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Opinions on noise in photography?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Horizontal Resolution144 dpi
Vertical Resolution144 dpi
Image Width912
Image Height746
File: gr.jpg (1.54 MB, 1092x1092)
1.54 MB
1.54 MB JPG
I need it in my photos, I dont like sharp things.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z f
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 26.3 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern970
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)50 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width4032
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Number of Bits Per Component8, 8, 8
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Vertical Resolution96 dpi
Image Data ArrangementChunky Format
Image Created2025:02:06 11:02:08
Exposure Time1/250 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating100
Lens Aperturef/1.4
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Focal Length50.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1092
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Scene Capture TypePortrait
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>>4404017 (OP)
Noise as an inherent flaw in a camera that forces the photographer be creative, work around the flaw and still take great pic regardless? Cool

Noise that is artificially added as an effect in an otherwise sharp image to add "character" or "charm" to mask one's lack of creativity? Not cool
So when like 90% of todays movies shot on digital have grain and other effects added in the color grading stage, thats not cool in your books?
Nope. You know they're using those effects like a cook using excessive condiments to mask their shit cooking
Okay then.
>>4404017 (OP)
looks like shit 90% of the time
Dat nigga is tarded brehbreh
Grain effects are cool
Film grain is cool because the image is literally made of it

Digital sensor noise is undesirable because digital sensors are monochrome devices that guess each pixels color based on whole groups of 4 (most) or 6 (fuji) squares, and noise fucks up the colors. The only people going for it are going for the noise of specific super shitty sensors to make their shitty photography appeal to a few other losers with fake nostalgia for old digitals they didn't actually grow up with, but wish they did.
>Zoomers be like: a nintendo 64 and a sony mavica, wow, retro, I totally feel longing for the good old days when my family would have had this if we were cooler. I mean think we would have. When did these come out agai-NEW TIKTOK NOTIFICATION POGGERS
Brush strokes as an inherent flaw in painting that forces the painter be creative, work around the flaw and still make a great painting regardless? Cool

Brush strokes that are purposefully added as an effect in an otherwise realistic painting to add "character" or "charm" to mask one's lack of creativity? Not cool
>>4404017 (OP)
>this phenotype literally drives white boys INSANE.

it even made me a cuckold who films his asian fwb for onlyfans while she bangs other guys
>>4404017 (OP)
I like to add it in post. Dehancer does it quite tastefully.
>>4404017 (OP)
how do I get a gf like this? do I need to buy a Leica because I will
>>4404017 (OP)
i've come to terms with it. So what if there's noise. and if there's too much, you can definitely lessen it with software anyways
Boomers dislike film grain as well. They see it as flaw.
gayest shit I've ever read
brush strokes are always what makes a painting. fake grain is kind of gay and noise is always gay
>>4404017 (OP)
Noise in photo is like hair in pussy.
Its ok. But its takes time and experience to realize it.
noise is part of literally every image, why is it bad to add more?
its ugly and degrades the colors
>le ugly
useless term
>degrades color
meaningless concept, reducing saturation also is "degrading color"? lmao
the way digital sensors capture information noise degrades the tones. adding fake noise or fake grain or fake brush strokes is gay because its fake
Fake noise doeasnt degrade the tones like per-pixel noise because it is added AFTER the computer guestimates the pixels
and it looks gay and like shit because its fake
>>4404017 (OP)
It’s a tool. Its relevance depends on its use in a given context, but I have nothing against it and add it regularly in my work.

You speak like a teenager.
>>4404017 (OP)

it is good if you are requested to upscale then add some poisson with decent attenuation and random seed, if you look ufraw color smoothing will help you to reduce file size
>captures only a portion of light
>quantizes it
>applies algorithms to it
>applies debayering
digital images are fake, welcome to reality
Ironically that is way closer to how your eyeballs work than film is
red, green, blue, and white pixels
denoise, demosaicing, 24/7 pixel shift, and panorama stitching applied in the brain
front side illuminated so noisier than your camera

Some people actually have a neurological quirk where their brains don't denoise. They see flickering rainbow shit 24/7. Sometimes if you think really hard, you can see your sensors FSI hardware (blood vessels in front of the retina).

Meanwhile film
>captures only a portion of light
>each layer robs the next of something
>only see whatever colors fall within the range of the stacked dyes (have to use portra for white people and ektar for black people and furniture)
>every detail is made of clumps of salt
>you get to cope about hilarious "megapixel" figures by scanning the film so closely you can see the clumps of salt, even though in real life a 20x16 made with a 45mp digital camera looks less like grainy mush and has better tonality than a 20x16 made with 6x7 film

if you want you can dcraw digital imaging without any interpolations, then you notice is checkboard shit better interpolate it down like 2.2 and then there is grayscale image
you reddit space like a homo
and? adding fake noise or grain is gay and fake. same as shooting black and white on digtal
>ektar for black people and furniture
no wonder ektar is shit
wow, so edgy.
do you know where you are?
>>4404017 (OP)
It's the best photography. Noise is detail and texture. Without it, everything's unnaturally smooth and waxy. The grain is realistic, everyone sees a degree of it through their own eyes IRL.
Kodak unironically had to make film just for black people. It’s a limitation of film. Each formula can only see its own very narrow range of color, way narrower than the range digital cameras can see as long as there’s enough exposure. You can never accurately represent in range and out of range colors in the same shot. The black people werent just underexposed, the film didnt register dark browns well at all, even for product photographers working with furniture.

With a digital camera I can shoot a photo of a basement dweller and the blackest nigga and both will display their natural skin tones with just a little less light on the pale one. Film could never do this without fucking up other colors in the process.
Thank you for the explanation, anon.
>>4404017 (OP)
Just use the Quiet shooting mode
>>4404017 (OP)
1. don't do it on purpose unless you're retarded
2. don't worry about doing it unless you're a pussy
>>4404017 (OP)
The only time I've ever added noise is when upscaling low-res photos using Topaz. You need a little bit of grain in there to hide the artificial sharpness.
I agree. Artificial noise looks horrible. I can always tell its been added on and its distracting and annoying. Some natural noise is acceptable, but not too much.
Be white. Be presentable and socially above an awkward asian nerd.
Literally stiff as a board right now.
okay, what now?
i produce it
>>4404017 (OP)
https://youtu.be/zOTaz4S6QXo [Embed]
You stupid fuck.

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