How do I make my camera look better?Camera accessories thread.
>>4398025Paint it pink and or put a lot of cute stickers on it.
>>4398027Super homosexual vibes bro.>>4398025Put camo wrap on camera/lensGet soft release shutter button Keep lens hood on lens at all times. If your lens comes with one of those wimpy petal style ones you can always use a dew guard for maximum respect
>>4398030You've got long ass painted and manicured nails and extremely feminine hands, dudette. It would match your pink wrist strap as well.
>>4398030Oh wait you're not op, lol.
>>4398025Use stick on letters or xacto-cut tape to write something funny and relevant over the brand name.
>>4398025Wtf is that flash? It kinda looks cool
>>4398037>>4398038Wild guess but I don't think OP picture is OP either kek
>>4398296OP here. That is a picture of me.
Post pics of femoids with qt nails holding camuras[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeLeica Camera AGCamera ModelS2Camera Software Camera AGMaximum Lens Aperturef/3.5Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution240 dpiVertical Resolution240 dpiImage Created2009:11:08 13:42:40Exposure Time1/125 secF-Numberf/4.0Exposure ProgramAperture PriorityISO Speed Rating100Lens Aperturef/4.0Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModeMulti SpotLight SourceFlashFlashNo FlashFocal Length180.00 mmRenderingNormalWhite BalanceManualScene Capture TypeStandardContrastNormalSaturationNormalSharpnessNormalUnique Image ID00000000000000000000000006076882
>>4398569Based incredibly specific fetish haver
>>4398299Another hot take but I don't think you are OP either lol.
>>4398569i can do girls with camera if ur srs
>>4398629That's a bro, dude.
>>4398629where is the girl
>>4398700>>4398632i hate this website
>>4398704Well I love you, so I think things balance out nicely. I wanted to post Micheal Obama, but there was not picture of him holding a camera.
>>4398707[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareGoogleImage-Specific Properties:Image Width696Image Height450