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Dubs decide my next purchase.
What other OM lenses do you already own? Normally I'd pack a 28/50/100/180 combo, I love using my OM-4Ti
based OM-4Ti enjoyer

I have a 28mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.4, 135mm f/2.8, 200mm f/4 and a 300mm f/4.5
I don't particularly enjoy the 28mm f/2.8 unless I'm inside which, during winter, I'm a lot. So maybe the upgrade to f/2 would be worth it since fast speed colour film comes at a premium these days.
On the other hand I use the 50mm f/1.4 A LOT so maybe the 35mm f/2 would be the way to go?
It's literally a coin toss for me.
56mm f/4
70mm f/4
both motherfucker
i don't have any horse in this race but i like my 50mm 1.8 zuiko for my om-2n
out of my budget at this moment
I have like four of these
neither and switch to nikon
if i were in your shoes I'd be looking for the 35 then I guess, but that's mainly because I already have a 50 i like and a 28 I enjoy for a different mount so it'd be nice to get an inbetween and differentiate what I use my bodies for even more
I have the 21mm f/2.0 and the 28mm f/2.0. Haven't messed around with the latter much, but the former is one overrated, overpriced piece of shit, but I was playing with the idea of getting more of the f/2.0s such as the 24 and the 35 just to build a set.
most retarded post yet
the 28 is definitely a harder lens to compose with
wasted dubs
>switch to an 800 dollar fully mechanical camera that needs a shutter replacement every two rolls with my AF-D from the 90s with image quality from the 60's
Nah, got rid of all my Nikon shit. It's total garbage.
On general principal, it seems like the 35mm would make a good stopgap between too wide and too narrow. The slightly narrower FOV would also make more natural background separation.
The 35mm f2 is better optically. Even if you don't use it as much at least it covers a new focal length, maybe get a 85mm for that 35/85 pairing
Who are you quoting?
Anyways there are a ton of affordable and reliable nikon film cameras from the 80s and 90s. I quite enjoy not having to wind film or manually advance after every shot.

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