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Can we have a thread on color grading and post?

I'm trying to find some LUTs to imitate fuji on v-log. I know luts aren't nearly as good as simulations, I just want some better color that the basic 1-tone garbage Luts that Panasonic provides: https://pro-av.panasonic.net/en/cinema_camera_varicam_eva/support/lut/index.html

I've seen some really good stuff but it's all in paid packs:




coming from /g/ and /ic/ these prices seem insane for basically messing around with the RGB curves function. My gut says there's a tutorial out there where I can get to 80-90% of this quality in a few hours on my own.
Sir this is a photography board, we don't do LUTs and grading here, we're just gonna call you a fag for trying to imitate fuji.
Screw LUTs brotado. All you need are the tone curve and HSL controls.
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>color grading
Lmao, digicucks are at it again
>pays a lab employee to apply a lut on the film scanner with 5mp of real resolution at any dpi and 4 stops of dynamic range
>ah, sovl.
>meanwhile, everyone else: vision3 is always color graded, the origin of the term is in with working with film. portra is literally designed to be edited.
Yeah, but I don't really want to fuck around in post, just make some of my own LUTs, stick them on my camera, and call it a day 90% of the time, then the last 10% I might want to actually manually grade something that's really special.
>Xhe pays for someone to develop and scan xer film
Do you also pay someone to fuck your wife?
>luts aren't nearly as good as simulations
What do you think a LUT or film sim is?
Just spend 1-2 hrs on YouTube and you'll have a dozen of your own free to use.
>Thread on grading, but I don't want to actually grade
You can convert stills edits from programs that support exporting edits as ICC like capture one into LUTS

So take a photo of a scene under a specific illuminant (ie: orange sunset, red sunset, purple sunset, warm daylight, cool daylight, cloudy, shade), edit that to your taste in C1, export all color edits as ICC and convert to LUT. Wala you just made your own canned color grading ie: fujifeel-warmdaylight.lut.

I know for sure lattice supports icc->lut conversion

Sadly this isn't a replacement for shooting raw in stills because most cameras worth using process their video far better than their stills (if its oversampled from the whole sensor to 8mp they better)

>Be filmcuck
>Slosh some toxic waste around for 20 minutes
>put your photos under a digital camera capable of resolving all the detail in the photo
>take a picture of your picture
>essentially just applying a LUT to your digital camera with extra steps (you could match a standard shot to a film scan and make a LUT that way lmao)
And then you progress to film schizoing with impractical mp claims requiring $10k of gear and rambling about how its more real as if film has never been edited, and then saying its not interpreted or mangled by muh algorithms despite being a trichrome, and then... finally... buying a fuji, becuase all you have left is "i like turning dials and having a camera thats silver and black" lolololol.
This only works right if your camera supports shooting raws in the log gamma you're using
I know for sure sony allows this, and the gamma curve and bit depth actually get applied to the raw file, so making LUTS is piss easy
Not sure about how it works on panasonic

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