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You cannot give me constructive criticism!
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underexposed mate
You can't do it!
You could improve by taking a picture of something

Or writing a short poem about the uh, work, and selling these to a bunch of rich pseuds
fav itt. eerie
forms are very weakly defined in some of these, which leaves mostly color and texture to look at. in many, like >>4402764 and >>4402766, the noise texture overrides the texture of the scene, which makes it a picture about digitalness to me
Didn't you post a similar set a year or two ago?
Pretty unique and nice work.
You did it.
I can see what you mean about the noise texture being overpowering. Weak and porrly defined forms are what I'm going for, and most times strong noise helps with that, but it can be overbearing at other times. Thankfully, this can be changed.

I did. Thank you.
This one in set looks bit out of place to me. Like not dreamy enough. Other than that, unusually good job for /p/.
I like this one, mark rothko if he was actually good
You did it too.
I see what you mean. I got the obstructive elements but it doesn't have the same haze as the others

Thanks. I've actually gotten a fair bit of inspiration from Rothko and have other photos in a similar vein. It doesn't work every time, though.
One bump from page 10
too bad you didn't bump with more okay pictures
I could do that, but I don't have new ones

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