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What's your opinion on Gerald Undone?


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>>4404899 (OP)
Is he the left one or the right one
He's crazy
Who was that gear youtuber that went full kn schizo /x/ mode
Maybe Ken Wheeler?
He's not Ken Wheeler.
Who then?
>>4404899 (OP)
he is cool i can fuck with his vids
Wouldn't fuck him in that case
>>4404899 (OP)
Nice dubs.
Gerald is pretty good I'd say, his parody of Fuji street photographers on his X100VI video was hilarious.
Are you gonna answer, Zach? >>4405243
It's Gerald Undone. He's a well known camera reviewer.
This is why no one fucking likes you, Zach.

The post I responded to (>>4405209
) wasn't even addressing your original post, they were asking for the name of someone else entirely. You chimed in without reading like the retard you are.
my lil namefag growing an asshole if not balls and a weiner
Oh wow you're cool.

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