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why would you spend 5000$ on a fancy camera if cheap phones have 4k sensors that can take pictures like this?
>>4405341 (OP)
>capturing a random building pic
>5000 dorrar

You could buy a 100 bucks dslr with kit lens and capture the same pic (or even better) and it's still much cheaper than even the mid range phone in the market
>>4405341 (OP)
But Anon, this photo is shit?
>>4405341 (OP)
this photo would have been shit if you had used a real camera
OPs shitty photo aside, I bought a Sony nex 5 to have a compact digital but i upgraded to a pixel 9 and it's so good i dont see the point in traveling with a digital (i shoot film mainly)

the telephoto is real nice to have. here's a photo i edited quickly on my phone but you could get even better editing the RAW s in a computer

for me the phone is enough
shooting film is actually just shooting digital with extra steps
you cant zoom in far enough
thats literally it
I swear I attached the image
yea that smeary background and chromatic aberration look great
>chromatic aberration
fixed with a RAW processor
>smeary background
don't pixelpeep

i have an enlarger though
>noooooo don't look closely at the photo, that defeats the point!
Could just, idk, get a decent camera. Ever wonder why actual photographers who get paid don't just use their phone?
>>4405341 (OP)
What settings should I use on my mft camera to get this quality???? Someone on here promised me that my pics would be really good if I got an mft camera.
i already have a decent camera but it's not worth lugging around both a digital and an analog camera when my phone is already in my pocket and you can't even shit on it without zooming 300%
It's not pixel peeping
it's called "a screen larger than a phones"

And who says people cant zoom in on photos if they want? Why are people not allowed to do that - enjoy the smaller details? Just because it shows your camera sucks?
It just looks like shit on an actual adult computer. Sorry kid. Maybe when you have a job and a nice macbook you'll realize your were being dumb. And god forbid someone want to crop all your empty space out of the photo
Sell preframed prints
Oh wait they'd look too bad

Or maybe you're indian and will never have an adult job and a nice macbook.

Not even 10% larger than my screen and you think this needs zoomed in 300%. It looks like crap.

Answer this question... are you really so poor, your monitor is still 1920x1080?
> Someone on here promised me that my pics would be really good if I got an mft camera
You were lied to.
>What settings should I use on my mft camera to get this quality????
ISO 6400, wipe open aperture, smear milk on the sensor.
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>i posted full resolution photos while claiming my camera is good and now people are viewing them at the full resolution and saying my camera sucks
>how could gearfags do this to me
>stop looking at the picture i gave you, zoom out for me
>stop i said you cant view the whole picture i sent you need to zoom out and stand really far away
>what your screen is bigger than 1024x768 wtf fucking consoomerist i hate people with money
every one phone megapixel is 1/4th of a real camera megapixel

try posting 1000x750 lmao. it still looks bad but maybe you could pass it off as suitable for an ok (but hazy and flatly rendered) 4x6 print. like walmart 1 hour photo lab material. lmao.

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it literally looks fine but how can i argue with a gearfag
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It looks like shit and how can you argue when you think anyone who wants to look at details in a photo, or has a screen bigger than your third worlder computer, is a "gearfag". A $100 micro four thirds off ebay is better than this.
>Rajesh comes to the US to start a taxi service, swears he is as good as any other taxi service
>with his moped tied to a horse cart
>stop ride peeping gearfags its not the vehicle its how you use it. stop looking too closely. stop thinking about how bumpy it is. it's not about that its about the journey, saar. that sounds poetic yes? you are gearfags and consumerists saars!
If rajesh does not want people to complain he should provide a better service or market it as what it is instead of "just as good as a rolls royce just stop noticing things". In this scenario, you are rajesh.

If you don't think people should view your "4k sensor" at 4k, then don't post 4k. In other words, it's not actually 4k. It's 1k.
OP btfo
Phones confirmed for 1mp
>>4405341 (OP)
Why would you spend $500 on a fancy phone when you can draw what you saw with a $5 colored pencil set and a notebook

Soulless consoomer bugman you just want to pixel peep you dumb gearfag
Gearfag. Oral tradition is all you need.
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>pixel peeping
>hyperfocused on IQ
>calling people poor
>brings out macbooks and indians out of nowhere
>no photos
textboook gearfag
i never said my phone was as good as a real camera but you're only here to seethe about gear
>pixel peeping
>hyperfocused on IQ
>calling people poor
>brings out macbooks and indians out of nowhere
>no photos
textboook gearfag
i never said my phone was as good as a real camera but you're only here to seethe about gear so you ignore the actual point
I think I put too much milk on my camera.
Stop posting 4916x3276 of blurry shit if you don't want people to point out that they are blurry.
>I-I never said...
>why would you spend 5000$ on a fancy camera if cheap phones have 4k sensors that can take pictures like this?

Your pictures are blurry. Unblur them and stop bitching about "gearfags" aka first worlders with higher standards and screens larger than a 1024x768 favela machine's.

Why are poorfags unable to simply present a smaller photo? Why do they always have to insist that wanting a large, non blurry photo is "pixel peeping = gearfag = bad"? Imagine a fat slob walks into a five star michelin restaurant, yelling
They'd think he was a pseudo-intellectual communist kid living off a trust fund/his parents income, actually...
because photography is grouped with modern art and therefore overlaps with leftism aka bitter failures with a narcissistic streak
>your photos are not good enogh you need to buy better gear!!
>me? a gearfag?? no way
who do you think you're fooling
that last picture is sony apsc btw it does seem that my phone might be better than "A $100 micro four thirds off ebay"
Cope, cognitive dissonance, fox and grapes. It is not enough for op to post a 1000 pixel photo that still has what little detail a phone captured. He must say that having more detail is bad because he is secretly unhappy with his life choices and is angry that other people get to have and enjoy things he can’t and post a 4000 pixel blurry mess to tell people to stop zooming in because noticing his camera is bad is not allowed

When he sees a guy walking around with a sony he probably gets physically angry irl
Did I tell you to buy better gear


I told you to stop posting 4000 pixel images if they are all blurry, and to STOP COPING. Every hobby board on 4chan is infested with copers like you. "Stop noticing things, you cant notice things if more expensive things do stuff better".
>i posted a full resolution file and people are viewing it at full resolution how could this happen
Retard. Don't post a large file if there's nothing to show for it. that is it. is it blurry? shrink it. no one wants to hear more poorfag cope insisting that no one is allowed to notice things to have higher standards than your gear can meet. it's infuriating because of how often virgin neets, brazilians and pajeets spout that nonsense.

>but its snoy aps-c i swear
Still looks like shit. Garbage lens, operator error, too much jpeg compression to fit a large file on 4chan, etc. There are a lot of ways someone dumb enough to be poor in 2025 can fuck up a photo. I've seen crisper shit more worthy of that file size from the ricoh GR.

It's not your gear that sucks. It's you. You suck. Get a new personality before you get a new camera. Go look at /rpt/ and notice how many small photos taken with meh cameras dont get shit on, and how chill the digishit thread is - that's because they didnt post giant blurry photos and say "why would anyone buy a nicer camera than me".
>grrrrr your gear is trash it needs MORE PIXELS
is this better gearfag-sama
i wish one day my snapshits can look half as good as yours
He literally said it needs less pixels but you are blinded by your sour grapes syndrome and poorfag cope
You've got some growing up to do.
>>4405341 (OP)
its all in the lens. obvs false dichotomy, buy a cheap dslr or mirrorless and buy a few prime lenses. i dont gaf what an iphone can take, the lens that it uses is boring, small, and fake. also dont buy a camera if you're just going to take shitty pictures of buildings. buy a camera if you want to a) use different lenses, b) be creative with shutter speed, aperture, and focal length at the very least.
Yeah.... my phone does all that and then some. You sound like a gearfag.
You're repeating yourself like some ESL. Keep playing with your cheap toys, and definitely don't stop coping anytime soon.
>>4405341 (OP)
That tinderbox would burn real nice, and make a great photo!
He’s a south american so probably just standard cope. They’re all like this. Its not enough to use what they have, they must claim anything better is pointless and caring is wrong.
Let me guess... You shoot mft? Don't try to lie to me. You're all the same.
I just said my phone was good enough... The esl can comprehend English better than the chud?
Yes and no. That's like saying recording an album on analogue tape is the same as recording an album digitally, but with extra steps. When you record analogue, you're left with a physical medium, tape in this case. Same with when shooting film, you're left with a negative. There's something to be said for that, especially with AI being able to manipulate photos. If a scan of a negative gets altered by AI, at least you have the negative to go back to. But you are more or less right in what you're saying.
im not that guy, and i'm europoor. i took what's called a "vacation" to brazil
the lifestyle of america’s poorest is as good as argentina’s richest. bro literally cant understand that we have 3840x2160 screens on $500 poorfag dells.

no its not good enough for a 4k screen
post 1k and simply admit that better cameras are better and thats ok
admit that people can zoom in and explore a photo if they want
simply admit that there are good reasons to have nicer things and higher standards than you and there is nothing wrong with the people who do
>i’m not a brazilian I’m an original flavor brazilian
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Well, the only digital camera I have right now is a camcorder, an old Panasonic TM-700.

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Equipment MakePanasonic
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no i'm not portuguese either mutt, keep trying
Besides my phone, that is. What is the sensor size on the TM-700 anyway?

Get with it, chud. I doubt you've even taken a nice picture.
>I’m not poor I’m another kind of ooor
That is blurry as fuck. How the fuck did you even make a phone take a pic with chromatic aberration worse than 00s digishit?
Don't fucking resize photos goddamit. You won't hide shitty optics, noise or AI processing with resizing anyway.
Resizing literally provably scientifically hides problems

1 phone mp = 1/4 real camera mp
1 real camera mp = 2/3 glorious film mp
if you shrink photo to 1x1 px it removes all issues.
ken rockwell has printed billboards with just 0.5x0.5px. megapixels are a myth. you only need 6 to make a 30x20 that looks super sharp up close. that’s what adobe made the sharpening tool for.

in the near vicinity of beginning this page reads as follows

Please post images that are JPG format and ideally smaller than 1 MB, and/or about 1000 pixels on the longest side
Eggy wrote that seething that he couldn't see photos over his shitty Australian dial-up internet connection.
Eggy is just poor. We get gigabit these days unless you somehow can't afford it (he's poor).
>t-that's fixable with a raw processor!
but you didn't.
>d-d-don't pixelpeep
i viewed the image at it's full size on a 15" laptop, you seething faggot.

and xier is still coping
film has no megapixel. Just grain size and grains per line or whatever
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>film has no megapixel
Not so fast, digislug. If you scan film, the details are converted to megapixels and it mogs soulless digisnappers.

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>>4405341 (OP)
that photo looks like ass though
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>>4405341 (OP)
Your phone can't take a picture like this

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Camera ModelRICOH GR III
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)28 mm
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I scan my 35mm usung a D800, and you barely get like 12MP out of it. Medium/large format may potentially have more detail, but that's hardly comparable.
Skill issue
>not d800e
and then lose some more resolution for everything else that gets fucked up. mirror slap. focus shift. the fact the old nikkor macros are not up to the task.

i have seen great scans done with the a7rii and a good copy of the sigma 70mm art or sony 90mm macro, but dslr nikkor lenses are not as sharp as these and never will be.
making a film image look good on a computer is easier and faster to do than to try to do that with digishit
>false flagging purse owning snoy boi still seething about having to wear a purse
I wish you could just help a fellow mft user out without screaming snoy and talking about how much you love men wearing purses.
because we both know you are a false flagging snoy
Prove it. You've already proven your weird obsession with men wearing purses and Sony cameras.
all snoy bois wear purses and seethe over m43
video bitrate
low light
high dynamic range scenes
>>4405341 (OP)
Exactly, people here dont seem to understand that all that fancy equipment is not needed
>>4405341 (OP)
>why would you spend 5000$ on a fancy computer if cheap phones have powerful hardware that can play games?
Phones can do many things, just not particularly well. A phone can take a photo, but your options are very limited.
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>Exactly, people here dont seem to understand that all that fancy equipment is not needed
Sony sisters... not like this...

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Nice picture.
Beautiful photograph. You can tell it was taken by a high quality professional camera. You definitely won't get that with a smartphone.
>>4405341 (OP)
i don't spend 5000$USD on a camera. I spend 250 on a camera and 4750 on film/chems
Schizophrenic samefagging snoy goy, the anon who originally posted that edited it on a crappy android phone and it saved as a 2mp 70% quality jpeg

But he's still a retard. 61mp has no advantage over 24mp in the real world. Unless literally anyone here would like to tell us about five times they had to share an image larger than 6000x4000, no one needs an a7cr.
Sounds like you have blinded yourself from a severe and incurable screen addiction.
Less charts and screens, more going out and taking pictures, my boy. It will be good for you.
Gearfag cope.

Five times you needed more than 6000x4000. List them.
When I'm printing film, dumbass zoomer screen addict...
> I'm poor so you suck
Ok then
Stunning and brave
Post your film prints. Let me guess, they're 8x10?

Humans, when leaning forward and squinting, can discern computer display improvements up to 600 pixels per inch. To fill an 8"x10" 600ppi display, you would need... 6000x4800. This is so close to 6000x4000 as to be imperceptible.
Although this is expressed in computer terms it does still refer to a level of detail beyond which there is no benefit. You can simply convert pixels to line pairs if digital terms trigger your gender dysphoria/knot cravings/etc.

It is also completely pointless because nobody is going to lean forward and squint at an 8x10. Under normal photographic enjoyment, it is biologically, physically impossible to tell an 8x10 made from 3000x2400 from one made from 6000x4800 (simply convert these statements to line pairs yourself if pixels trigger your gender dysphoria) without extremely careful inspection. Even in terms of "tonality", because the "tonality" is smaller than human vision can actually perceive. People would rather zoom in on a display for shits and giggles, somewhat enjoyable but also not needed.

No one needs more than 6000x4000. This is almost 1.5x the resolution of 35mm film. Larger film formats are for sampling out grain and lens blur. On digital cameras, higher megapixel numbers negligibly benefit sharpness when viewing very large prints very close and are essentially useless unless accompanied by a larger sensor size to better sample out lens blur and reduce quantum photon noise.

Sadly it takes a few college level courses to tell CONSOOMERS that companies lied to them and they're placebo effect victims!
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>Have no response
>Seethe and strawman
So, you have no legitimate real world use for more than 6000x4000

Perhaps if you make very large prints (more than 16x20) that people, for some reason, look at from <6 inches away while expecting flawless quality, you "need" more resolution? I'd love to see proof anyone fits this description. So far, no one has been able to actually prove they needed more than 6000x4000 at least five times. They've only been able to mistakenly claim they needed more than 6000x4000 when they didn't, and seethe because they spent a lot of money on cameras (still less than a free credit card's max so we're not believing you're "rich" lol)
Digicuck screen addict thinks that resolution is all there is to the look of a final print. Post your prints first, bud.
No one needs to prove shit to you. If you need this experiment done, you must have the means to go buy the camera yourself, evaluate against whatever arbitrary criteria you deem necessary, them come back and report your findings to us so we can tear you a new one. Everyone here can see that your "no one needs more than 2mb" is pure unadultered cope. Your pharma juice pimp billy the gates of hell is proud of you.
Ok but you didnt prove him wrong, you’re just seething. He has logic and math, you have seethe.
I don't need charts because my one sentence defeats your giant essays of cope. It's embarrassing how out of touch you are with real photography.
>no proof, just narcissism and schizophrenia
Gearfags, its over. We cant use resolution claims to replace our tiny penises anymore. We’ve lost.
This is actually such a high level of cope I will consider it a concession. It has been accepted.
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I merely asked if anyone could tell me about five times they actually needed more 6000x4000. For an actual photographer, this would be a trivial question with a trivial answer, especially if they were willing to lie.
>Yes, I was on a photoshoot for a louis vuitton ad campaign, and they specifically requested I use a GFX100 at the time because they wanted their B1 and A0 prints to look more detailed up close to better show customers what their brand stood for. I did photoshoots with them five times.

But look at them. They're literally crying and posting vague nonsense. Not a single example, not even a made up one, because they don't even know what a legitimate example would sound like.

How pathetic are gearfags?
The zoomer is having a lil melty. Cute.
But you still haven’t proven him wrong

Isnt this the human vision is a gorillion mp argument that the other filmfag lost?
>i swaer to god bruh, the tonanality… i can see the difference in teh microscopic grains with my 1600mp eyeball dood
No it isn't and the digital guy failed to understand an extremely simple concept because it proved his entire point wrong. If that's winning an argument to you I have very bad news for you.
You haven’t proven him wrong

Megapixels and sensor size directly state the lp/mm resolution (1 line pair = 2 pixels) so you can compare film and digital all day long. It’s just that very few people did the math because they used their eyed and saw it only takes a little more than 8mp to equal an 8x10 contact print. And that was that.
So you're saying that no human can reliably differentiate between a roughly 8-10MP equivalent 35mm negative enlarged to 8x10 and an 8x10 contact print?
Only by the grain, because film sucks. Digital is grainless at base ISO.

Film is de
So I was correct. Gotcha. Don't you need more MP to get correct color resolution as well?
You only need 8mp to get full color resolution for an 8x10 print, but digital 8mp, which is as grainless as 8x10 film and has more color resolution than film.

Maybe we should say it takes 4 filmegapixels to equal a digital megapixel.
yeah film is really bad. the colors are always inaccurate and its always grainy. only good for moody lofi street photography.
So if I got an 8MP digital camera and printed at 300dpi I wouldn't be able to tell any difference between an 8x10 contact print and the the digital print? Not in any single way?
Can I just buy any old 20-40 dollar digital camera off ebay to test this?
Only if you looked at it too closely… then you would need 24mp, a very high end printer, and to get laid with something other than your dog.
Needs to be full frame, so you’re getting a 5d classic and cropping horizontally

Full frame pixels are better
So what Im hearing is that it doesn't really work in the real world, like I have been saying the entire time...

80 dollars is my budget. Pick an 8MP camera for me and I'll buy it off ebay and go to my local photo shop, upload the files to catbox for you to edit to your liking you reupload the edits and Ill get the pictures professionally printed and do a real AB test with 8x10 contact prints made with silver chloride paper and amidol developer.
You only need 8 of the 5d classic’s superior full frame megapixels and to not loupe peep a print like some kind of zoophile hermit.
You own a 5diii furfag. Just scale it to 3000x2400 and order a fine art quality 8x10 instead of looking for excuses to buy more ewaste.
Can I set my 5dm3 to a lower MP and use that, or crop an image?
What would be a reasonable viewing distance to compare them at?
I want every parameter to be set by the other guy so there are absolutely zero excuses.
You can even choose a fine art printing website for me to order the print from if that will reduce your ability to make excuses after the fact.
>do everything for me
Dog people never change
I know film and chemical printing much much better than I know digital printing I wouldn't want any stupid thing I did to invalidate the test. "Oooooohhh you didn't sharpen it enough for printing, ooooohhhhh you sharpened it too much for printing."
It seems like the guy writing essays about this stuff doesn't want me to actually do a proper test of it. Expected, but I was hoping for better from him.
>furry that cant google sets out to prove that 8x10 film is 24mp instead of 8mp
>cant figure out how to print off a soccer mom camera like a 5diii
Funny stuff
The hilarious part is that you folded like a sack of potatoes after I said I would do a real world test of this to your exacting parameters.

I could do it myself perfectly well. Like I said I don't want any excuses after I go through the effort of producing these prints to compare. I'll be honest about it too. Maybe at 1 foot the difference is huge, but at 4 or 5 feet it is hard to tell between the two. I use the cameras I use for more than just the extreme image quality I get from big film, so it really does not make a difference at the end of the day.
>i swaer to god, u cant troll me, in gonna prove 8x10 film is 24mp not 8
But olym puss remains undefeated and LF film remains, at best, a more cost effective way to do low volume high-ish resolution enlargements, which fucking no one here does. The largest claimed print on /p/ is a 30x20 made with a d750. Claimed.

Order a lightjet print with res16 quality at least and ensure your digital input file is not using a needlessly small color space (lightjets can handle 36 bit color) or too small resolution for the 400dpi (that looks like 400ppi because its a true tone system, not a half tone inkjet)

Film cameras themselves are pointless. All the benefits of the printing process have been digital for over 20 years.
Okay thanks. Finally a real answer instead of excuses and insults.

Does it make a difference if I set the 8MP scale in my camera or lightroom? Do you think it would still be fair if I just make the digital B&W so it more closely matches the contact print?
If you want to replicate a contact print at an unrealistic viewing distance, you need more than 8mp, and to do something other than your dog. 1 foot? Really? Against your face? 400dpi = 4000x3200

If you want the same quality at a realistic viewing distance you only need 3000x2400 at 300dpi.
Lightjet prints at 4000dpi on silver gelatine paper according to the websites selling the service.

Part of the pleasure of viewing high quality contact prints is that there is detail resolved beyond what you can see with the naked eye. It adds something to the look of the print.
>invisible detail adds to the print
You have absorbed too much canine DNA. It’s making you retarded.
It is not invisible you moron. The level of detail draws you into the print and does not dissapoint as you get closer to it and absorb all the details. This is the exact opposite experience of lower resolution prints that do not have the same level of detail. You need to move away to view all the details.

Why is this so very difficult to understand??? Oh yeah, you have only read a few things on the internet, made that your entire personality, while having zero real world experience with this stuff.
^Imagine this guy taking his fursuit head off to hold an 8x10 6 inches from his face lol
Gearfags never disappoint
A gearfags pictures are so boring that looking very closely at individual dog hairs is more fun than seeing the entire print at once
People use a loupe to view large format slides all the time. You continue to show your lack of real world experience, and legitimate hatred for photography. Embarassing.
I'm not going to take a picture of my dog for this test, btw. I need to think of a decent scene that will provide a fair test to both formats.
>dont pixel peep? you hate photography
fucking lol.
Pixel peep a physical print?

Continue embarassing yourself, screen addict. It's really funny.
Literal interpretation of a shitpost? I diagnose you with aspergers syndrome. That explains the zoophilia, narcissism, and lack of self awareness pretty well.
You ignore and purposefully misunderstand many of my posts. You seem to be projecting. Anyone can see this.
Go on and keep embarrassing yourself in front of everyone. I'm going to work on figuring out those prints to compare 8MP digital to an 8x10 contact print. I look forward to your cope and excuses.
>A gearfags pictures are so boring that looking very closely at individual dog hairs is more fun than seeing the entire print at once
Correct. Case in point, this fag is going to print with less information density so he can tell us it doesn't look as good from a few inches away, completely missing the point, which was about what looks the same when you look at the whole picture at once. He avoids facing the relevant fact to sperg out over ultra fine detail that is only visible from a few inches away.

The essence of gearfaggotry is NO interesting photos, NO artistic improvement, YES to increasingly complex and expensive equipment and refined processes to derive enjoyment from looking at sharper and sharper details. All gearfags do exactly this. In audio it's even worse. After a point they stop playing music, they start playing test tones to check what their gear does (and possibly hallucinate the results).
If making things up and misunderstanding very clear points I have made helps you cope with reality then so be it. Nothing I can do at that point.
>even film prints cant escape pixel peeper gearfags
As expected the poor fella is absolutely seething at this point.
I will state more of the obvious now. There is no wrong or right viewing distance for a print and both close up and far away should be enjoyed and appreciated if possible. This is not a difficult concept for anyone who enjoys viewing and producing physical prints.

For example one of my boring, terrible, and artistically devoid dead bug pictures looks like a really pretty and slightly curious leaf from a distance, but when you get close you see that it is a butterfly and when you look even closer you can see every little detail has been sharply captured on it. It's an enjoyable viewing experience and it looks great on the wall with my other butterfly pictures.
Good for a 1 second look on Instagram? Nope. Good for real life viewing and enjoying? Absolutely.
>my photos are good because you can zoom in on them. stand closer! use this loupe!
Its been decades and pixel peepers have yet to realize this isn’t true for other people. Its just autofellatio.

No one wants to zoom in on your photos or look at them under a microscope. No one has ever cared what they look like at a viewing distance of a foot or less. It’s never been true in all the history of art.

The term for boring things that can be inspected closely is "a curiosity" or "a trinket". They are only interesting if they’re actually handiwork and not the result of a button press and a chemical bath.
You misunderstand me again, but that's okay. I'm glad you were able to tell me your opinion.
Everyone understands you. You think other people enjoy grain peeping your snapshits and marveling at your gear obsession.

It doesn’t result in good photographs. It’s like saying "but look at how neatly my legos are stacked".
But they do. Even people on here enjoyed them a lot. Some people are even curious and impressed at the lengths I went to produce such brilliant looking images. It wasn't easy to shoot ~5x magnification images that are perfectly sharp and in focus on an 8x10 camera. I was working with like a 2mm or smaller focal plane. There was a lot that went into those pictures and I had fun making them.

They're fun to look at. Only a weird angry guy would get upset at someone if they offered you a loupe to look at an 8x10 color positive. Could you imagine how awkward and weird that would be in real life? "Hey I took this cool 8x10 slide film picture. It has really beautiful detail if you use this loupe to look at it. Wanna try?" "Ohhhh no I'm not a grainpeeper. Only gearfags grainpeep their pics!"
I've seen so many B movies, focusing on how great the story I see unfolds on camera, that I put what the image is above the noise. Search up the film Raggedy Ann and Andy, and you'll see a film so destroyed and grainy that you'd think my images are far cleaner by comparison.
Not really my point, but I fully agree that there is not really a wrong/right better/worse if it's the look you're going for. I don't think you intend to produce ultra noisy and soft images and I do not think the look adds to your images either. If you're trying something crazy with all that more power to you, bro.
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This board needs to make captchas easier / not required for posts with images, and more difficult for text only posts. Walls of text should auto redirected to /b/. Sock puppet "sisters, our response" accounts need to be banned.

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>guy with the $3000 61mp camera doesn't like the post that proves, with irrefutable logic, that no one needs more than 24mp
the department of gearfag efficiency finna make some cuts. i hope you're still in the return period.

automatically resize all photos to 1000 pixels on the longest side and change all exif to FUJIFILM X100V. gearfags btfo.
I'm been refraining from engaging with a midwit like yourself, as have the other intelligent beings on this board. But for everyone else's sake, I'll take one for the team here and lay out the childishness of your "irrefutable logic and proof".

> I hereby declare the only useful purpose of high res cameras is printing large posters
> I demand all owners of high res cameras to provide proof of 5 or more times when they have printed their photos in 6000x4000 or higher
> no one bothered to acquiescence to my childish demands, therefore, I have now irrefutably proven no one needs a high res camera. Everyone should shoot with micro 43 penis gear like me. My 3 sock puppet accounts will now back me up. I win!

>Let me guess, they're 8x10?
This poor fellow is so destitute he can't even imagine that other people would want to print bigger than US letter, and do so on a regular basis. Probably had a few 4x6 prints made at CVS and filled the walls of the bedroom he sublets with 4 roommates. Imagine the opulence of having more than a dozen square feet of wall space!
It's tragic honestly, how did we get here?
I think your rabbit pic is well framed and very cute. Thanks for posting.
Ken Rockwell once said resolution is a bourgeoisie concept
I find myself reflecting on that quite often
>sony sisters on stills resolution: actually 61MP is essential to have as you can easily crop and it has better tonality and dynamic range and im not poor haha
>sony sisters on video resolution: wtf nononoooo 8k on panasonic is completely overkill there is no usecase for that reeeee
Ken would know. He's a fucking californian suburbanite. jfc I have no reason to care what other boring fuckers think about anything. All these fucks are a bunch of cunts. If you want more resolution, get it, if not, don't. Otherfags don't matter. Get a grip.
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This. But also - don't assume everyone's needs are the same as yours and preach to them about their gear that you do not, have not, and will not ever own.

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Based and sanity pilled.
It’s not a hivemind, schizo
Very nice bird shot.
this photo is ass. the composition is ass, the colors look like you didn't edit the flat raw file and it looks underexposed
literally samefag shills
that photo is ass though
>spend a ton on a camera
>take ass photos
many such cases
Did you have a nice vacation?
wasn't related to this board
Shame it wasn't permanent. This place was a lot better without you here.
you sure are on angry tranny. did someone make fun of your purse or your bad photos?
digishit looks ugly. see the snoy pic that guy posted, it looks like ass and that's the greatest digital camera ever created
>the colors are always inaccurate
accurate colors doesn't mean good. inaccurate colors doesn't mean bad
top fucking kek
>I SNEED to look at photos at 900% crop with a loupe
/gif/ lowers post time from 60 seconds to 30 seconds for posts with a gif or webm attached
kek, why is purse boi seething about m43 so bad?
Extreme melty

Inb4 cope reply
Wow, are there really many seething poorfags photographers that cant afford a 60MP camera? Embarassing.
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It's because they're spending too much on alcohol.
no you don't understand, snoy is always the best. my livelihood requires it
god what terrible colors
yeah, the snoy bois in this thread do be having a melty and reddit spacing
what cameras have good color science and 60mp?
Sony A7rIV, Sony a7rV and Sony a7cR. Sony has the best color science and SOOC jpegs.
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These poorfags are embarrassed to post the pictures from their cereal box cope cams, so they seethe and attack those that actually own decent gear and post pictures. The wall of text faggot has one **black and white** picture of a whore with her tits out that it has posted 20 times when asked to show their work, yet complains about color. The irony.

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flat light, bad colors. you should get a better program because your editing unironically makes it look like sooc jpgs from a point and shoot from 20 years ago. its like the photos that goat guy with the medium format back posts
You need to post your pics or stfu
This. So much this.
This x100
I have and it made you seethe
also nice samefagitos
Everyone just laughed at your snapshit.
lol no, it was just you and you fucking seethed over it. even zach said it was a great pic
Handsome fella.

>>4410672 appreciates
Beautiful colors.
Proof Sony has the best SOOC color science
How's that MF slr and epson flatbed scanner been treating you btw?
cute pupper, but why is he green?
>olympus filename
We have been played
wow. this is the single best snoy photo I've ever seen, why is it 4:3?
You understand estimate a mossad agent's tomfoolery.
Underestimate* goddamned phone autocorrect.
snoysisters... no... not like this...
Foolturders... not like this!
nice try samefag
this is the single best sony photo I've ever in my life seen. how did you get these great colors?
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Just curious. What's stopping you from getting a really nice color checker and profiling the cameras output to get accurate colors???
accurate and good colors aren't always the same thing
It seems like the main problem is inaccurate colors. Green cast.
Better solution would be to just get a proper camera without bad color science instead of color checking every single photo and editing every single photo
You could just make a good ICC profile like I was talking about in the beginning then have it automatically apply to all your pics? Your pics would have accurate colors to start with then you can edit the good ones like you would have in the first place.
maybe its just the one retard, but the snoy pics I've seen often have very ugly and bad colors and look muddy. film makers made a lot of nice looking contrasty films but then had to make portra because pros wanted accurate colors even though normal people preferred the more vibrant colors portra 160 and 400 are very accurate, but not very contrasty or vibrant. ektar has nice colors but it also fucks up the skin of anyone you would want to take a photo of
Maybe I am the retard here, but wouldn't correct use of an ICC profile fix that because it translates the output of the camera, or is the problem actually with the sensor and how it records color information?

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I'm pretty sure one of the biggest issues is that the one snoy poster spent all that money on a camera and then edits her photos on snapseed on her phone and that's part of why they look like shit, along with the fact she thinks doing a good composition is dumb because muh expensive camera
Oh, well that makes sense. Pretty common issue regardless of the brand we choose to swear fealty to.
>more money than sense
Sad. Many such cases.
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There has never been a green cast

Placebo effect
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There are legitimate differences between different sensors, which can't be corrected by any kind of profile, because it is baked into the RAWs when the picture is taken. As an extreme example imagine trying to correct a full spectrum image to normal colors, it just can't be done. Thankfully people have recently started to recognize this and there have been attempts to quantify and compare those differences.

Here is an example Dxo test, interesting that with presumably the same sensor, the Sony gets worse results. But there is not a consistent pattern, some of the Snoys outperform similar Nikons and Canons too. I'm not sure the specifics of how this is tested so I don't know how well it captures the nuance.
>There has never been a green cast
yes there is. it's present on all digital cameras due to the way the sensors work, even in Foveons you still get overly green images. I didn't notice this either until I stopped using digital and used film elusively for a year. Now I can't help but notice how green everything is. Sony's green is just extra noticable
Quite wrong
SMI +/- 10 is measurement error.

>recently started
No, they stopped caring over 10 years ago because every camera is accurate enough. Ironically worse SMIs sometimes come with cameras you noskill gearfags think are magic.
Holy rekt by the digits revealing the truth
there is a green cast and it isn't a placebo. that snapsneed snoy poster posts the most ass photos with shitty colors that look under exposed and have boring subjects and bad composition. there is a reason landscape photographers use very vivid and contrasty films, where as his photos just look muddy
Wrong. Dont you have some motion blurred b&w snapshitting to prove on? Touch grass instead of posting disingenuous "opinions" and samefagging the thread to death to try and make your side in a childish brand war look like the "winner”
snoy shill bros don't look, don't look
>samefagging a post about a minor measured difference between two decade old cameras because muhbrands
Grow up child
nah, that's you, purse bro
samefagging is replying to yourself and pretending to be multiple posters. I never ever do that, unlike you snoys. and that photo has no motion blur and looks fine when you views it at normal size and don't pixel peep, but we both know you snoys only like to pixel peep and don't like to look at normal images because normal snoy images are ugly
>muh res
probably due to the shitty scanner more than anything else
I'm not samefagging, purse shill. I was replying to a post that wasn't mine. every poster on this board who isn't a paid snoy shill doesn't like snoys because they are green and produce bad images
>oh no you looked at my picture on a screen bigger than my curry machines
You have shaky hands, its soft at every size, and its a tilted snapshot non-composition with muddy tones because you’re yet another lazy gearfag amateur that thinks bw film was ever meant to be used without color filters and bright light
You sound underage

Read your post out loud in the mood you were in when you wrote it… in front of your mother. You will see what I mean son.
how many INR did you make selling purses today? going to take more shitty photos of the ocean that look like shit? on my 17 inch laptop screen the image looks fine, you just like to pixel peep because its the only way you can fool yourself into thinking you have a good image. you are literally seething because that photo was better than anything youve ever posted
nah, you are projecting and writing that gay retard trash because you got called on on being a snoy shill for INR
You really are a child huh
kek, is this what they tell you to write in the call center after you get btfo'd and humiliated? also fun time seeing you call some random guy me in the gear thread and then seethe about him
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More likely a neckbeard with the mental capacity of a child.

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why is the duck and ice green, samefag?
nah, that's you, purse boi
Beautiful colors.
Because you are blinded by your Sony seething?
lol no. I do find it funny how every thread you fags go into it and are like
>m43 sucks
>big sensor stronk
>snoy better than canon or nikon
and then the slightest bit of pushback against your shilling brings you to tears
>come back to this board after 9 months
>it's being completely ruined by 2 schizophrenics
I didn't think it was possible for this board to get worse, but here we are
if snoy fags didn't spend every thread shilling their snoys and shitting on other cameras I wouldn't be making fun of them
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Kek why is the frog green tho? Was this taken on a Sony?

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> Sony users post pictures taken on Sony cameras, so I'll seethe because I'm a poorfag that can never afford one.

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I can go buy a snoy if I wanted to. I don't because I don't want to carry around a purse for a camera that makes everyone look like shrek. see once again the snoy fags show why anti snoying is needed and the
>any snoying is ruining the board
is just gay retards
All you need is 8MP, idiot. Quit wasting your stupid money on stupid things.
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> I can go buy a snoy if I wanted to.
We all know you can't because your Mon already said no.
> I'm ruining the board because I'm a shill
No its because you post walls of text and no pics

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Post your 8MP snapshits and we'll decide.

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you can buy more mp. its good for cropping. its just retarded that the snoy bois act like its not possible to take a good photo on anything but a snoy and everyone else is poor when they post the most ass photos
Mon? is this some ESL word I don't know? and walls of text, you mean like >>4411155 → and >>4411144? I can afford I snoy I just don't want one
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> more mp. its good for cropping
oh really? I thought no one needed more mp unless they printed higher than 6000x4000. Wow this revelation just changed my entire worldview.

> everyone else is poor
You don't post pictures and seethe at anyone else that does. The only logical conclusion to draw is that you are a poorfag that's jealous of everyone else's gear.

> Mon?
Ask your mom, she'll explain what I meant

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If you need to crop you don't deserve more than 8MP.
I've posted pictures and it caused you a great deal of seethe because they were better than your green snoy shit. I could easily buy a snoy but I don't want an inferior ewaste camera
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> pictures
You've posted one black and white pic that you got eviscerated for. You might have missed this during ESL because you were seething, but there's no 's' at the end when its singular.

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I've posted more than one picture on this board and you faggots only started seething when you realized it was me. just like you don't seethe at my other pics because you don't know they are mine. Also, unlike you, I am American, purse boi. now keep seething there with your shitty green ducks
Common theme amongst the angry folks. Your furry convention picture is trash and you brought attention to yourself by having a board wide meltdown and spamming that picture so much.
lol no. you are the one who had a major melty across the board saying I am
>ruining the board
for pointing out you have shitty green photos and saying you wear a purse when you make anti m43 threads
>no u
>you're everyone I don't like
>I did no wrong
>continues to ruin board

Get off /p/ and take your meds.
lol see. you seethe and shit your pants because you try to turn every thread into a gearfag thread and it hurts your income when people push back against your snoy and purse shilling, shrek
>makes up random shit
>thinks everyone who doesn't like him is the same person
>obsessed with a camera brand and purses
>complete lack of self awareness

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>You really are a child huh
Well, it seems that you have really done some deep internal reflection. That self portrait is so much better than your furry convention picture. I'm so proud of you!
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> Also, unlike you, I am American
Lmao even

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now say it again without crying purse boi. are you going to make fake posts about being the doctor and playing guitar and complaining about "poorfags" while posting shitty snapseed pics and saying that composition and colors don't matter and the only thing that matters is having an expensive camera and 800% crop pixel peeping?
oh and the dude who posted the guy at the computer wasn't even me
very noisy photo
>still thinks I'm everyone

Okay bro, take a deep breath, get some water, and take those meds. NOW!
post it again without crying. maybe your 800% crops of your snapsneed under exposed photos will make you feel better
File: ZVE02152~2.jpg (422 KB, 3095x2062)
422 KB
422 KB JPG
You're right

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Camera ModelZV-E10
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Image Created2025:03:02 12:13:09
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Melty levels reaching schizo tier.
File: Real_sony.jpg (1.5 MB, 2560x1707)
1.5 MB
1.5 MB JPG
Replacing Mossad's fake olympiss pic, now that they have deleted it in embarrassment.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelILCE-5100
Camera SoftwareSnapseed 2.0
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.5
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)42 mm
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Image Created2024:12:28 21:53:26
Exposure Time1/640 sec
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mosssed's photo was significantly better and had much better colors
Must be why they deleted it in embarrassment.
Huskyfag's husky after it shrunk going through the wash/dry. Loool.
nah, he got jannied
Good. The more genuine users stop using this site seriously the sooner it can die.

I hope they ban all your proxies and dramatically increase anti-spam measures in the least user friendly way possible so no one posts here except for absolute retards and 3 schizophrenics.
based mossed poster
We need to stop the constant Indian Sony shilling
why would you spend 5000$ on a fancy camera if cheap phones have 4k sensors that can take pictures like this?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareGoogle
Image-Specific Properties:
File: phonequality+1.png (688 KB, 555x471)
688 KB
688 KB PNG
Yeah, why would you ever want something better than this?
File: 1738463824307275.png (16 KB, 226x223)
16 KB
Looks like phones are finally reaching quality that's just beneath an early 2010's PnS.

Now, how many more years until they achieve the same dynamic range without stitching multiple exposures?
File: 2015-02-26_14-58-27_HDR.jpg (601 KB, 3104x1746)
601 KB
601 KB JPG
why would you spend 5000$ on a fancy camera if cheap phones have 4k sensors that can take pictures like this?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
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Equipment MakeSony
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Camera SoftwarePicasa
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Image Created2015:02:26 14:58:28
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File: P1513449_01.jpg (1.38 MB, 2604x1952)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB JPG
Why would you phone when camera can this?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.7
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)207 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2025:03:07 07:49:28
Exposure Time1/1300 sec
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Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Image QualityUnknown
White BalanceAuto
Focus ModeAuto
Spot ModeUnknown
Image StabilizerUnknown
Macro ModeNormal
Shooting ModeManual
Flash Bias0.00 EV

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