregarding definitions of "telephoto", 105mm isn't even that long of a lens on 35mm, mid-length at best
using a 105mm LF lens to take a 35mm photo, you will have exactly the same level of difficulty framing a shot as if you used a 105mm FF lens
so you are wrong, it will not be a "pain in the ass"
no one is disagreeing about focal length equivalency, only with
>no matter how short the lens is, it'll be a tele lens
because that's fucking retarded
no, a wide-angle LF lens will not be a wide-angle FF lens, but it won't be a super narrow angle either
>105mm isn't even that long of a lens on 35mm
you gotta be the most literal dumbfuck at all times?
>made up numbers just to illustrate the line of thought
Ok I'll make up different numbers so that you understand clearly
>use a 0.2mm lens designed for 4x5
>a 24mm x 36mm rectangle will be the equivalent angle of view of a 7000mm
jesus fuck, man
I'll give you a crash course on text comprehension
>no matter how short the lens is, it'll be a tele lens
what I'm saying is that no matter how short the lens is, based on the premise that anon is probably using regular lenses made for 4x5 i.e. ranging from about 45mm to 220mm and beyond, since the 35mm frame is so small and it will cover just a small fraction of the whole image, it will behave the same as using a tele lens made for 35mm format on a 35mm camera body
just look at the fucking photos
>This was taken with a 300mm lens at f22 and the foreground object was around 30 feet away.
holy shit it's almost as if it was taken with a goddamn fucking telephoto lens
>no, a wide-angle LF lens will not be a wide-angle FF lens, but it won't be a super narrow angle either
of course the wider the lens you're using, the wider the 35 frame's angle of view will be as well
but it will still be less than 1/14th the area of the 4x5 negative
Meaning it will inevitably be an at least somewhat NARROW angle of view
>but uhm aktschually a Xmm 4x5 would be equivalent to a 85mm on 135 and that's uhm like not technically a telephoto lens per se, see?
it's my fault forgetting you're the most literal dumbfuck in the world, I'm deeply sorry
Did you at least like the photos a little? They came out better than I thought they would. :D

Maybe telephoto can mean both things depending on the situation?
don't fall for the engagement bait
You think he's just being obtuse?
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tried out another of their varieties, this time #5 which has fringing on the frames. really like how some of these turned out. shot with the same p&s. next meme film I'm trying is the lomo turquoise, which i'm shooting at 100 (it recommends a 100-400 range but since it isn't dx coded my p&s defaults to 100).
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maybe should have cropped the motorbike desu
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probably enough for now, until I finish the next roll of snapshits
Perfect film for a pride parade.
>Maybe telephoto can mean both things depending on the situation?
no, it's not a subjective or interpretative matter, it's related to the angle of view
<30° is tele
if someone wants to do the math of what 4x5 angle of view would be the threshold for a 35mm crop of it to be <30° I'd appreciate it

anyway, I like this one >>4398282
this one is interesting because it would be nice to see a 35mm frame with swings and movements
>>4398289 this one is cool too, with the dark trees closer, they look like shadows
the rest just didn't catch my attention that much
Thanks. I'll definitely be doing more tilting and swinging. I'd like to try some extreme perspective shifts as well, but it's tricky with the longer focal lengths I'm forced to use.

I asked chatgpt and it said that it's 106 degrees, but I didn't check the math at all.
>"DSLR" scanning with a macro lens, it's super fast and quality is comparable to high-end scanners


>reusing rodinal
are you Scottish?
>A telephoto lens, also known as telelens, is a specific type of a long-focus lens used in photography and cinematography, in which the physical length of the lens is shorter than the focal length.[1]:93 This is achieved by incorporating a special lens group known as a telephoto group that extends the light path to create a long-focus lens in a much shorter overall design.
>Long-focal-length lenses are often informally referred to as telephoto lenses, although this is technically incorrect: a telephoto lens specifically incorporates the telephoto group.
This shitfit could have been an email
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Gold 200, f/2,8, 5 s
So dark I barely could see through the viewfinder, and it was raining sideways.

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File: R1-06050-0010.jpg (2.6 MB, 3290x2193)
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Same aperture, but 30 seconds. Which do you prefer?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFujifilm eSystems, Inc.
Camera ModelDigital Link
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.0 (Windows)
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Horizontal Resolution95 dpi
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Image Created2025:01:10 20:04:54
Color Space InformationsRGB
File: colors.jpg (2.87 MB, 3290x2193)
2.87 MB
2.87 MB JPG
that one but the colors are weird
here's what I would have done if it were my photo

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Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
silly me, forgot to quote
meant that >>4398448 one
Based Ducati chad
I wasn't reusing it, i just made double dose by accident, used half and left half for next dev, which was this one
apparently rodinal goes bad when its in solution for a few weeks
Thanks, that's much better without the ugly LED street light color cast.
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I wish there was an actual fucking winter here

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D610
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.8
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)60 mm
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Image Created2025:01:10 23:28:00
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Do not trust a machine to think for you my friend
I think it was correct, and I am way too lazy and uncaring to do the math myself.

210mm is 106 degree fov on 4x5.
>>>> math.atan2(5*25.4/2,210)*360/2/math.pi*2
I can't wait for the retards to get culled by the paperclip collector
Nice job, nerd. I just copy and pasted
>do the math of what 4x5 angle of view would be the threshold for a 35mm crop of it to be <30° I'd appreciate it

From that guys post into my calculator and it spit out the answer.
what answer did it spit out?
Roughly 105.9
very good
Too much work for a highly abundant element, although it could be a fun alternative to cremation for a nerd like yourself.
>[telephoto* equivalence confirmed]
>[*lato sensu]
>not the fucking nerds' definition
>t. I actually read Ansel Adam's books where you copied and pasted that definition, if I remember correctly
in the lenses' chapter, book I
how fine do you need your stop adjustment to be for slide film? is 1/2 stops enough or do you need 1/3 stops?
try to get as precise as possible because you have some stops of dynamic range both up and down
half a stop will not fuck up your whole shot or anything, the problem is that you can get clipped highlights or muddy blacks but an overall fine image
get a reliable meter and you're good to go
man I just thought of such a good pick up line, now I need to find some cute girls who are film photographers so I can use it
stupid question but for how long can i have photographic paper in the water?
i'm renting a couple hours of a lab next week and i was thinking of doing a shitload of enlargements and just throwing it all in a plastic container full of water and bring it all home to dry
otherwise I'd have to pay for an extra hour (and shit's expensive) just for the paper to dry
hey baby I'd like to wind you onto my takeup spool if you know what I mean
I think a very long time. I have left prints in water overnight (10+ hours) with no ill effects
>I have left prints in water overnight (10+ hours) with no ill effects
oh, fuck it then
no way I'm paying an entire hour just to get my shit dry
I'll print as much as I can in the first hour and a half, leave it all drying and the other hour and a half I'll keep making enlargements but just throwing it all in a plastic box with water and bring it home
thanks for the info, man
It depends on the paper.
How much editing do you guys do on your photos? Do you leave them raw? Minor touches or full on edited?
crop and maybe rotate
tone curve for black and white
white balance for color negative
File: 60.jpg (1.27 MB, 800x1200)
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I go nuts with it, only thing I won't ever do is apply sharpening. I don't bother with editing out debris or blemishes either, unless they're so pronounced that it's distracting.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePlustek
Camera ModelOpticFilm 135i
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
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Image Created2025:01:11 11:06:37
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hit the Auto adjustment button on Lightroom
File: 1736646580828.jpg (3.76 MB, 3601x2701)
3.76 MB
3.76 MB JPG
Snagged this baby graflex for $60 on FB marketplace, the roll back works perfectly (verified by running a dummy roll through and marking the frames with a sharpie) and the shutter does too (after disassembly and cleaning), only problem is it didn't come with a focusing screen. So I designed and 3d printed one, and got the actual ground glass off fleabay. Works pretty good. Gonna go take some landscape test shots once my order of ektar 100 comes on Monday.
I'm >>4398349, those photos I scanned myself and edited: saturation, some color balancing, a bit of contrast adjustment. Usually minor but some of the frames on that roll had a strong cast (probably from the hand fogging effect on the film) so I had to majorly shift the overall colors/tint to get some reality in the subject
Nice. I'm on the fence about getting a new MF camera. Sort of dream camera of mine.
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got a swing lens camera after years of lusting after one
this is fuckin cool, I imagine it will take a while to figure out how to take good pictures with it though
and I will live in perpetual fear that a speck of dust will find its way into the mechanism and make those white lines you see in all the flickr pictures

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeEpson
Camera ModelPerfection4870
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.36
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution2805 dpi
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Image Created2025:01:12 14:26:09
Color Space InformationsRGB
panoramic camera that uses rotation to expose a strip of film.
crazy thing, anon
Yeah they're cool. You can get them in all formats. There's some 120 ones that are pretty cool and significantly more affordable than flat film panoramic cameras like the linhof and fuji ones.
The factory made flat film cameras may be expensive but it's actually pretty easy to DIY one with a large format lens. I made a few of those already.
Swing lens is much harder to DIY and more delicate when factory made because the speed of rotation has to be very precise. But in exchange you get that cool/weird perspective where straight lines are curvy but the corners are not all skewed like they are with standard ultrawide lenses.
Yes. They both have their look to them. Wide angle large format often looks a little boring or not as wide angle looking as smaller formats because it is usually so well corrected.
Wondering your thoughts on this idea.

I would like to create a sort of collage image from maybe 9 seperate prints using these small sheets of printing paper I have, something like 2.5x3.5 inches.

Just one example that's easy to understand would be an image of a flower, but you rotate the camera around the center axis of the flower so each negative is roughly 30 degrees of the entire flower. The final framed image would use 12 seperate prints arranged to show the full flower.
I'll tell you why it won't work in the new thread
The suspense... I plan on carefully cutting dry mounting paper out for each print so that it fully sticks the prints down without showing any of the mounting paper. I'm a little unsure of how it will look without matting surrounding the individual prints.

I think I need to make one first.
you need to make a new thread
I don't make new threads. :( We're only on page 5 anyways. My new film camera is going to be here before there really needs to be a new thread.
It's a cool one. Just wait. The model no. starts with a 6 and ends with an F. Can you guess????
Nikon F6?
Nope. It starts with a 6 and ends with an F.


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