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File: Sharbat_Gula[1].jpg (37 KB, 254x400)
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How did photographers for nat geo shoot slide film? did they carry external light meters? Did they bracket everything? did everyone use to bracket everything during the AE-1 and k1000 and kodachrome days? the only time I ever shot slide film I had some images exposed fine, but a decent number under exposed by less than a stop. something that isn't an issue on that camera with negative film and an issue I've only had with negative film when using disposable cameras or shooting in a dark concert with a point and shoot (and even then most of them that were in focus were fine). the thing annoying about that specific SLR is the meter displays in full stops and the shutter is in full stops, so to bracket I'd need to shoot manual so I can change the apertures by half a stop while maintaining shutter speed. And if I bracket I get 5 shots instead of 15. That is the one thing good about shooting digishit instead, I can just hold down the shutter and not care
100%, bracketing. These guys went out with entire chests of film to make sure they would get the shot no matter what.
cope. they just had so much practice shooting slide film like it was candy that they could get amazing shots off the cuff
>>4402789 (OP)
F8 and be there, mongoloids
They just eyeballed like any real experienced photographer would.
>>4402789 (OP)
Kodachrome isn't really colour film
fookin crazy if true
It has no colour couplers in the film, its coloured during development. They had whole buildings do it. It was a crazy complicated process, and thats why they charged a premium for it. Also why they don't make it anymore.
>>4402789 (OP)
Anyone that shoots for any decent amount of time will learn how to meter with their system properly. It really is the most basic and easy thing to learn.
Bracketing and spray and pray. The idea of thoughtfully conserving film is very new and originates in art school due to student budgets and assignment criteria, not in real world photography.

Look at an elliott erwitt contact sheet sometime. Read how many rolls henri bresson and garry winogrand left behind. Now realize those are not exceptional examples.
Expose for highlights
Better to underexpose than overexpose
That only applies to digital. Color negative is best exposed for the shadows and slide film doesn't have wiggle room, you gotta get it right.
>>4402789 (OP)
Read Ansel Adams and understand how a meter is used. Alternatively, shoot polaroids.
Kodachrome isn't a negative film
Your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired lol
Slide film isn't forgiving in the highlights, you don't expose it for the shadows. It doesn't "only apply to digital".
Moreover, one should expose to make sure the relevant part of the picture falls within the zones with the most detail. Even when shooting negs one doesn't simply expose for the shadows if the information in them is low value. The zone system is the answer.
i think cANON might be zach. they act the same and appear and disappear at the same time.
No, cANON is cANON. Zach is Zach.
>non-consenting strangers in public
Despite what you might feel, most place do not consider privacy from camera a right when in public.
"Ashes to ashes, crust to crust"
Great fujislug purge when?
It IS color film. The secret sauce of any color film is spectral sensibilization of its layers. It's just a bit different from chromogenic monopack we all know and love, but that's it. And the process isn't that complicated, it can be done at home
>And the process isn't that complicated, it can be done at home
lmao ok
>>4402789 (OP)
mostly that they practiced a shit ton. if it was your actual job to shoot slide film, you'd get pretty good at it after the first 1000 rolls or you'd get fired and nobody would remember you/your pictures

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