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Let me guess, you "need" more

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bro, you don't even need a camera. learn to draw.
skill issue

inb4 pricetag obsessionists
Yes. I would need a subject to photograph. Merely having a camera is of a little use without such things.
It's a want not a need toobz
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Yes, and I'm tired of pretending I don't
Yes I need full frame sony to get eye af and 60 megapixels and million iso and evf to take good pictures of people's backs and building corners.
>he hasn't graduated to sticks and leaves yet
The Holga would be awesome if you could just exchange the lens for a good one.

At that point it would be just like a 3d printed camera. But without the flimsy 3d printed crap
t.angry fujislug

Enjoying your side of the ear autofocus?
>side of the ear autofocus
Did that come with the latest firmware? I still have tree autofocus.
the lens is the whole point. if i could take that off and have it mounted to a proper camera like a P67 or RZ/RB with a decent shutter, i'd absolutely do it
You could deffo mount a holga lens on a Baby Speed Graphic lensboard and use the curtain shutter, or jury rig it onto a copal shutter and use it with a Baby Crown Graphic.
>tilt-shifted Holga lens 6x9s
I actually really wanna try this now...
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fwiw, they make adapters to mount Diana lenses onto Nikon F and Canon EOS.

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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Image Created2014:07:29 14:40:37
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width900
Image Height600
might look into that, i've got a junk RZ67 lens with a trashed optic block, but a solid shutter, so I've been wanting to make an abomination of a lens using a magnifying glass or the element from a broken Kodak 3a I've got on the shelf. got a machinist buddy onboard to mill an adapter holder for me, just need to get off my ass and give him something in CAD

not sure _how_ crap the image will be, but it'll certainly be something 'unique'
Less actually

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