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How did you get past $50k a year using only your camera?

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>>4403987 (OP)
I really like what you've done here.

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>buy camera
>work my 60k a year job
>enjoy photography as a hobby
>not be American so know there's more to life and hobbies than money
What the fuck bro. Are you retarded? You must be some poor fag third worlder bro. You probably don't even get emotionally hysterical over dichotomies that you made up in your head. Fag.
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>>4403987 (OP)
>take photos
>upload to shutterstock
>sell 6 billion photos per year
>make $50,001
sinple really
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$60k, lol.
>imagine bragging about your 60k job
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I'm not retard, that's low
I work in a warehouse with dumb cunts and hate my life
But check this sick technic model I made

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The yuropoor/turd worlder is physically incapable of going a single second without obsessively seething about America. Lol, lmao even.
>>4403987 (OP)
>be teenager in 2012
>buy shitty canon dslr cause you join yearbook
>get paid to take friends graduation photos
>start getting wedding gigs from facebook page
>go to community college and shoot weddings while living at home
>transfer to university and study computer science
>befriend business major and hospitality major instagram girlies
>flirt with cute hospitality major by offering to do a portrait photoshoot of her
>fall in love with her. Date her for a year
>you and her shoot lesbian weddings in liberal college town and live ina cheap studio apartment
>accidentally fall in love with her best friend. >learn that she never stopped texting her ex boyfriend and has deleted all the text messages
>You both start messy throuple with best friend
>sober up during the pandemic lockdowns
>end it with both of them. Sadly masturbate for 3 months
>vow to never shoot a camera again
>Bump into girlie you met at wedding you shot 2 years. Asks if your still dating that "blonde uggo"
>start dating new girl
>graduate with less than 5k in college debt and a bachelors in engineering because I worked weddings through college
>land first real job at military contractor earning 75k
>marry cute girlfiend
>hire photographer for the wedding
>takes terrible photos and charges us 2000$
>get so annoyed at the bad photos I decide to buy one of those mirrorless cameras I have heard about
>wake up a couple days later grateful I don't have to shoot weddings with a DSLR anymore

Anon I mean this from the bottom of my heart. unless you have rich parents with connections you will never make a good living with a camera. Use it to get a real job and shoot pictures on weekends. Photographer is an activity, not a job.
that is a pretty sick model indeed anon, use it in your photography! use scale to make it look big or something like that
idk what anyone is smoking but 50k USD is very good money if you're not living in some shithole like California, London or New York.

Rent is about 300usd a month where im at
>and then I woke up covered in my own shit
In many ways photography is the art form that relies on the challenge of using its subject as opposed to creating the subject. If it was painting you can draw as many hot girls as possible. In photography you got to find one and make her comfortable in front of the camera.
Can you show me examples where you've done this?
Let me give a bit of a background. The OP image was from the internet. I have been doing this as a hobby for a while and still am terrible. The closest I have gone to photographing people not of my family is doing three commercials for people. The only thing I have gotten good so far is exposing to where you can tell what the subject is. Now everything else, I'm fucking terrible at. I tried to get an edgy suicide short film made when I was 21 and it failed miserably. My camera work has gotten better, but at this rate I don't see it going anywhere professionally. At the height of it, it'll be like those boring sailboat paintings you'd see at a crafts store everyone walks by and ignore. It's the reason why my current college major is in math as it is just by numbers rather than by creativity. I can show you my imgur page. Though to be honest I'm willing to do it only if by heart you're interested.
>zach is the real life terminally uncreative, perpetually oblivious autist art douches cringe about whenever they're mad that someone is buying a nicer camera than theirs (and dared to call theirs crap)
>he's totally incapable of gearfagging
>literally cant comprehend gearfagging
>has no creative vision and therefore is incapable of demanding anything beyond what his camera shits out
>can't dream of how new gear might make things look
>his biggest gear related decision in the past year was organizing his camera kit more neatly

>really good at math tho
>doing this as a hobby
>no photos
Here are all my photos
First point is untrue, others are true. I'm a very emotional person, but deep down inside I don't care what you spend your money on. I'm only offended if you care what I spend my money on okay. 2 thousands dollars is a lot for a camera and if you have one you're proud of its a bit different.
I did a couple erotic/lingerie shoots for a few OF girls. I hate it when they add a crappy snapchat filter that fucks up the color and morphs their face. I'd rather be uncredited for the rest of my life.
I did:
>start working at camera shop, use employee purchasing to stock up on gear & start shooting small stuff on the side (2009-2012ish)
>move to smaller touristy town to manage a small camera shop, start doing family shoots, then engagements, then weddings (2017-2019ish)
>get consistent with weddings and start shooting in neighboring states, and a few travel weddings, also expand to include boudoir, family, baby, etc (2020-now)
Weddings or social media photo/video are probably the easiest to make decent money. I am winding the business down this year though, kind of over the industry, but mostly over the hustle. Booked through July and taking site / socials down after, but probably do things here and there. I just want to go back to being generic office worker that takes pictures on the side.
Show us 1-3 of your favorite photos.
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>terrible composition
>nothing subject
>poor person roof
Why are you even namefagging, then again you can't do that right, but you can't take good photos
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I'll show you Mr. Toad.
Yeah well I love it like a guy who loves cooking steak for himself as opposed to everyone else.
you are so awesome
You are very brave to show your gallery here. I think the main problem is that you lack intent when taking pictures, and try to keep a standard of quality : share only your best ones.
Nah just call me based.
works in a warehouse with retards.
>I'm not a retard.
Sure you're not Bud.
>look at my toys.
where is that?
>hates lego
Holy soulless
>Blown highlights
>Missed focus
>Unremarkable centered composition
Well, it's not the worst I've ever seen on this board, but I sure hope that's not in your top 3.
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I'll show you this one instead.
I'm in college and I also just bought a shitty canon dslr to do grad photos but I also got offered a wedding gig already
any tips for me?
Yeah stay away from alcohol
do you have any stories about this
>be me
>cope with alcohol
>alcohol stopped working
>trying to turn life around at 29
As for photography tips try to be always thinking about 90 seconds ahead
kek I thought you meant you got drunk while working a wedding
I drink a lot but I don't do it to cope. I used to though.

>90 seconds ahead
that sounds stressful
are there any events similar to weddings where I can practice the same kind of photography?
Maybe concerts, live events, shit that's dynamic
Actually, being in college I have a fair bit of access to stuff like house shows. I might try taking photos if I can find one soon
You can practice on birds and squirrels with a telephoto lens. I manage to have some success with it. Truthfully photographing people, I feel you that that is a horror, but nature you can do.
Your nature photos lack any creativity or soul.
Well I like it and some people like it, that's all that counts.
Hi there newfaggot, 4chan is an anonymous forum and you don't need to put your name in the field
It's there for single threads if it's important to identify someone, like when Kamiya came here and such
Otherwise it's not necessary and even against 4chan culture
That attitude won't get you anywhere.
I'd rather be honest than wear a mask
True, but I love doing what I do.
Why do you attempt to give advice when your photos are objectively terrible? Your inexperience and lack of skill shows itself in every one of your posts.
That's your problem not mine.
Because I want to help people learn from my mistakes? Without idiots like me making mistakes and you learning from them people would have eaten poisonous berries in the wilderness when we were cavemen.
I'd like to think he is subtly mocking the other name/tripfags
>here's your super masterpiece from an unofficial magnum (self assessed) photographer bro
You're so absolutely and truly inexperienced that you do not even recognize or understand the problems with your own kindergarten level snapshitting.
You aren't saving anyone time because most people serious about photography quickly move past the phase you've been stuck in for years.
is this your first zach experience anon? he's our resident, uh, well i'm not quite sure what the fuck you'd call him but he's been doing this schtick for ages.
Yeah and people like you are verbally abusive about technique but lack the ability to be considerate towards others who are trying to be creative. You're essentially a snob who only talks about his luxury goods, not really someone whom most people don't want to be around with. Now people on this forum sure they'd fuck you like you were Megan Fox. But out in the real world and you act like how you are with me with someone else you'd immediately get fired. You're lucky you can piss on me since I'm weak enough to be pissed on, but I'm telling you had the way you treated me been someone else, you would have been SOL out of work for a while. And I don't mean little bits and pieces jokingly, no full 100% had you treated people the way you do with me you would have been fired. And employers care more about attitude than skill.
I genuinely can't tell if this guy is trolling or he's actually... I mean I guess retarded works. I don't think the English language really has a word for his behavior.
Short term memory problems? You're inadvertently misleading people by spouting off this nonsensical "advice" that amounts to little more than your own personal war with the absolute basics of photography.

Nah, but it's still funny. He deserves it too.
>mom's phone photos
kill yourself
Cool, obviously wishing death on someone has something to do with photography. You could have shoot yourself and that could have had some photography mentioning, but no you still didn't. Goes to show you the mods here are worse than corrupt police officers in Mexico.
Anon... With this time speaking how God awful my advice is, you could have outright done this:

But instead while all those squirrels are running around your yard you chose not to.
Already been done, bro. The same could be said for you as well. I would even say that you should be taking your own advice and practicing rather than wasting your time attempting to give people terrible advice.
My advice? Try something other than center composition for once in your life.
You could have said shoot yourself*
More shitty advice.
You know shoot yourself a photo?
I told you that you were just attempting to inflict violence upon all of us.
No... When you grab a smartphone and give yourself a selfie when you go out hiking that ain't violence.
You are one violent sob.
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Tell you what here's a photo I took of an egg.
Your incompetence is truly violent.
>>4403987 (OP)
Feet pics
Nice egg bro
Charge less than less than other people but more than you think. There is no such thing as "cheap" wedding photography since it's somebody's special day.

Always have them sign a contract/release to cover your ass. Most people were fine but there is always a crazy bitches who expect you to remove the last 10 years of Oreos and dirty sodas

Shoot raw and don't white balance properly. Find the correct white balance and go a warmer from there. They want to feel love from looking at their photos and a warm picture is going to be better about that.

Always shoot with a device that has 2 sd card slots and try to avoid wide angles that might widen the face.

For portraits and group photos reduce the clarity by around 10 to 15%. It's just enough to hide pores but keep them looking human. Same goes for color balancing.

Last one is most important. Don't do gigs for friends and if you do be ready to lose them as a friend. I currently work with governmental departments in multiple countries dealing with very sensitive data and systems and it pales in comparison to the insane expectations and requests that came from bridezillas.

Oh and also if it's a straight couple act a little gay. For some reason they'll be nicer to you and trust you more.
>>4403987 (OP)
when I started taking really boring photos like corporate headshots, cliche high school graduation portraits with canned poses, etc.
Shit prints money once you start getting a consistent basis of referrals, that took a little while to build up, but bloomed out of my attempts to actually treat photography as an art.
45 minutes of actual shooting and an hour or two of editing for this assembly line BS is way easier to make money than spending days on a shoot and weeks editing.
The vast majority of people I'm making <$300 each, but once or twice a month I sell like a $1,000 or $1,500 package to some rich mom who wants to send a framed photo of a generic ass graduation photo to everyone in the family, and that's what pushes me from like $30kish to $50kish.
I bet when cops make routine stops of you you go full Karen.
You're the kind of person that let's police trample on your rights. I bet you would stop taking violently terrible pictures if they asked you to stop.
Anyone ever done stock?
I have lots of down time off work and get bored on my days off, might be fun to make a few dollars a month.....

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brother wtf is this shit?
are you using a digital camera from 2003?
The trick is obvious but people don't really ever try for whatever reason -- don't do typical stock photography, take photos of things that people would actually find useful, but things that aren't accessible to the internet at large.
A good example is go around local nearby small towns with obscure tourist abstractions, like some Amish town or something. Instead of competing with 10,000s of gimmicky stock photographers taking photos of an Amish dude, you'll be one of like five photographers who've taken stock photos of a particular street.
Thanks for posting the link. What camera(s) do you use by the way?
yeah that's what I was sorta thinking, maybe get the drone up and get some vidya too.

there is a fuck tonne of building projects happening here so I'm thinking that could be handy, you can't really go back in time once its done
Are you trolling?
These are snapshots. Straight up. Very little artistic value.
If that brings you joy, more power to you, but if you want to be serious about photography you should really like... study photography.
The Photographer's Eye by Michael Freeman is a good start.
I would also find a photographer that resonates with you. Buy a photo book of their's and practice emulating their style. Try to straight up copy the photos they've taken. Then learn to critique photos (there are books on this topic) and figure out why your photos aren't hitting like their's.
They'll get good eventually.
Canon T2i and Samsung S20 phone.
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Apart from that here's a famous artist that made stick figure drawings to remind you a snapshot can be art like just a basic stick figure drawing can, and this guy's work is in the millions.

Apart from that I'm still going to continue taking these "snapshots" of wild animals to get better at photos since I enjoy photographing wildlife.

If you and every other person with a camera wants to treat me like a toilet, so be it piss on it, not my problem, but I'm going to continue using my camera.

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Sure, snapshots can be artistic. That doesn't mean snapshots are generally going to have artistic value to most people. You have to have some artistic vision behind it -- snapshots elaborating on a theme, for example. A curated set of snapshots. Etc.
I didn't see anything like that in your photos.

I didn't treat you like a toilet. I gave you a good recommendation. The Photographer's Eye is an approachable book, that gives a good surface level overview of various aesthetic elements of an image with potential to dive into the profound with your initiative.
Seriously, get a book about photography that goes into elements of composition -- how does rhythmic occurrence of patterns contribute to the aesthetic appeal of a photo? How can you creatively balance subjects in a frame? How do leading lines emphasize a subject, or even create a subject?

Just taking photos of wildlife isn't going to make you better on its own. You need to practice *with intent*. Take your photos of wildlife, but set some time apart in your photo sessions trying to challenge yourself, ideally with guided learning from a book.

Who is a photographer that resonates with you?
>>4403987 (OP)
>worked weekends at places like them parks or events
>dumped those weekend earnings into the stock market
>got lucky when some shitty stock i owned 1500 shares in at $0.15 went to $3
>pulled out all my original money from other stocks and just kept using that money to grow more
I was also working a 85k per year job, so I was well covered in all areas. The dream is to buy a house completely outright in the next 5 - 10 years.
I don't have any so far. I'm mostly hoping my photography matches the look of the Coen Brothers films and Darren Aronfsky.
Low hanging fruit here, but check out Bruce Gilden.
Coen Brothers use wide angle lenses and get pretty close, with the intent of creating character, exaggerating who the character is. They put the characters through absurd or trying situations, and use that close-up-wide-angle to really pry the emotion out of the moment (or just to make it more weird and awkward).
That is exactly what Bruce Gilden is all about.

If you don't know who Bruce Gilden is, do a google about him, and tell me what you think. Are his photographs something that resonate with you?
Zach would never in 1 million years ever be able to emulated gilden or any "real" or imagined "artistic" photographer.
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You can get nice results with a camera from 2006 or before. I am not sure what Zach is doing so wrong with his processing

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He crops the shit out of pictures, shoots iso 6400, and f22
You know even if it isn't the film look, it still isn't that bad of an image. I mean really you're so invested in anger that you start thinking of birds, flowers, squirrels, bees, and a lot of other animals, that you stop thinking of what bad thing you had today? Sounds to me like I did my job.
I'm simply pointing out your poor technique. There is no emotion. Maybe a little dissapointment, but no real emotion.
I think you're making that up out of cynicism.
The answer is almost always a mixture of boring subjects and not getting close enough. Get close to interesting people and things. You can do both those things with garbage.
Factually incorrect.
Yep, and you're not ever going to look at yourself in the mirror but instead ask others to do as such.
Projecting? You have one of the worst attitudes towards criticism I've ever seen on here.

I judge my own photos every time I review, edit, look at them.
why not $50,000.01 ?
Oh bull. You're one of those classy types who acts like he is high ranking so that what extreme your photo is is a little for me, so for little bad in my photos is an extreme to you. The only way I can find fault in your photos is had it been a hell of a lot worse than me. Those classy types I've encountered on other parts of this site where they say douchey things like Calculus 2 is like kindergarten math or some shit like that.
You're just coping now.
Yeah I bet you'd say some shit with your images in how good they are you'd say, "oh it just comes natural this is my 3rd one so far." I bet you used some fucking Leica and had photoshop with a subscription because Daddy's a fucking CEO. Look at the rest of us anon, do we have cool ass cousins offering us to do their weddings, friends who say oh bro you're badass for that fast shutter speed image of beer chugging down, or some shit like a 40 year old finding special in us to hire us on a photography company that throws 99% of its applicants in the trash? Anon I spent most of my fucking life in a home with barely any friends and who share no interest in my art. In fact I tried to use theater actors for a short film I was serious about but they treated me like I wanted to rape the girl there to make a snuff porno or some stupid shit. I can't take photos of girls like you do and I can't do what you do anon. You think I don't have what you have, but you're some god damn tall, dark, and handsome prince who managed to make it farther than me. And don't give me shit like I come from a middle class family when your house is as big as a mansion where you grew up.
you are actually incoherent.
What the fuck is wrong with you. You're not making it to 50k irrespective of your photos
Zach, all I've been saying is that you should try moving past center framing every single one of your shots, and maybe consider shooting at base iso.
When are things going to come naturally to me like they do with you anon!? When are they?!
you really just need to take your schizo pills.
They aren't tracking devices. They aren't alien technology. They actually help you and you need them for normal functioning brain chemistry.

No. Scratch that. Schizo pills are totally alien technology stolen by the CIA by deriving them from psybicilin mushrooms. They are made to intercept the 37th-order signals between your brain and your 9th-dimensional meta-self with signals of their own choosing, so they can mind control you and keep you enslaved and earth-bound, so that you'll forever be trapped serving the gold economy to build ships for a malevolent alien race that the CIA is collaborating with.

Btw you should put all your money into crypto to undermine the gold standard and liberate the human race. Only you can liberate the human race because your 15th order signals are of a unique variety associated only with revolutionaries and liberators, and yours are the strongest I've seen. ONLY YOU CAN DO THIS ANON.
Bro you gotta be able to look at your work objectively and stop being a whiny little baby when people give you honest feedback.
This is some fucking Taxi Driver shit. This nigga is going to shoot up a mall.
Alright just chill on it all okay. My god I knew this would happen. Anytime I explain myself in more than 1 paragraph you all freak out.
Suggesting that you work on your composition is not freaking out. Your posts are the definition of freaking out.
It's centered composition and rule of thirds or similar to rule of thirds! What's wrong with that?
A lot more to it than the two absolute most basic and beginner compositions.
... Okay I'll try to just get to the point next time instead of just overload you all.
Like what do you mean?
Please take your meds (and give your weapons to someone else for safe keeping)

Antipsychotics help you. They aren’t mind control pills. We don’t use them to abduct you or make you more susceptible to hypnosis. They have a very simple mechanism of action (conditioned stimulus avoidance response suppression without reducing self preservation) that helps crazy people overcome issues with therapy.

Please, take your medication as prescribed and keep your therapist up to date if you are still having negative thoughts.
Go compare your animal pictures to the ones in the animal thread.
I was not expressing vitriol it was just an overly long assumption that was only incorrect.

I don't have guns either.


Well I guess I'm going to have a lengthy discussion...
Yes, with your therapist.
when you tried to make a short film... did you try NOT raping the girl there?
Or let me guess, you wrote the script, and it was mostly just a scene where the character YOU are playing gets to do get down with the girl?

Girls are easy to photograph. They're inherently attention seekers and are desperate for a dude that is half decent at a camera. All you've gotta do is not be creepy and rapey. I, personally, am autistic af, I don't have that seemingly secret handshake normal people have that makes them all all get along and work with each other, and I can do it. Frankly, a lot of successful photographers are autistic af. This is a hobby/art that attracts hella autists. If we can do it, so can you.
Hint: girls can smell a mile away if your intent to photograph them is a pretext to try to date them/fuck them/etc., or to actually do honest photography.

Also I grew up half homeless and got beat by my stepdad, left at 18 with broken ribs and slept behind a dumpster in the rain that night. I got to where I am by actually trying and studying and critiquing my own work and receiving critiques of others gracefully, not making excuses to myself on 4chan.

Also this >>4405591
But seriously this >>4405602

Really, just get the fuck off the computer now. Don't go take photos, instead read a book about photography so you're getting out of your own head. Any will do. Look at a photo book. If you don't have an ereader or other non-internet-accessible device and no access to photography books, then, in that case, print off 10 photos you like by well-known photographers, and get your mom to model for you and try to copy them.

ONLY AFTER you read 20 pages, or take those 10 photos, come back to 4chan and tell us what you learned.
It's all miscommunication. My communication is so bad that it can be scary.
Alright I'm going to try to explain what happened in a way that it can not be a rant. Please bear with it as I'm not good with explaining things.

My friend and I were planning on writing a short film about a man with autism confiding in his sister. He said no, I want to do one on suicide. I tried to get him to go back to it, but he refused to go with my original idea. So I was trying to find a location. I asked my older brother if I could use his house to film said short film, and he said yes. Once I got there I had everything together hoping I could get a short film made. Unfortunately things escalated. I was off my medication thinking I could go without it. The cast and crew had no idea nor did my brother that the film was to take place in a crackhouse looking home, nor did they know that it was supposed to be in the dark. I tried to explain to my actors I was trying to do this shot like this:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8q4X2vDRfRk&pp=ygUOU3BpZWxiZXJnIG9uZXI%3D
Told the actors that the script was not a kids show and thought they knew it was horror. Tried to explain to my actress she was just there for a character who showed up late. My older brother harassed her while I was filming. Out of nowhere because of how cheap the film was people stereotyped it was a porno. I tried to explain it wasn't. Actress out of nowhere mocking me was in her underwear. I couldn't control anyone. My friend dragged a table scratching the floor without my permission. Crew member thought I was putting on a play and had no idea what a short film was. Lastly, my equipment kept failing on me. All that happened while pizza showed up and I was exhausted trying to set everything up correctly while no one listened to me along with my brother not letting me plan my film before hand. In the end my friends and family berated me for not being grateful people showed up which they called a learning experience and a party, but felt insulted I didn't get my Vimeo Staff Pick T2i short film.
>Hint: girls can smell a mile away if your intent to photograph them is a pretext to try to date them/fuck them/etc., or to actually do honest photography.

I know people can read that along with a lot of other negativity about me, but I want them to overlook it to focus on what's positive. Like yeah there's attractive women wherever I go college, work, and even church. But deep down inside even though no one reads the deep thought, I'm mainly just trying to do my job, focus on my education, and listen to my service, not date. If anything going with my deeper more heartfelt thought I want to befriend them and get to know them as a friend before all of that. Sex is better when you're married and a friend. It feel violating when its between two strangers to me.
>euro expresses contentment
>amerisharts freak the fuck out
Thumper said it best
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9fYngTUZeUQ&pp=ygU4aWYgeW91IGNhbid0IHNheSBhbnl0aGluZyBuaWNlIGRvbid0IHNheSBhbnl0aGluZyBhdCBhbGw%3D [Embed]
What a retarded quote.
What a retarded attitude. ;)
My attitude is that your photography is absolute shit and your contribution to this board is nothing more than a complete waste of everyone's time.
Well, actually your freakish and mentally ill breakdowns provide some entertainment for all of us, but I do not think it's worth having you shit the entire board up.
Sorry, I don't respond to negativity and elitism.
You just did, bitch. Love the new cope btw. In focus and sharp images are not a bourgeois concept, dumbass. It's simply having standards above that of a 5 year old that was handed a camera.
Alright the book anon suggested about the photographers eye for composition I added to my wish list and will be buying when I get my next paycheck. Next time I make one of this threads I request this board stick to the thread's topic instead of making it about me. This thread's topic was intended to be about employment as a photographer not about Zach's frightening autism. Knowing 4chan, I'll have to go through you all repeating the same mistakr.
easy man. Just don't be acoustic
From now on I am not posting my photos in a thread that is unreleated to it until you all stick to the main topic, and the same with other threads which what I say is related to them.
You don't make money by taking photos with a camera by itself.

You can make some money by:

-Selling your photography knowledge, aka setup a photography based youtube channel or teach a real life class, or start a knowledge base.

-Selling prints.(Very complicated when it comes down to the little details and very high upfront risk / reward cost.)

-Photographing weddings (aka you are offering a feel good experience with a long term memory for a couple)

-Photographing for print advertisement campaigns. (I have honestly no idea how you would get into this, other than having connections, or being famous)

Other thoughts: When photography was done entirely on film it was a profession, because technically speaking it was very difficult to produce a good image consistently when working with film. Digital photography has essentially for the most part killed photography as a profession since everyone has access to a cheap camera that can produce good enough results while being fully automated and easy to use...
>technically speaking it was very difficult to produce a good image consistently when working with film
Anon, automatic exposure has existed for over 50 years.
If he was talking about fine art printing or wet plate processes I would agree. Sadly, he is just too young to remember the good old days of real photography and proper skilled photographers.
>buy camera
>work my $150k a year job
>enjoy photography as a hobby
>Be a fit, fiscally-conservative American and watch the entire world seethe at my supposedly inexplicable existence
You're doing photography for governments?
Im pretty sur that if an amish guy will get angry at you if you take a picture of him without his consent
This is me to the T.
How do I make 10k a year with a camera without taking photos of people? I only need like <1000 bucks a month to live, but don't want to work at walmart and I don't have any other experience or education.
Use your landscape photos to make youtube videos and become a youtuber. Then sell merch and ad space. Finally set up a patreon.
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this is me except i only make 24k a year and i bought 10 cameras

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I'm not comfortable of youtubing, maybe if I don't have to show my face or voice.
Gonna have to get out of your comfort zone if you want to make money
People are the easiest way for money by a longshot
If it's youtube or nothing then I'll rather take the nothing.
stockshit, food photography, webshop product photography
For sport, corpo, event photography you will still need to be able to shoot portraits from time to time (in sport photography for example before the start of tournaments on media days, etc...)
>People are the easiest way for money by a longshot
Thats pretty debatable. What is easiest way is mostly depends on your skillset (apart from yeah you know ofc there are the snapshitting streetphoto or landscape photography which are 2 niches you can only make money if you are a youtuber)
Hey man, that actually struck a chord with me as an autistic guy who tried to make short films as well. Would you be open to share more? Maybe on discord or whatever.

I think it's very hard for us to express ourselves but actually that's also the only way we can get people to understand our view of the world. So it's kind of a double edged sword
What other avenues are easier for someone to make money with?

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