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File: 2025-02-09 010009.jpg (75 KB, 1364x675)
75 KB
Why does this shit fly with anyone? Why would anyone pay so much for it?
Why is it impossible to torrent preset packs anymore? Why doesn't anyone upload them? It's literally just .xmp and .dcp files - it's fucking impossible to even drm or monitor their use.
I feel like I'm losing my mind, the newest shit you could pirate is VSCO shit from 10 years ago
>>4404751 (OP)
shoot film and save 200$ dummy
>shooting film
>saving money
lmao even
I shoot film, pal, it's burning holes in my pockets
Neither am I willing to pay 200 bucks for a preset pack, I wanna to pirate this shit, that was always the beauty of the digital world and the internet.
It's just a cashgrab for people who don't want to try their cameras built in picture profiles or understand dragging a few sliders in whatever software they have access to.
buy my film conversion presets
>>4404751 (OP)
>I feel like I'm losing my mind, the newest shit you could pirate is VSCO shit from 10 years ago
Start from there and do your own.
i just hit auto in lightroom and move on with my life
Just pirate RNI dood
>Why would anyone pay so much for it?
probably nobody does
it costs nothing for any f tier "influencer" to put their presets up for sale and why wouldn't they? best case some bathwater-buying retard comes along, worst case they wasted a half hour making a shitty shopify site
>>4404751 (OP)
Used to be preset sharing threads on here a long time ago, I got most of the ones I have on here.
If its still allowed you can make a sharing thread and someone might have what you want.

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