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>Reflx lab flash costs $50
>Moonlabs never made it past kickstarter
>Every other mini flash uses alkaline batteries or is proprietary crap

Thank you Godox, now I can take Terry Richardson snapshits using medium format
Yes, and you're the product
will this work on older film cameras? no i won't google myself fuck you
wish I didn't buy the reflx lab thing but oh well. it's still smaller than that though but if this thing ever break i will definitely buy that one instead.
It's not TTL so it'll work on any camera with a hotshoe. Unfortunately it doesn't have a PC sync port so cameras without a hotshoe will need an adapter

Yea if I were you I'd hang onto my current flash. But you can always get the iM20 as a backup unit
>GN 3
>AA batteries are... Le bad ok!!!???
LMAO, nah thanks I will keep my old thyristor flash
same, my 30 year old sunpak btfo's this crap and has an auto mode that works half-good
You lost the plot when you ridiculed the guide number, this flash is fucking tiny. It's meant to act as a fill or give a grungy P&S look
What are the best settings to get a shitty point and shoot look without overexposing/p/
Fucking Godox shill I won't buy your shitty flash lol, I just won't do it, lmao!
>can do bounce flash
>weighs nothing
>powered by camera batteries
>surprisingly powerful
>weather sealed, I've used it for macro all day in the rain
Only downside is it can't be used off camera and it charges slow. Not a big deal for me. It's one of my favorite pieces of kit for sure.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAndroid UP1A.231005.007.G991USQSEGXK3
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width497
Image Height546
Shame its only for micro four turds, and only a handful of bodies (not all support it).

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