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Having an odd issue where I go to stuff and want to take photos but I feel like I shouldn't because I'm there to enjoy the thing
How do you deal with this?
stop taking pictures of prostitutes
>I shouldn't because I'm there to enjoy the thing
taking photos is exactly how I enjoy the things

do you actually enjoy photography itself, or is it just a means to an end?
Sounds like video might be more your thing. You could strap on a GoPro instead.
Or you could stick your camera on a tripod and have it take photos every so often, perhaps on a time lapse mode.
Or could do both. Would work well for your prostitute endeavors OP.
This is gonna sound pretentious as fuck but that danish leica fanboy thorsten overgaard who keeps touting "wear your camera" is actually 100% right.

Get a long strap and wear your camera like a handbag at your hip and enjoy the thing while the camera stays unobtrusively out of the way, then when a photo opportunity arrives your camera is right there and can go right back when the moment has passed.

This makes you less focused on the camera and lets you enjoy the event.
This is why sony is superior. No one else makes a decent compact FF. A7C under coat and call it a day.
I would say the a7c on a strap would be peak comfy.
>only mirrorless brand with weather sealed small soulful primes for full frame so you can truly take it anywhere
>m43 aka film camera sized
>thinnest pancake lens with the most sovl just like olympus used to make them
>meanwhile canonikon blobbers keep their camera in a backpack and jerk off to corner sharpness and 1/3 stop of vignetting
oh how the tables have turned
Camera holster and cowboy hat
>Get a long strap and wear your camera
This is solid advice. The Magpul MS4-style sling with a QD connector is the best
I paid them so they're mine

Appreciate you have high iq and enjoy the thing you are at.
Most people will never be able to achieve the realisation of beauty in the world and a camera absolutely can only capture a fraction of the experience of being there.

45% of the population never post to social media, 16% once a month or less.
Don’t let the 33% obsessed with posting fool you, they are the minority, life is for experiencing not trying to endlessly record.
This exact issue, literally this problem, is the big divide between tripod/DSLR faggots like sugar and every other generic DSLR boomer, and small camera chads like fe2fucker, garry winogrand, and basically every actual good photographer ever
It's not that you shouldn't take photos it's that you haven't yet found a way to take photos without photos getting in the way, you haven't yet figured out how to set everything up as to not hide behind the camera.

The big camera tripod faggots do not actually enjoy the thing and it shows in how lifeless their photography is. Every single part of the photo taking process is a burden. They can not just whip it out and go on their way. They are not there to enjoy what is going on. They are there to "be a photographer". This is why they are always claiming to be more masculine than other people for carrying one extra pound. Yes, you read that right, they claim to be more masculine for carrying one extra pound. These are the guys that say I SHOOT MANUAL THIS, MANUAL THAT, NO PREVIEW, I HAVE THE MOST PROFESSIONAL F1.2, IM FUCKING SMART AND MANLY OK. The whole fucking activity is about propping up their ego and their ego is partially based on "being a photographer".

The small portable camera chads like fe2fucker, henri cartier bresson, saul leiter, etc, are really just out appreciating life and mindfully looking at things, and the camera happens to be near them when they want to make visual note of a moment. These people prefer kit that is unobtrusive to carry and quick to use to make all the room in their day for enjoying the moment. The total opposite of the big camera fag. And this naturally results in superior photography because their enjoyment of their surroundings translates to truly doing a good job and capturing something beautiful, instead of a sterile perfectly composed snapshit of some dull garbage.

>Taking photos = social media
Someone go back and tell every man that ever wrote a journal...
this post right here is absolutely true and its why teenage girls with samsung phones take better photos than most self styled photographers

>muh canon r5 muh 24-105 f2.8 i am the master of making the correct photography decisions my aperture equivalence is unbeatable i have the best spec sheet behold the rule of thirds, again
>phone stacy: *snap* *pure kino*
Are you saying people walk around with their journal all day writing in it exactly as the moment occurs?
No they write afterwards, that’s the key thing.
The person who spent New Year’s Eve watching the fireworks go off on the screen of their mobile phone as they recorded it is the perfect example.
They 100% should of stayed at home, they got nothing from going to those fireworks, the person who just watched the full show with their eyes got a good worthwhile experience he can write about in his journal that night.
Unless you’re a DSLR dweeb, ovf only faggot, conserving film, and allergic to exposure automation etc it takes less than a second to take a picture. Its so fast and easy to use a mirrorless/pns it almost feels pointless to have it around for that split second.

The egregiously disconnected are all shooting video
Instinctive shooters with compacts remain the undisputed kings of photography

The only exception is sexy women photography because the big camera turns bitches on and its not just a trip either. Still, it needs to feel out of the way or you’re a cuck and the camera is fucking your girl
I take photos a lot for memory. I heard something a while back where every time you remember something, there's the chance it keeps getting slightly distorted each time you remember it. Probably not true, but photos capture details I may have forgotten or just not noticed.
This is why most normies switched to phones

It sure seems like phones suck now that you can compare them to the sony a7cr but back when phones took over and it became socially unacceptable to hold a DSLR without a press pass, bringing a camera other than a shitty little canon powershot was an intrusive PITA, and using it took some time and focus and therefore necessarily robbed you of some presence.

The DSLR days were a flat out regression from the film days, when you could pocket highly advanced 35mm cameras and shoot with the resolution and dynamic range of a canon 5d mark 3 anywhere you could wear a jacket or roomy pants.
>the small and portable camera chads like fe2fucker
Can you suck your own dick any harder, have no notoriety you huge fag. Stop trying to “be someone”
I can assure you that is not me, probably just someone with a sense of humour because I'm not that into small cameras lol.
fe2fucker with good advice, will wonders never cease?

This is what I do. A bag is best for long outings (comfort, batteries, lenses), but it creates friction between you and taking a photo. Just wear the camera where possible.

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