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Did I genuinely fuck up buying MFT or does gear autism make you think you're always wrong?
I wanted a decently compact but still powerful camera, with durable weather sealing, good low light and light astro.
MFT seems to fit everything so I got it, but now reading more about how people hate it I wonder if I made a huge mistake.
>>4402725 (OP)
Just some schizo foolframers out there that like to act like it's the end of the world for not buying some dslrinosaur from the beginning of this century instead.
>>4402725 (OP)
Most people are retarded. If it works why would you care what they think?
>>4402725 (OP)
That camera is exceedingly ugly looking.
>>4402725 (OP)
Grass is always greener until you try everything you think might be better. My protip would be just to rent nicer gear until you realize what you don't or do need. Or "rent" with buying used + reselling.
>>4402725 (OP)
Yes and yes. Spending the same amount of money on a sensor 1/4 the size of FF is retarded, but buying something cheap and small to fit inside your purse is acceptable so long as you realise your photos are going to look like ass even slightly above base ISO. At the same time, no matter what you buy there is always going to be someone telling you you're a faggot for not buying _____.
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>>4402725 (OP)
>Did I genuinely fuck up buying MFT
Sensor size is very important. You are sacrificing a lot of dynamic range, low light performance, creative options re depth of field, and rendering depth ("3D pop") with the right lenses, among other things. All for... a body larger than an X-T5.
I honestly don't know who MFT ILCs are for. Many APS-C cameras that fulfill your requirements are the same size or smaller and some full-frame mirrorless cameras aren't that much bigger either.

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This guy with his xt-5... for that money you could get a used FF with better glass, functional AF, waaaay better dynamic range, and of course no worms :) stupid purchase
>>4402725 (OP)
That one? Yes. Mft is only good as a PNS system or a cope camcorder. The em5ii is heading towards sub-$300. Its good! The om1, om5? FUCK NO. The g9ii and gh7 have video modes in combination with features that dont come on any larger sensors under $5k. Not shooting pro video almost exclusively? Dont be a fucking retard.

Small primes, adapted lens? Hell yes.
Lenses like pana-feica noctitrons, thousand dollar olympus "pro" zooms? Dont be a fucking retard.

The bigger and more expensive it is, the more the actual advantages over larger sensors disappear until you’re left with irrelevant crutches like "now that this camera that is too big for my pocket is a half pound lighter, i can finally take a picture of a bird". With ass image quality.
Nigga that thing its like 200 bucks
no the new shitty one not the old good one
Curious how the people who say it's bad are nophotos
Truly curious
I got two em5ii's and a mk i, all for under 100 usd and I reckon they're fantastic. Weather sealed, decent IQ, good enough dynamic range. When I'm not shooing stuff that I'd want crazy shallow DOF for they're a great choice. They feel really solidly built too, the mark iii apparently used more plastics.
Its not DOF, its rendering and tonality
It's not rendering and tonality, it's 3D pop
You’ll understand some day

There’s a reason, equivalence be damned, full frame actually got bigger and now we have DX medium format. Its a lot of tech babble for a subtle and important effect. It’s like comparing MF film to 35mm.
Oh he's retarded
>the entire world has passed mft by despite le equivalence
>could it be i missed something, just like ken rockwell isnt aware his photos look 10x shittier than they should? no everyone else is retarded
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More light is more light.
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Yep, even at the highest ISOs, a larger sensor with more and larger pixels absorbs more information. It's obvious at high ISOs, but at low ISOs that extra accuracy means they capture finer and finer tonal gradations and give the image a subtly better and more realistic look. On zooming in it's minor but it has a global effect on the image that makes it appear like it comes to life even at smaller print sizes and on screen displays.

The GFX100S can go up to ISO 102400, still have a clear image, and need some extra pushing in post past that to look even half as bad as the smaller sensors would at 56,000 btw
>>4402725 (OP)
>reading more about how people hate
so let me get this straight:
you bought a camera, you haven't even taken photos with it and you think it's trash because of random opinions on the internet?

just kys, waste of oxygen
>200mb raw files

What le fug
Wow, snoy full frame faggots carry purses and expect everyone else to carry a purse too
>>4402725 (OP)
>good low light and light astro.
lol what? low light is what MFT is bad at. its fine for base ISO and has issues at higher ISOs, though I guess if its on a tripod more light is more light
its a snoy full frame troll thread. there never was an op. its some snoy or canon cuckboy jerking off his camera and trying to dunk on M43, even though I can fit my pen f in my pocket and no one can tell the difference on social media anyway and I can get small dof with the 75mm anyway. (yes retardo, 150mm f/3.5 gives a shallow Dof, you retards act like full frame shooters don't use 70-200 f/4s or like they shoot the 70-200 f/2.8s wide open all the time
easiest way to make snoy boi seethe is to point out film dunks on his gay digishit
embrace the noise aesthetic
>>4402725 (OP)
Keep the camera and block this website
I own a Sony a7iii and it's not really that much larger with compact lenses...

An a7i or a7ii will also be cheaper than micro four turds
It's the lens, the little 1.8 primes look like a chode on the bigger body. Feels good in the hand, though.
>He's still anally anihilated by the fact that people with "worse" cameras take better photos
it's not 3d pop, it's microdetail
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>look like a chode
>Feels good in the hand
>>4402725 (OP)
You haven't made a mistake.
If you enjoy using it and take good photos with it then it's the right camera.
Don't listen to the gearfag in your head.
>>4402725 (OP)
Only the good low light part makes me think you might be on the wrong system. M43 falls apart in the dark. Other than that that's a nice camera and it has some handy settings for astro too I guess. If it can do everything you want then there's no reason to look elsewhere
Perhaps you should fucking read the OP before spewing irrelevant shit based on me giving a simple example of a camera the size of an EM-1 with larger sensor.
>yap yap yap
Who cares bro
>>4402725 (OP)
>good low light and light astro
Yeah, wrong system. The rest are relatively on point.
Smaller the sensor the worse the iso performance, additionally same size sensor but higher the pixel density the worse iso performance as well.
Om e-m1 mkiii at 3200 iso has as much noise if not worse than a r6mkii at 12,800.

If it works for you and you like it, enjoy it that's all that matters. Start running into light problems? well go low on SS and cope.
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>>4402725 (OP)
yes, you fucked up.
>OM body is significantly lighter and shorter
>OM lens is shorter, wider, and longer than the Nikon
The 40mp+ full frame bodies have more than enough resolution to crop and make up that extra 10mm, and can actually take advantage of it because the larger pixels are less demanding on lens sharpness. An equivalent Sony setup is barely more than 100g heavier, a small price to pay.
>just crop
>100g isn't *that* heavy
Concessions accepted
>just crop
Why wouldn't I? I can set my body to APS-C mode and essentially have a built in 1.5x TC, while still having pretty much the same resolution as that 4/3s body.
>100g isn't *that* heavy
It's really not. My lightest lens is 280g, my next lightest is more than 100g heavier. I don't avoid using any of my other lenses because of the extra weight.
>just crop
if you like cropping so much you should marry a crop system, lol!
>muh 100gs
I guess it's fine if your average photoshoot is around the block shooting rocks and leaves
>can't handle ~120g weight difference for quality and performance benefits
>om body is lighter and about the same size
>om lens is about the same size and 10mm longer than the nikon
there you go.
100% of snoy users wear purses
you literally can't tell on an image posted to IG or
kek, unironically one of the reasons I sold the 45mm. Granted I have the 75mm so I don't really need the 45
i wear my z7II / 24-70 under an open coat. when i had a 100v, i wore that on a regular neck strap. sony's a fucking bricc wow wtf
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>The bigger and more expensive it is, the more the actual advantages over larger sensors disappear until you’re left with irrelevant crutches like "now that this camera that is too big for my pocket is a half pound lighter, i can finally take a picture of a bird". With ass image quality.
He called it.

Already, the fool turds are sperging out about a half inch and a few grams. A literally nonexistent unit of weight. What is it this time? 120g?
0.26lb, or, 1/10th of a kilogram.

Who the fuck cares.

Amazing how small sony can get their cameras. There's really no reason to buy a crop sensor besides being a poor wildlife "photographer" with arthritis (the boring kind that does nothing but bokeh birds with the narrowest FOV possible - please stop calling yourselves photographers and start calling yourselves birdwatchers)
>inb4 muh dollers muh GRAMS
Get a job and go to the gym fag

Pic related, it's me waking up knowing micro four thirds is for trannies
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If I want something small and light then I have that option too. I have nothing against smaller sensors when they actually take advantage of that smaller size.

Nah, I just have a camera that's actually pocketable. If I'm taking an interchangeable lens camera with me then it's going to be hanging round my neck so I can actually take photos instead of wasting time squeezing it into and out of a coat pocket. The X100 is actually a good example of a fixed lens camera taking advantage of being such with its smaller size despite the large sensor. I did consider one instead of the RX100 but I wanted more versatility.

>sony's a fucking bricc wow wtf
It's a full frame body with an interchangeable lens, if you expect it to be as slim as an X100 you're dumb. Still, it's much smaller than a Z7.

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>good example
>trash lens
>trash sensor
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>if you crop sometimes you need to be cropped all the time!
>100g - a hike ending burden! it'll destroy your back!
I regularly hike with a 15lb rifle. Backcountry. There and back. Not just for miles, but for days, carrying a spare change of clothes, food, tools, a tent, and a sleeping bag.

Maybe try not carrying an extra 200lbs of body weight and you'll feel stronger
still better than micro fool turds desu
do you take photos while larping? have any to share?
gearfag alert
It's worse than mft. Limited by x-tranny AND shit lens design.
The GRiii, now that's a compact fixed lens aps-c camera
All you MFT YouTubers seem like women coping and peddling overpriced shit to tiktokers

I've never seen a biological male use MFT, every serious photog I see in my country is canon or sony FF, the hot art hoes shoot crop fuji.
There's some impoverished bong who shoots mft because a divorce destroyed him financially and psychologically and half his videos are him coping about it in a hysterical and rambling manner
>Yeah you know what i'm having fun this is more fun i dont regret this this is fun this is me having fun yes i am having fun now i don't want full frame at all i don't want a new mirrorless full frame camera at all micro four thirds is fun enough for me yes it is i am telling myself what i truly feel and know, full frame isn't worth it to me this is definitely fun, actually no one at all needs full frame its pointless yes full frame is actually worse *eye twitch*
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do i count as a bio male to you big boy? :3
One day everyone like that is going to be like
>This is the camera that made me like full frame again
>Why medium format is micro four thirds best friend
>(translation: my finances are back in order)
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>I've never seen a biological male use MFT

4 years hrt btw

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>ff sized m43
>flat rendering
>bokeh branch because thats the only time it has bokeh
>bokeh looks like microbes through a middle school microscope
many such cases

the virgin big m43
the chad $100 tiny m43 (terrycam)
>>4402725 (OP)
1. close /p/
2. go outside
3. take photos (you have already done this step, right?)
4. Are you satisfied?
Yes: gear is fine.
No: Why not?
>I want specific feature or strength X and it isn't up to par
Reasonable, maybe you did fuck up (M43 is not the way to go if you want low light performance)
>I'm worried someone on the internet hates it
Fix your gear autism, return to steps 1 through 3
shutter go clicky clacky :3
>using dxo
into the trash you go
no good alternatives from my perspective, rawtherapee and darktable are trashy fossware and lightroom is subscription slop
capture one
he needs ai cope not a program with noise reduction tuned specifically for larger sensors
thanks bestie ill check it out !!!

ai noise reduction looks like shit to me, i like grain sweetie
The more you stay inside and read online bullshit and the less you actually take photos, the more you'll care about gear
Simply going outside more fixes 90% of modern woes
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gearfags are soooo cringe

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Going outside and taking pictures is how I stopped thinking micro four thirds was worth a fuck and now I just see clueless chart fanboys fucking newbies into wasting money on cameras that can't even hold a candle to >>4402963 this masterpiece of japanese engineering from 2005. SO glad I got rid of mine. The colors and microcontrast were never quite right.

The tonality/3dpop memes are real. Look at how real and rich that snapshit landscape looks with just 10mp. It's lovely. No SNR, no FPS, no AI autofocus or pixel shift or IBIS, just pure superior sensor size (DX). Anything is better than micro four thirds.

Nothing DXOmark or p2p or dpreview or petapixel posts or charts or comments on is actually relevant to photography, the things that actually affect rendering on a global level are above those marketing mooks. Did you know photons to photos charts are actually computer generated from a photo of a magenta square, resized to postage stamp size? That's how they think dynamic range is measured. Seriously.

Even the lowly xt3 will take superior photographs to any phone or micro four thirds camera that will come out in the next 20 years.
>even a d200 has better rendering than micro four thirds
the magenta tint haver is correct. 5d classic > all mft.
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so true

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Sure thing mr. cameraconspiracies
snoy tranny once again admits he wears a purse in public like a faggot
I can fit my pen f with the 40 mm in my coat pocket, a cargo short pocket and jeans pocket if I really want. I if I want full frame I have 2 35mm film cameras and a 645 film camera
>I regularly hike with a 15lb rifle.
false, guns are banned in your third world country
thank you for the update on camera fashion in india
people can't tell what system you shot on. normies think camera pics are as good as full frame. my m43 fits in my pocket and if I want bigger for some reason I have film cameras.
>muh dof
I can get that fine with the 75mm f/1.8
>muh f/3.5
cool, so no one has ever taken a photo on a 70-200 f/4? or taken a photo on a 70-200 f/2.8 at anything less than wide open? 150mm dof alone gives you bokeh even with less than amazing f numbers
>people can't tell what system you shot on
This. People take pictures on their phones and think it's just as good a system camera. And you know what? It doesn't matter. If the pictures look good to the viewer, then it's a good picture. Who cares? I don't own one, but I hope MFT sticks around. It's good to have options;
Im currently deciding between a nikon z6 with cheap lenses and an om-1 with mzukio pro lenses as they work out to be the same price where I live

am I going to miss not having full frame in this case?
>no one can tell!
Cope. The system died because no one bought it. No one bought it because everyone could tell.
Gigacope. Honestly, phones have better tonality than micro fool turds. Even a 10mp nikon d200 has better tonality than micro fool turds. it is amazing how bad the sensors and lenses are on m43. even if you spend $4k on a g9ii and panusonic-feica "noctitron" (f2.8) it looks worse than the results from a cheap old DSLR likea d750.

>bad autofocus vs bad image quality
Get a canon r8 and some of the RF IS primes
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meow :3

full frame if you only want to image quality maxx, otherwise m43 for superior portability

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estrogen is so yummy c:

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>superior portability!
i cant image being so weak, frail, and small bodied that it's noticeable.

i'm sure it's more noticeable if you use macro lenses or extremely long zooms, but micro four thirds is still "too big" then and there's a massive quality loss when your lenses effective widest aperture is f8-11 in full frame terms, and who really cares if their giant bird watching telescope is 2" longer or not? the disabled?

really feeling the flat rendering meme here. when it's juxtaposed, m43 does look a lot flatter and duller than full frame/aps-c, even compared to one of the worst full frame cameras ever made (a7ii).
Wanna see something really flat?
Your encephalogram
no one can tell between your snoy shit and a cellphone. that's why fuji's film out sells snoy digishit. snoy cameras are so bad people went to phones and film
I can't wait for your balding freaks to get murdered in the street
see >>4402852
snoy troons once again admit to owning purses and being gay retards with bad eyes who can't actually see photos
Lmao look at this seethe
>everyone is laughing at me that means I won
whatever floats your boat champ
I will continue to make you anally anihilated by merely existing
>going out of xis way to delete >s
nah, you seem pretty mad fagito
^the anger of losers
>>4402725 (OP)
>Did I genuinely fuck up buying MFT
stopped reading there. yes, you did. sell/return it and buy something better.
Nobody is coping, I have a Zf, not a four turds, but normalfags don't appreciate the difference between a fool frame and their phone, because they're only viewing images on their phone, anyway.
>normalfags prefer mcdonalds to homemade burgers because they only eat in their car while vaping weed anyways
imagine being such a defeatist
I agree snoy fags are angry losers
stop samefagging you queer.
imagine being such a gay retard you have no photos but need to defend your purse and snoy at all costs because you spent a lot of money on it for something that has no photos when normies don't fucking care
>>4402725 (OP)

No, just have fun.
I have GFX,Snoys and one small Pen camera that is fun to use. Just use it and ignore gear faggotry.
Having fun is gay and cringe, zoomer. We are artists here and we take our work seriously.
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>muh snoy
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Sony is just the most popular FF brand. Majority FF ILC market share. It's inevitable that some weirdo will use one, especially in japan, where the majority of men are either gays or pedos. It's not possible to step on a rock on japan that has not been tread on by someone who wishes he was a girl.

What I want to know is why fuji, a wildly unpopular ILC brand, is so popular with furries?
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>posts proof furries are also better photographers than most of /p/
furries are more creative than weebs and have superior aesthetic tastes so they prefer gear with sovl.

this here is our own 4x5 dude, the guy with the sinar back
that looks like a Shenhao camera bro
>reverse google
>find his flickr
fuji dawgs…
You can tell that isn't me because of his flimsy tripod and lack of sinar kit.
>>4402725 (OP)
Imagine making any decision based on what other "people" think.
>>4402725 (OP)
Stop comparing the one you have to other cameras. The gear you have has 0 effect on how your photos look. Just stop lusting over new gear trust me been there done that now I shoot only film and ricoh GR 3. Only way to lift the curse.
I'm also retarded. But it's not my fault that my mom dropped me on my head 10 times a day as an infant and flooded her body with drugs when I was in her womb. I am getting back at her for it slowly.
I am now lusting for film stocks that I can't justify the price.

You niggas are making me want to jump ship. $700 for a used Z6/S5 sounds like a great upgrade to my current em1ii
You probably have a better camera in your pocket already.
The autofocus on those is somehow worse than an em1ii

The a7c is $1k on average and a7cii’s have sold for as little as $1100-1500 (based secondipity)
>The gear you have has 0 effect on how your photos look.
It does but if all you do is stand alone with your face scrunched into a camera and post building corners and pedestrians on IG, and call it muh meditative photowalk therapy, things get closer and closer

But if you’re winging it and photographing cool shit and a life well lived, while living that life, all of a sudden gear matters
i´m sorry to hear that. how May we help?
What? That must be $700 USD because there's no way you're getting a used Z6 for $700 CAD unless it has a 120,000 shutter count.
Bad AF ruins otherwise good cameras. Truly a shame. Personally can't imagine having <100% accurate AF in the current year.
are those canadian or american shutters clicks
>>4402725 (OP)
look at it this way:
I have spent two years on this board posting MFT photos with EXIF data manipulated to show a full frame camera, as well as full frame photos with EXIF data manipulated to show an MFT camera.
The reactions are very consistent.
Full frame photo disguised as MFT:
>how does it feel getting mogged by 20 year old full frame cameras?
MFT photo disguised as full frame:
>nothing beats that full frame look.
In essence, /p/ is retarded, and put to the test, none of the niggers posting here could tell full frame from MFT.
>le edited exif
>le 2 yr study
>le 0 proof
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LMAO thats a you problem. My favorites are just Ultramax and whatever is the cheapest (and harman phoenix in hopes of new decent cheap film) :p

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Huskyfag did the same thing.
present 0 proof yeah I know
I think he's gone now, but he literally did it with one of my own pictures he saved, edited the exif and posted one time. Had a lot of people fooled. It was hysterical.
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What a coincidence, my favourite is Ultramax too
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mft keeps on winning

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I don't thinks it's a good idea to treat people's real suffering as a circus show. Your actions of said circus show reflect your sanity. You say autism is bad, but if you're showing psychopathy and sociopathic behavior because of what you do with your camera then Chris Chan is the Catholic Pope compared to you. I understand there are people who like to dabble in risk taking behavior, and that's good that you're willing to take risks, but sometimes you go too far in hurting people. It's sad seeing someone at 2 AM laughing at seeing things get violently hurt. To a police officer it's sad that he has to take you away because apparently you can't keep your feelings in check.

Look I know I'm fucking crazy, but please prove me wrong that me going through say a Guiena Pig Flowers of Flesh and Blood movie with you is entertaining had it been in real life instead of fiction? Please for the love of God have a moral compass.
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She lives! :D

Dang bro we just goofing on the ol' www. I don't think your camera is even mft...

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need me a cute camera girlie
>funny exif swap
>starts ranting about (topic indeterminable)

>square ratio
>fucked up nametag
>nonsense snow
Its AI!?
3d pop
If you didnt get quoted
You have flat rendering
The camera should be used as a tool not as a tool to inflict harm onto others. Me, you, and the world should know that. Some threads here on this site concern me.
I’m going to clobber you with a d850
Modern cameras are finely tuned tools of violence.
the funny thing about this whole matter is, I *could* just be lying at this point, but it's very possible that you looked at a "full frame" photo in the past, admiring the bokeh and big sensor look, without realizing it was MFT. similarly, you could have made fun of an "MFT" photo which was actually full frame. the mere possibility is enough to invalidate all your claims of sensor superiority. surely you would recognize a full frame photo, right? oh well...
if someone did this to your photos, it wasn't me. but I agree, it's hysterical. no, I was actually exaggerating. I've only been doing this for about a week. it's still fun, though. there are currently three of my MFT photos with manipulated EXIF data on this board.
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>I've only been doing this for about a week. it's still fun, though.

damn straight

the ones who blather about sensor size elitism the most never have any of their own photos to post too

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You are definitely lying
or maybe he uses nikon lenses, so the flat sterile rendering makes it look like micro four thirds after AI denoising!
how would you know?
I haven't fudged exif, but I have made plenty of unlabeled collages where people couldn't pick out things that were "obvious" in vacuum
Sometimes I did lie about what was used, and of course that changes the reception too
People just see (or don't see) what they want to, 100%
People sure keep talking a lot about MFT on these boards despite a lot of people claiming that it's shit.
It's almost as if they're obsessed with justifying their expensive full frame gear. Maybe it's buyer's regret.
Everyone saying it is shit is truthful and good. They are warning others and trying to save them from getting scammed.

Everyone saying it is good is trying to justify their purchase and cope with getting scammed.
Its all insecure poorfags coping about their trash cameras 24/7

So what you're saying is, people can't tell a decent micro four thirds photo from a badly shot and poorly edited (/p/) full frame photo, especially when you make collages of 0.2 megapixel images with 60% jpeg quality?

Because that's all exif swapping ever proves. Micro four thirds looks like badly shot full frame. All the time.

Now you will cope, and say "it doesn't matter it doesnt matter the only valid use case is tiny pics on the instagram phone app"... The only people other than me whose opinions affect my photography at all request prints or look at it on screens ranging from 15" MBP to apple studio display. If a 4chan user can not tell poorly shot FF apart from ok m43 at 1mp or 2mp i don't give a shit. I give a shit that I know that in the same situation micro four thirds takes a worse looking photo and to the only people whose opinions matter, not bots on social media, it's clear as day. Are bots your only friends and colleagues?

Get real. It's getting old. You don't understand shit about the world outside your computer at all. Everyone already knows a PHONE can pass for an 5DsR if the photo is shown at the size of a 35mm negative, and yet cameras still sell. Why? Because 1: I know it's not the same in the same situation, even if you can shoot FF at high ISO and compare it to m43 in daylight 2: Real life people, not instagram bots and 4chan retards, can 100% tell because they all get icloud'ed full res photos and view them on macs. Don't forget, when you transfer a photo from your camera to your phone and imessage it, it's going to be HQ and cropped to fill when looked at, not zoomed out to only occupy 1 square inch. Most phones have 4k+ screens. The human eye can discern 600ppi. Deal w/ it.

Are you all android and winshit users? Probably.
Or maybe, we hate to see new people buy twice and cry twice or just quit because this "as good, no, better than full frame" system barely exceeds an iphone 15?

Nice try huskyfag, I can tell this is 24mp, not a 50mp MF. Looks like Z6II or S5II with a 24mm zoom.
Meant for >>4404653

But yes, the high resolution look is very obvious with animal hair and foliage unless you are using an ancient poorfag 1080p screen, once you see it, you can not un see it. No one is falling for someone naming Z6 files 50R.

Look at how fine and well separated the detail is without having to be sharpened, with a tiny photo that's only a little higher resolution than a laptop monitor
No all that matters is 90x60px photos because bourgeosie consoomers soulless bugmen i hate people with money
I spent about half the cost of a brand new OM-3
The om-3 costs the same as a new gray market a7cii with an ebay warranty

And sony repairs gray market
Right. I spent about $200 for my camera, kit lens, and a 25mm prime.
>foolturds perpetually obsessed with pricetags because they’re poor
$1000 isn’t a lot of money
its just a lot of money to pay for a turd

even elon musk isnt paying $1000 for a turd
Good for you, I could probably get a 5D for just as cheap. My point was my full frame stuff was hardly expensive, much cheaper than some of these dumb fucks spend on 4/3s stuff. I don't need to justify it because I paid less for better performance.
I was considering getting a FF kit after only ever shooting mft but I realized after reading this thread I was being tricked by brandfags on /p/. I'm convinced everyone is clearly biased and probably insecure about their own purchase (or legit just paid by the brand, some people act crazy here). Now I'm planning on getting the Oly 12-100, 90, the 1.4x TC, and the 300/4 and still save money vs the replacement kits I was considering. I don't print large, and when I do print my mft pics look fine. Can someone tell me I'm retarded? Yes I use the weather sealing, the macro magnification, the reach and I appreciate the size difference.
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sounds like a solid plan anon :3

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Why not just show us an example of a good shot, something so good m43 can't achieve? Or even just something that, to you, highlights the benefits of FF?
Share some of your pics.
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>inb4 it's shit because I zoomed in 400% and saw chromatic aberrations or it's soft or it has no 3d pop or something
It won't change anything and I don't care.
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I make 100 dollars a month and most of it goes towards candy, books, movies, energy drinks, and cigarettes. Three out of the five I'm trying to cut down on. I think in a way too using vintage lenses and an old DSLR is perfect for anyone wanting to get their feet wet into the photography realm without spending millions of dollars on film when you can just spend a total of five bucks worth of electricity to power your camera and computer for 10 years. Added everybody should have a chance to be a photographer. My advice is to go on eBay and look for good brands of vintage lenses too.

The real skill though as a photographer is making someone comfortable in front of a camera to be taken. That's step 1. Step 2 is where all the techniques come in. Everyone talks about step 2 but no one talks about step 1 as step 1 let's you do step 3 which is retakes. Gotta have step 1 to do step 3 and maybe even 2.

Photography is all how you capture reality*. Remember that asterisk to not take that word literally.
>its a conspiracy i was tricked
No, you’re schizophrenic.

Looks a bit shit.

Hard to tell how bad the camera is with how bad this shot is. A little bit of bad color science, a little bit of shooting at the wrong time of day, a little bit of bad exposure settings, a little bad editing.
>”zoomed in 400%”
i hope you know a 3000 pixel image doesnt even fill most screens
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How does this change anything I said here >>4404766
You are just a loser imo
Can you show me pictures you've taken that demonstrate this?
>severe diffraction at f/11

>its a conspiracy i was tricked
It's not a conspiracy that gearfags are insecure, it's a fact.
I'm going to show you my YouTube channel and click on any of the commercials on there and you'd see that my clients are comfortable being filmed. Comfortable people filmed = chance of a film being made. That's step 1, step 2 is the filming of it, step 3 is if you can do a retake. Unfortunately I was short on time so I couldn't do a retake. Though for the love of God please do not harass the businesses or people in my commercials.



I screwed up on step 2 as most of my shots are trash but step 1 I got.
I thought you couldn't afford film.
... Its.. Okay... video and digital photography...

Go be a lawyer for a Karen.
>Be "the micro four thirds community"
>Always start fights claiming micro fool turds is as good as full frame, better than full frame, etc
>Make stupid claims like "if u really cared u'd shoot medium format film" (worse than a $700 canon DSLR)
>Make false claims ie: fuji/sony has no weather sealing, le green skin, not an option
>Post bullshit cope like "if it doesnt matter to a teenager looking at insta on her phone it doesnt matter"
>Even on mu-43, unable to shut up with claims that full frame is dated/dead/dying/going to die/pointless/worse and they spend more time nitpicking FF and obsessing over "equivalence" (which doesn't really matter, or even work most of the time) than they do taking photos
>Get proven wrong
>Schiz out in return
>Get proven wrong with meaner words
I don't think full frame people even start sensor size generals or threads asking if FF is good enough... someone here is insecure, the other party is being put on the defensive by a bunch of shills trying to fuck the clueless into buying junk.

Micro four thirds was "ok" once. Back when your only better option was a DSLR, or an older fuji with even worse autofocus. Not anymore.

These days, it's basically a cult. Most people who actually use it seem to be senior citizens who can actually feel a 50g difference and europoors who don't get to have affordable FF mirrorless like americans and therefore still live in the "your other option is a DSLR" era.
loser behavior
What's most telling here is how micro four thirds "proponents" (imagine having to proactively be a proponent for a sensor size!) always resort to childish nonsense, chanting "snoy", repeating their dumb falsehoods, babbling about purses, and just calling people losers. They're always quick to act like a six year old.

On top of doing dumb shit like making a general for their sensor size and making multiple threads to talk about sensor size... everyone else ends up on the defensive, they're like flat earthers and antisemites - rapid fire lies, name calling, and nonsensical accusations.

I don't care if you use a shitty camera, you're probably european so a shitty a7iii or z6 is $1500 to you and even more expensive relative to your heavily taxed income. Just stop being so insecure about it, and try not to recommend it as if it isn't cheap junk or "doesnt matter" for 99% of applications and first world users, because we all know that's false. You don't get cheaper gear that's as good. Even the old FF DSLR fags are making sacrifices and you can see them in their photos.
If typing all this insane shit in every thread isn't loser behavior idk what is. Get well soon anon.
Preach, queen.
You're acting like a child again. Can you say something for yourself? No. Apparently not.

And you can't even figure out "auto levels" in lightroom.
these rants are worse than the m43 cult
I use darktable poorly, thank you very much. I couldn't get anything right out of lightroom desu
*collects 2+ stops of light more in mft equivalence*
>Oly 12-100
>Can someone tell me I'm retarded?
no. oly 12-100 is based and makes the whole system worth it.
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imagine the diffraction smearing
2 far lefts: 1135 and 1029 grams
middle left: 818 grams
middle right: 953 grams
far right: 1113 grams

equivalence only works for pixel peeping noise and postage stamp sized pics, everything in between looks different because you used different cameras
Aren't colors generally a lot nicer with higher MP, and larger pixel pitch.

I’m shitting on mft a lot itt, but when foolturds arent being uppity i recommend it to poor/careless people. It is 100% garbage and impossible to seriously justify over aps-c for someone taking this even a little seriously because it looks almost as bad as good phone pics, but for poor people on cheap phones who cant carry a FF DSLR, a $250 olympus is still better than 1”.
>imagine the diffraction smearing
are you actually stupid enough to think a mft lens at f/8 diffracts like a ff lens at f/16 lmfao
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Oh shit a real dunning kruger

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In either case the circle or confusion is 86% the size of the airy disc at f16 DOF

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That's completely different. My claim is that f/8 is f/8 regardless of the sensor for diffraction. Your claim is that 20mp on MFT has visible diffraction while 20mp on FF does not. MFT bodies are more pixel dense than FF but not by that much, as FF bodies are regularly 40+MP.
(sorry not 20, *16, same idea though)
All 20mp cameras diffract identically at identical FOVs and DOFs regardless of sensor size.
40mp doesnt become worse than 20mp by diffracting earlier because you can downsample to 20mp to cancel it out (or leave it and print denser for the tonality). How do you think super small apertures on 4x5 still work fine?
Cameras don't defract, lenses do.

They have the same problem if blown up by the same factor. Just don't print MFT big, which should be obvious to anyone.
But you still have the same diffraction, there’s no advantage. There’s a huge disadvantage to lenses that diffract wide open or stopped down once.
f/8 is f/8. Your problem is trying to print a small format big. You'd run into the same issue if used a 35mm sensor for a print better suited for larger formats.
No you fucking retard

Megapixels = image size
A smaller sensor has smaller pixels and diffracts at wider apertures, so f8 on micro four thirds is the same as f16 on full frame period, except normally being stopped down less due to the lenses all being so slow

To make what you’re saying true, the micro four thirds shooter using f8 would need his pixels to be four times larger. 1/4 the resolution regardless. But actually, trying to avoid diffraction by lowering sensor resolution looks WORSE because bayer adds its own blur on top of that. More pixels smaller bayer issues.
Translation for tards:
Although a 45mp camera is diffraction limited at f5.6 it would still have better quality at f16 than a 20mp micro four turd would at f8. Even at “equivalent” ISOs, colors would be better, details would look less digital, and there would be more editing latitude due to the higher sampling rate and larger pixel wells.

Micro four thirds has no DOF advantage over any larger camera. Its the same as any sensor of any size with the same resolution, but gathering 1/4 the light.
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I don't think you understand the fundementals of the argument you're trying to make. A phone with an 1/2.3" sensor diffracts at like f/2
>Megapixels = image size
>A smaller sensor has smaller pixels and diffracts at wider apertures, so f8 on micro four thirds is the same as f16 on full frame period, except normally being stopped down less due to the lenses all being so slow
This. This is the undeniable, infalliable truth.

Every argument for M43 falls apart here.
Not every
>being too poor for a better camera
>This is the undeniable, infalliable truth.
That's funny how all my mft lenses are sharpest at f/8- as seen by my eye and instrumented testing data available online. Guess you're just an armchair theorist in the end...
>it-it-it totally happened once, I swear...
>Megapixels = image size
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Except a 20MP M43 sensor encounters diffraction at like f/5, so your lens is soft from shooting "wide open" (at f4.5 or w/e), doesn't get "sharp" until f/8, but diffraction started several stops ago; you're just finding the *least* soft point.

The vast majority of lenses made for every system ever are sharpest at f/5.6 or f/8, but your small manlet sensor has to fight the physics of light at a lower f/stop than an adult camera.
If what you all are talking about is such a big deal why not just post actual photo examples that demonstrate the point?
Whenever M43 posters show their own photos here, at least 90% them tend to be boring and ugly snapshits, so they now resort to just angrily shitposting.
So why don't the FF show off their superior photo capabilities? Would make the comparison that much better.
there's like 20 m43 shots in this thread alone compared to 0 full frame shots
m43 is definitely peak for poorfag photography, i scooped up a lumix 12-35mm f/2.8 and oly 75-300mm in december for $200 each. ff equivalents for my basedny would have been in the $1k+ range, more than i've spent on photo gear in total for my m43 kit
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how can mfturds even compare to the raw power of FULL FRAME????

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noooooooo you cant just use mfturds and get more depth of field you need to BUY FULL FRAME!!!!!!!!!11!

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you need to buy FULL FRAME!1!!

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That f2/8 is equivalent to f/5.6 on full frame, so kit lens tier. Unfortunately the Sony kit lens only goes to 28mm and not 24mm, otherwise the price is comparable. You could however get the 24-70mm f/4 for under $400. That 75-300mm is dog slow in comparison. Unfortunately Sony doesn't have a cheap 70-300mm however it can be had for under $750, and there's a Tamron that would be under $500. Yes it is all more expensive (although if we were instead talking A mount then it would be just as cheap due to the age and being a dead mount) but with more glass to cover a larger format that's to be expected, but it's not as expensive as you make out.
>intentionally bad photo with dirty sensor
>FF example retains box texture even when out of focus, cleaner background color tones.
>M43 example's "fine" detail resembles a phone photo, box texture disappears when out of focus, background colors are splotchy.
Please refer to >>4404997
Confident idiots
Stopping down reduces aberrations but increases diffraction.
If aberrations are still larger than the pixels at f5.6 and shrink by f8, your lens can still get crisper, it will just never resolve fine detail. On micro four thirds this is very common because the pixels are so small, a lens with sub-pixel aberrations would be insanely expensive. Hence, panasonic charging you idiots $1500 for a giant f2.4 equivalent prime.

A 20-25mp micro four thirds camera loses a lot of fine contrast at f5.6. Just like a 20-25mp full frame camera loses a lot of fine contrast at f11. There is NO ADVANTAGE. As far as DOF and diffraction are concerned, they do the same thing just with different numbers written on the lens.

This is what equivalence is actually about. Equivalence doesn't include ISO though. It does "theoretically" if you are peeping noise (or god forbid, calculating the SNR) of the full sized image the sensor shits out, but larger/more pixels gather more information so a 20 to 61 mp FF at ISO 800 will still have better quality than any micro four turds at ISO 200.

>Micro fool turds gets more depth of field
No, you're just forced out of the option of using less. DOF and diffraction limits remain the same.

I love how every fucking micro four thirds thread is its fanboys insisting that it does anything better than larger sensors (ie: free DOF, "more intense light") and starting a camera flat earth argument
>No, you fucking retard, that's not how lenses work.

Yes, megapixels are image size

You can say "wwwwelll a 20mp m43 should be treated as a 5mp camera!"
Well, a 20mp FF downsampled to 5mp would maintain a massive lead in image quality by having less wrong with it to begin with.

It is not as good as a real camera. It never will be.
It's just cheap and small as long as you buy slow lenses.
They already did.

Assuming the exif hasn't beem tampered with, I think he fucked the M43 one with that exposure time; Olympus bodies have good IBIS but it isn't magic enough to overcome 1/15s at 120mm focal equivalent. You can see the 'lines' of blur where the sensor tried its best to compensate but still shook too much and then it's processed to hell on top of it, way too much NR and sharpening (which just makes it look like an out of body JPEG because m43 SOOC jpegs always look like that even with all settings set to minimum).
>Use the shittiest poorfag lens that doesnt even communicate aperture data to compare the DOF of f12 with something wider
>full frame still looks better

Jesus fuck ease off the sharpening slider. This looks like dogshit and there's some kind of weird aliasing going on and a weird dual DOF effect between the SMOOTH and the ORO
>(which just makes it look like an out of body JPEG because m43 SOOC jpegs always look like that even with all settings set to minimum).

it is, focus stacked in camera
>micro four thirds looks worse focus stacking f12 than ff does wide open
lol should have bought a nikon instead of a snoy. snoy didnt add focus bracketing until the a7iv. nikon always had it.
It does readout speeds better than larger sensors
>z8 z9
I mean larger sensors that i can afford
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A used a9ii is the fastest camera under $2k

I think sony added focus bracketing to the firmware later but I’m not sure

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I have never seen an olympus sooc focus stack without at least one big blurry patch in the middle.
>buying estradiol just because it has anime on the package
mmm yeah, based
stop posting
thanks bestie :3
>tranny poison
>tobacco addicted degenerate
>shitty old snoy even snoy fans wont touch
>retarded mft cultist
>unable to take a good photo
Moopco is that you?

Yeah the post office should have stopped their car by now to deliver me mail.
schizo faggot
So I'm a strange bundle of sticks...
This, but don't forget the consistent violence he brings to this forum.
>>4402725 (OP)
>Did I genuinely fuck up buying MFT
ngl, I would fuck the one with the snoy
Sony is not a reflection of what's trans.

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How do you know that? Do you speak for the transsexual community?
I speak for common sense and especially for common sense for people who act like they're hiding something behind their back to then say ,"Oh I got nothing behind my back."
How can you speak for common sense when your only true sense is violence through incomptence?
>>4402725 (OP)
I started on m43, I now shoot FF and I'm not going back. But I don't regret starting with m43. Sometimes I even miss the small lenses especially for large focal lengths.
There is one main reason to stick with full frame these days: easier access to shallow depth of field. Everything else is niche as long as you have a camera such as the GX8 or G9 or newer, which has acceptable dynamic range and high ISO performance for 80%+ of photographers.
And shallow depth of field is overrated anyway. Most photographers use it as a crutch for shitty composition skills. If you can't take good photos at f/8 (f/4 on m43), you're a shitty photographer.
Cartier-Bresson? Wide depth of field.
Robert Frank? Seldom shallow depth of field.
Edward Henry Weston? Again, relied on photos with wide depth of field.
Steve McCurry? His shallowest depth of fields were probably around f/5.6 (f/2.8 on m43) -- enough to keep the entirety of the subject in focus, but induce blur to foreground and background.
Ansel Adams? Used as wide depth of fields as he could before diffraction steps in.
William Eggleston? Again, tended to use moderate depth of field, even most of his shallowest images could be achieved with an m43 prime.
>so long as you realise your photos are going to look like ass even slightly above base ISO
GX7 is a 12 year old camera.
See, this photo demonstrates the problem well of why m43 gets shat on despite being legit a great system.
Any photographer who's gotten something better than their kit lens will know that these bokeh are sub-par. They know that creamier bokeh exist, and will strive for that.
Normies? People that are paying for photos? They see this photo and are going to be wow'ed. They will think these bokeh are very neat, very pro. And frankly, if you're getting paid for your photos, you shouldn't even be relying on this degree of bokeh-ness anyway. Learn to compose a photo lmao.
This is, frankly, an acceptable degree of bokeh for the vast majority of photographers. Anything more than this is a want, not a need.
I have a confession to make. I shoot exclusively full frame Nikon dslr and I have just made half the micro four thirds threads because I was bored
>mur 61 MP FF has better quality!
4k is ~8mp
Sure, if you're making wall-sized prints, m43 is going to limit your shit. But how many hobbyist photographers, let alone pro photographers, are actually going to have any of their photos displayed in any medium other than 4k or moderate sized prints?
And that leaves plenty of cropping room.
< 30 mp m43 sensors are going to resolve enough detail for the vast, vast majority of hobbyist photographers.
Now if only sony would design a new m43 sensor that had 30mp. Maybe we'll get it with the OM-1 III
>your lens is soft from shooting "wide open" (at f4.5 or w/e), doesn't get "sharp" until f/8, but diffraction started several stops ago; you're just finding the *least* soft point.
>Stopping down reduces aberrations but increases diffraction.
>If aberrations are still larger than the pixels at f5.6 and shrink by f8, your lens can still get crisper, it will just never resolve fine detail.
>a 20mp FF downsampled to 5mp would maintain a massive lead in image quality by having less wrong with it to begin with.
Holy FUCK, it's almost like physics of light don't bend themselves to make a shit sensor better than a good sensor. Too bad MFT posters can't read.

>Sometimes I even miss the small lenses especially for large focal lengths.
The only reason to use M43 unironically.
>if i spout numbers im right
the photos irl just look bad tho
he could have also just not shot it at f/8 but hey, you get points for the post length
its a false flagging snoy faggot
exactly this. /p/ isn't a big enough format for sensor size to be that noticeable
its some no photos nonAmerican snoy fags seething over other men not wearing purses
>mega seethe
>Admits to owning apple
top kek
>no I need it for my job
you should upgrade to medium format then, lil bro
lol no you didn't. your colors are shit and your photos are shit
m43 is based. no one else makes a 40mm fov as small and good as the m43.
f/11 on m43 is like f/22 on full frame. all my m43 lenses peak at like f/2.8 or f/2.2 and start going down hill by like f/8 at the latest according to both DXO mark and optical limits.
idk how or through what means, but the 75mm f/.8 peaks at f/2.2 and is sharper wide open than f/2.8
its the snoy bois seething putting out anti m43 troll threads to justify their snoys with bad color science
m43 is cool cause it fits in my pocket
>all this seethe
>calling antisemites liars
well I guess we know who is behind the (((snoy))) posts
this kills the snoy boi
to on like DXO mark or whatever other lens testers, usually m43 lenses fall off in sharpness hard by f/8
>the snoy boi continues to sell purses
nah, m43 is smaller and can be carried whereever
my 20mm f/1.7 II is sharpest at f/2.8 and sharper wide open than at f/8
my 75mm f/1.8 is sharpest at f/2.2 and shaper wide open than at f/8
my 60mm f/2.8 is sharpest at f/5.6 and sharper at f/4 than f/8
why are you posting that after bitching about antisemites?
snoy boy only takes shitty photos and can only display his snoy superiority on test shots taken in a lab at 800% crop
>Sony user takes hrt
every time
it fits in my pocket without needing a purse like you need, snoy boi. also the teleglass is smaller and cheaper than ff teleglass if you are shooting birds for IG or any other format where it doesn't matter than it makes sense
Why are there only 3 good looking pictures in this whole thread?
This is a seethe thread. Pics are posted to further seething about shit no one cares about. You can combat this by posting photos and talking about photos. Which ones do you like?
god I fucking hate faggots
the whole point of the thread is its a snoy or nikon user seething about m43 and trying to troll
nya :3 mrrp :3

notice how the only people posting photos in this thread shoot m43? truly a scathing indictment of the state of fool framers
The best looking pictures in the entire thread were fool framers or bigger... The rest was just cope and muted colors...
oh yeah? which ones
Go look. They stick out like a sore thumb.
point them out to me daddy :3
I don't enable helpless and weak minded behavior. Seek them out and you will find what you're looking for. I promise, lil baby.
idk i looked at them all and they all seem to be m43 with stripped exif of m43 shots swapped with sony exif
You are helpless and weakminded to the point of replacing reality with your own cope. I feel so sorry for the poor little mft users.
Tough love from your daddy. You needed it.
you are obviously the snoy fag trying to false flag and convince people that m43 is for troons
You do that already. Why would anyone need to false flag anything???
one person can own more than one camera, you know :3
nah, that's you, purse boi
I fucking hate homosexuals so much. post your snoy then
Your seething rage and constant spamming has sold more Sony cameras than the shills on YouTube. You've done so much for this community by dissuading people from buying an mft camera.
>post your snoy then
my photos are all over this thread, anon :3
you are confusing me with someone else. plus I hate >>4407329 way more than I care about you
Do you just spam the purse thing all the time, or do you post that stupid vignetted landscape and the dudes dressed in anime constantly as well?
You just called that nerd purse boy. Do not attempt to deceive me. I have the records and the logs.
sure thing there, purse boi
You lying scumbag. You are the spammer obsessed with men wearing purses.
take your meds, purse boi. I assume you keep them in your purse
Point proven. Thanks.
>still upset over the purse

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