Photo confessions thread.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiColor Space InformationUncalibratedImage Width500Image Height281
i think cameras are cool but i don't like going out and using them
I use stock filters on almost on my photos.
>>4395995That's not even the right image or confession thread textI confess nothing
I haven't shot a single raw for almost two years
I haven't taken a photo in almost a month[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakePanasonicCamera ModelDMC-GX8Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.0Focal Length (35mm Equiv)0 mmImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandImage Created2024:12:10 23:18:50Exposure Time1/40 secF-Numberf/0.0Exposure ProgramAperture PriorityISO Speed Rating400Exposure Bias-2 EVMetering ModePatternLight SourceUnknownFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length0.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width2400Image Height1919Exposure ModeAutoImage QualityUnknownWhite BalanceAutoFocus ModeManualSpot ModeUnknownImage StabilizerUnknownMacro ModeNormalShooting ModeAperture PriorityAudioNoFlash Bias0.00 EV
I love the end result of shooting film and appreciate the development process, but I also admit that I likely would not have gotten into photography if it hadn't gone digital.
>>4395995I’m from israel and moved to the US, and am mad no one gave me a million dollars for taking shitty photos so i am now staunchly anti americanI shill sony but actually use a fuji
>>4395995I like photography but I also like cameras as technology, and I like collecting themI have never met another photographer I get along with well enough to even call them an acquaintance.I think pretty much every photographer is self-centred and mediocre. Such is the nature of the person who settles for the form of visual art that a machine makes for you.I lie to my clients telling them I'm shooting on the latest and greatest gear when in reality my camera is 17 years old and no one has ever noticed or said anything to me about it.I think if photographers stopped to ask questions and got to know people maybe they wouldn't be the absolute worst kind of person to talk to, but instead all of them just tell you about themselves and become disinterested if you're not carrying the conversation or praising them at every phrase.I tell people I shoot Nikon/Fuji and then post retarded things on purpose because those people always have the baldest most explosive reactions
>>4396045Cant you just use your jewish connections and display some shitty snapshits in a gallery and sell them?
>>4396058No i cant even afford a sony. Thats why I had to settle for a shittier camera. My dad ran a falafel stand and my mom didnt work.
Forgot to check my exposure settings and lost a hundred important frames.
>>4396064What do you mean 'check'? How do you shoot that many shots and not adjust anything? Was it in a studio or something?
>>4396065Location shoot, burst mode. Switched from full manual to aperture mode, but forgot auto ISO. Noticed it in less than five minutes, but still facepalm for being retarded.
>>4395995Sugar is a way way better photographer than fe2fucker.
I can't really confess anything because I am free from photography sins. >>4396146Probably, which means I need to shoot and post more on here to get to his level :A)
>>4396153Spamming all your garbage is a great way to improve photography, bro.
>>4395995I haven't taken a photo since last year
>>4396159Malding with a bunch of gear in a bag does an artist no favours.
>>4396162True! It sounds like you're on the right path to becoming a decent photographer. Good job, big boy. ;^D
>>4396162do you not have gear in a bag or are you a shelf guy? pretty sure you have 3 cameras and your output cratered in quantity and quality after you spent $2500 on leica memes
>>4396173Well I had to get accustomed to a whole different style of shooting, ofc im not gonna be the best photographer ever after changing my whole setup.I have been taking more photos, however a lot of them are of friends and family and I'm not posting those pics here out of respect for their privacy.Also>$2500Every time som1 brings up the cost of my camera it only gets more expensive for some reason.It was $1300.
>>4396177That's still way too much considering everyone in the phone photography thread takes better pictures than you.
>>4396179He’a basically using a phone camera pretending to be a film camera (because of le brand) jejmight as well buy a fuji xe3 and a tiny manual lens same function different meaningless fashion aspects
>>4396182I can't believe half of those things don't go past 1/1000 shutter speed. Why would I not just buy a kiev or something if I absolutely have to buy an 'SLR-but-worse'.
>>4396184Because, the magical brand will improve your photography with a psychic connection to henri cartier bresson.
>>4396187Yea well kiev will improve my photography with a magical connection to that chimp the soviets shot into the sun
>>4396179It really is just pure self indulgence which is completely priceless. I wanted a meme cam and so I got one. Whether its worth it to other people is completely irrelevant.>>4396182You are completely correct, but I like my toy more.
>>4396196Fantastic now you can stop arguing when people say your photos are monkeyshit
>>4396198Only when they post better photos than me to give their critique an ounce of validity.Hell, posting photos at all would be a good start.
>>4395995I tend to like the activity of taking photos way more than processing and viewing them. Quite often, I accumulate hundreds of photos without processing them, and seeing them pile up without being processed halts my desire to take more pictures.
>>4396199In most cases nophoto is better than yourphoto.
>>4396204Said like a true anklebiter.
>>4396200>accumulate hundreds of photos without processing themGuilty of that too. A good reason to shoot raw+jpeg.
>>4396205You anklebite the trolls everytime you call them a nophoto.
>>4396210Keep telling yourself that. At least I got something to show for my work.
>>4396212t. anklebiter
>>4396212Discernment and selectivity is clearly lost on your poor soul. The same cannot be said for the nophotos you seethe, mald, and cope at daily.
>>4396199You're acting like no-one gives you valid critiques and your detractors are just jealous, which makes you sounds frustratingly retarded. You are CONSTANTLY given valid and helpful criticism and you always choose to ignore it. I don't know if you just think your gear will carry you or what's going through your head but it's probably time to give up.
>>4396223Inb4 nophoto
I really enjoy the shit flinging and schizo posting on here.Also I think Fe2 takes ok/good photos
>>4396237Your photos must be fucking awful if you think his are good.
>>4396223Where is this helpful criticism? All I ever see is "wow this sux kys" posted by Anon McAnonymous with zero prior proof of being knowledgeable in the subject i.e. posting a photo of their own.Of course I'm not gonna listen. Would you?
>>4396243My photos get mixed but mostly positive reactions, at worst they’re ignored.I do really enjoy some of his B&W stuff and I don’t think it’s an insane thing to say
>>4396253Mate, that's just not true. You get constructive criticism all the time. I've even tried helping you but gave up as you keep making the same mistakes. I think if everyone is telling you that you need to go back to the drawing board you should consider it.
>>4396260What do you want me to do? Go through the archives and look for every time me or someone else has tried to help you? Also if you have a problem with anonymous users, maybe this isn't the correct website for you.
>>4396262Yeah I want you to link an archived post. Just an example, because I simply don't believe you that you've given me any without sounding disingenuous.And I don't have a problem with anonymous users. I get along with most POLITE and level headed people on here, just check the x700 guy in /fgt/ I was chatting with earlier. You're the one who asked why I don't listen to certain critique and I answered. Don't like the answer? Too bad.
>>4396260Not him, but you do get helpful advice in threads.Here's a task to cure your snapshitter syndrome: Photograph something in a way that makes it look cool or captivating.
>>4396265Check the abstract art photography threadDo none of those fit the bill?Also cool or captivating is completely subjective so really dont know how you would gauge that from an objective POV
>>4396269I checked that thread before, and you had one good shot there. Nevertheless, you seem stuck creativity, and you don't take well to posters who suggest you hone your craft.And yeah, I'm nophoto on here, because I'm not about to post portraits on 4chan.
>>4396269>Also cool or captivating is completely subjectiveLe postmodernist excuse
>>4396269What about it? You had one negative reply and it wasn't even invalid, you spammed a thread with mostly irrelevant images.
>>4396011>>4396015you should've never bought canon
>>4396146sugar shitposts more that fe2fucker, but fe2 post more pics and projects
>>4396295>canon makes me have shit weatherhmmm
>>4396146comparing cow shit to dog turds
>>4396273Ok so you're brushing off the part where I fulfilled your criteria, tell me im "stuck" which is actual bullshit because I've been trying all sorts of new things all through last year, and then you try to pass off non constructive critique, such as comments that say nothing except "you suck", as people "suggesting" I "hone my craft" and still wonder why I don't take most people seriously here.What a nothingburger.
>>4396269>look at my shameless reposts of reposts!!howabout NO you freaky ESL bastard
I wish I hadn't gotten into medium format because everything is bulkier and more expensive
>>4396361who memed you into that shitnone of the lenses are actually faster and the resolution is absurdly difficult to extract on film and useless digitally anyways
>>4396345>I've been trying all sorts of new things all through last yearYou missed the part about reflecting on your experiences and learning from them.
>>4396363i think the cameras are neat. it honestly feels great to use, i love larping with old techthe wide angle lenses are better in mf though
>>4396365Oh so you want me to actually blogpost, is that what you're saying?
>>4396367>doesn't even consider doing something without telling others about it as an option
>>4396372I mean you fuckers are terrible at reading between the lines as it is.
>>4395995I have shot five rolls of film now, but cannot be bothered to "scan" them with my DSLR yet, because I find it virtually impossible to get the color conversion right.I watched a bunch of youtube videos on it, but the process is long and tedious and STILL doesn't get the correct colors at all. I have compared to lab scans and with free conversion apps on my phone, and they look a million times better. What the fuck, why is it so hard fuck
>>4396375Nah, it's you who never learnt how you communicate, just like you never learnt how to take good photos.
I bought a Pentax 17 and I love it. Apparently normies like the gimmick of the advance lever and the vertical frame so it's an excuse to socialise and shoot street and events.
>>4396376negmaster plugin.
>>4396376Buy a reflecta X33/X66. If you're shooting 35mm consumer film it's going to give you the same results as 90% of film labs that use muh fuji frontier®DSLR scanning is for those who spend 18$ on a roll of portra and already have a good tripod, dslr, macro lens and lots of time to waste
>>4396425>getting ridiculed every time you open LRMy sin is that I barely use my digital setup, which cost me so much fucking money, now that I shoot film. I just always automatically grab my film camera. I still shoot digital for low or no light situations and crowded family gatherings so it's not a complete waste, but I still feel bad about it.
>>4396376Lab scans always look like shit tho
>>4395995I want to buy a fuji x100vi despite the fact that I can not afford it at all and even if I could I over-edit all of my photos to look like mid quality art magazine scans from the 2000s.
I bought all the entry level meme cameras that everyone overhyped years ago and haven't moved on from them at all. I feel like a fraud and a pleb.
>>4396474if you've developed a style that you like, isn't that a good thing?>>4396477lmao that doesn't sound so bad, squeezing all possible value out of your beginner gear, what type of photography do you want to do? how would a new camera help? aren't lenses more important?
>>4396474What camera do you have now? And what's the main reason you want a wormbox?
>>4396474>posts reddit wojak>is dumb consoomer lusting after trendy toys instead of plane tickets and time offsome boomer is saving up his $2k for a flight to europe and hes bringing his dogshit sony compact camera he got at a pawn shop, and leaving it in auto+jpegremember that when you lust after thousands of dollars of shitty meme gear
>>4396496>>4396501mostly I just want something I can keep in my pocket instead of my Nikon D5000, which has served me very well over the last decade and is better than my phone. Pocket + video that actually looks good is the main selling point to me.
>>4396508Well, that solves your dilemma. x100 is not pocketable and you'll regret buying it if that's what you expect from it.
>>4396425I'll try this.>>4396426>DSLR scanning is for those who spend 18$ on a roll of portra and already have a good tripod, dslr, macro lens and lots of time to wasteHave all of that, though I mostly shoot cheap Kodak Gold to get used to it.>>4396472No, their colors look good. I have no idea why I can't get the same colors through Photoshop or LR. It's not even close.
>>4396508Just get a DJI pocket (1) on the side. It's cheap and light and will give you nicely stabilized video, with many options for how you want the gyro to function.DJI Pocket 2 and 3 are also good, but they have much wider fields of view, so video doesn't look as "natural" out of those (in my opinion).
>>4395995I have no idea how to use my camera. Every photo is a complete guess of the settings.
>>4396526I just randomly got gifted a D800 in 2013, with expensive glass and all.And I went like 6 or 7 years without learning how the exposure triangle actually worked.
>>4396526Why? Understanding fundamentals allows for a lot of creative control over your photography, or are you just a snapshitter?
>>4396508There's not one camera that is pocketable, that can do decent video, and take decent photos.Photo No video: Ricoh GR Video no photo: DJI pocket
i keep fucking buying shit that doesn't work right and i'll get mad about it. i recently spent 300 on a 35mm lens that is misaligned and i've wasted 4 rolls troubleshooting it instead of just buying something that works.
I only post the worst version of my photos online and remove them after a couple days.
>>4396508Sony aps-c and 1” cameras fit in mens pockets and the rx100s do ok video for what they are. You totally lose weather sealing with any pocketable lens. This is true even on micro four thirds. For some reason the only company that claims full WR on compact glass (fuji) is known for not actually having weather sealing and never improving that.
>>4396538>good photo = 0 noise 45mp with super sharp f1.2 lens>good video = full frame sensor records 6k120 10 bit 422 log for 8 hours straight without overheating and has built in DCI crop so you dont lose half a megapixel doing it in postthis is the gearfag you’ve heard so much about
>>4396570>good quality* photo>good quality* video
>>4396573for most people good photo quality is a 5d classic and good video quality is anything 4k not using a built in micyou can do this with an a6-something, kit zoom, and those dumb little ecm-* microphones and normies socks are blown off. the entire kit would fit split between two jacket pockets and you’d probably still have room for a flashq m20 and another lens in your coat. this would not achieve professional, 30 inch print, cinema quality with any amount of skill but it would still be overkill for you
>>4396579>well most normalfags thinkredditor
>>4396581Normal people in pixel peeper gearfag terms are the only people that matter. In the moment before you zoom in on a photo or start looking at comparisons online, you are one of them. Just for a moment.
>>4396582says (You)
>>4396583You can show a normal person gearwise, albeit a high IQ autist, an 11x14 print shot on a shit ass olympus and they would say>yeah im sure your hasselblad is very nice but the photo is a bit boring, its just a bird. oh sorry its a what? sounds expensiveSuch is gear
>>4396573Good quality photo = 24mpix apscGood quality video = 4k 10 bit logI have not seen a truly pocketable cameras do both.
>>4396526I just auto settings, which is really worse?
>>4396621It's not horrible. You lose some creative control and occasionally image quality. But 90% is having the right subject lit will, with a nice composition. And you can do that with full auto.
Over the past few years I've been photographing a local herd of deer. They know me on sight and eat from my hand -- corn, apples, peanut butter, etc. Very friendly & tame. Well, this relationship has grown and - long story short - I am responsible for the genital wart outbreak in the local deer population.[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 WindowsImage-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution300 dpiVertical Resolution300 dpiImage Width1616Image Height1077
>>4396633new banner
I once hired a high-end Latina call girl. It wasn't the best sex I ever had, but she was supermodel-hot and I regret nothing. It didn't even occur to me take pictures.
>>4396633I did almost the exact same thing with your mother back in '93. Funny that.
>>4396543if you've decided that you truly want or need something, from that point simply don't have it for like 8 months more and save enough that you can buy something actually great and far as possible from chinesium and deal with no reliability or fomo bullshit ever again, this rule works well for me anyway and applies to all meaningful purchases
>>4396633at least you are leaving dogs alone, finally
>>4396846And who is he?
I literally don't know how to edit photos in Lightroom and just fuck around with filters and auto settings until it looks kinda cool to me. I would get torn to shreds if i posted my pics on here on even on other photography forums.