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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D7000
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)
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OP here- I’ve got that Pentax PC35 AF and it’s very nice though showing it’s age with wear and tear.
What are some other models (preferably with glass lens and manual action) that can be found cheaply on places like EBay?
I’ve also got the manual Minolta Memory Maker which is also nice but I believe has a plastic lens.
they're all the same /thread
>hey I wanna snap up a bunch of cheap 35mm film point n shoots before their prices exploded because zoomers are retarded and I too am a zoomer myself
>what should I buy since I refuse to research for my flipping business
The one you have with you
All point n shoots give you pretty much the exact same image. The only differences are body design and gimmicks.

Pick the coolest one to you, nothing else matters.
Contax T3
They’re not all the same. I’m really asking which ones have glass lenses since my Pentax has much clearer images.
Only an extreme idiot or extreme cameralet would ever suggest a plastic and glass lens produce the same images. Pure insanity.
Dogshit samefag. Also wtf is a "cameralet"? Lurk more. They all produce the same images.
Olympus Mu is a good one
Second this, definitely worth the 300 or so bucks people want for them now. You should buy one right now, OP.
>no argument
>Incorrect schizo accusations
>thinks glass and plastic have similar optical performance

Lurk more and concession gladly accepted. :^D
Yeah, fags. You made the evil mistake of viewing your photos larger than a postage stamp. Stop noticing things gear doesnt matter comrade. Or we send you to gulag. Sharpness is capitalist concept born of you thinking you is deserve more than you are need, without approval from party.
At least space them apart this is so fucking embarrassing.
Pure cope at this point.
>3:55 to 4:13
Not samefag, schizo. Yes, some pns are better than others. The focal lengths are not all 28mm. Some lenses are superior. Some have actual exposure and focus controls. Deal with it.

You will now proceed to post some cringe purity spiral shit and whine about "consoomers" and "gearfags" from your fancy computer in the largest act of irony to grace your day thus far because every 4chan fag with a hobby has the same personality (none)
Okay first of all if you're going into film point and shoots expecting quality you're already retarded. If you're going into 35mm film at all expecting quality you're objectively 40 iq, so lets put that to bed. And I don't know point you think you're making about the plastic lenses as almost all plastic lens cameras are disposables, and the ones that aren't are mostly all broken anyway. Not that it matters because almost every point and shoot is plastic e-waste with a dogshit lens, yes the glass ones too. They were not made to last, and they weren't made for good image quality. The closest you're going to get to SLR image quality with a point and shoot is a TVS, and then you'll be spending 8x the price of an entry level SLR with an entry level lens, for ??? reason. They still take the same film, so they're not that much bigger, especially if you get a smaller one like an OM. If you can't carry an SLR you should kill yourself. This should have been on the stupid questions thread.

>point and shoot
>manual controls
What do you think point and shoot means retard?
>quality is an option
Not buying your shite nikon fe2, gonna get a contax instead while penny pinchers seethe
Weird that you would suggest the SLR with the worst native glass.
Ok forgive me for not really considering barely-multiple-use plasticy focus free lunchboxes. Sure, glass lenses do make a difference. Thats about where point n shits stop differing tho.
Cannot Autoboy F is pretty nice, in white colour
Rollei 35 if you live in sunny part of the world and just go with f16 all the time can be kinda p&s and it's pretty small
Stupid questions go here >>4391933 there is no good answer to this though. If you were serious, you'd know that a single roll of film costs more than most of these shitters at a garage sale. If you're looking for something cool/desirable on ebay, you're not going to get it cheap because every other collectorfag hipster cunt has already bought it and relisted it for $100 more than they paid for it.
Manual controls matter especially for shutter speed.
Who buys a point n shoot compact for manual controls? get a rangefinder bro
And i'd put that feature under gimmicks since its so rare
People who just want to take good photos instead of following arbitrary gearfaggot rules for justifying the purchase of some shitty leica
>oh thats against le philosophy of a point and shoot your camera needs to be three times larger to have one single extra dial
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Funny how I never mentioned lica yet here we are.

Oh shit whats that?????

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And oh shit whats this?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Best photos you've posted in a long time
Many variables dictate trends. It seems to me like the design carries most of the weight with regards to how desirable a particular camera is, that along with awareness.
Any 35mm point n shitter has potential, but those with sleek design seems to be the most sought after as these things are to a large degree a fashion statement.
I saw a video recently where some dude compared a expensive hyped point n shitter with a cheapo and showed just how little difference there is, more such videos will probably come along because the amount of people willing to pay $1000 for a hyped snapshtter is dwindling by the day.
Autofocus, sleek design, motorized.. that is what the plebs want the most.
We just had a terrorist attack.
Were 15 Americans were killed.
And this piece of shit is blaming it on the anti-genocide protesters.
Well, he is not….
He is saying I’m a Jihadist that will incite a global intifada.

So he is comparing us to palestenians, and the oligarchs in this country to Israelis.

Sir, how about you make your case to the people on the other side of the screen?

I don’t want to show my cock down your throats this way.
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I don't know what counts as *cheap*, but I'll put in a nomination for the Olympus AF-10 Super.

It's an Olympus, but I guess it doesn't get much attention since it doesn't have "stylus" or "mju" in its name. Seems to go for around $50-60 on eBay. I found mine at a thrift for under $10.

It's a chunky looking, but not massive camera. Powered by either 2xAAA or a 123 battery. And the shutter makes the most wonderful sound.

Takes nice pictures too.
Thanks, thats the sort of thing I'm looking for.
Any cheapie with a nice glass lens.

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Thanks for the recommendation, can you load slide film into the AF-10?
>wasting slide film on a garbage camera
god damn you fucking zoomers trigger me so god damn much i can't even, i hate you almost as much as i hate women.
thats how people did it back in the day fucko
>open a film thread
>it's nothing but toxic waste zoomer posting
I hate film fags so much it's unreal.
Okay, boomer.
Chinon bellami.

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