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Have you noticed this weird sentiment being spread lately about how if you take photos, then that means you aren't enjoying life, usually termed as "living in the moment"? It's so strange, what causes this and how do you deal with it? I love photography because I feel it connects me deeper to things, but it seems that's not the common opinion
Don't overthink it. They're just talking about normies who won't put the phone down for a second and enjoy the show with their own eyes.
>>4405533 (OP)
Are you constantly filming on your phone
Are you glued to the camera dialing in some autistic ettr or jpeg/video settings shit
Playing around with the controls on your fujileica
Burdened with a bag containing every focal length you can afford, and a flash you wont use, and a tripod you dont need
No problem,
Not the issue. Even if you were doing that (you're going to get robbed) it doesn't matter. If you enjoy taking pictures of stuff you see, why would you abstain from doing that for some meaningless concept like 'living in the moment'?
Because you’re too busy juggling gear and software to? Do you not get this?

For the first 100 years of photography it was pretty point and shoot. Digital was a huge regression, weirdly. Now people are glued to their fujis flipping through DR400, white balance, and film sim settings and its more normal to be a gear fag with a lens purse.
You're missing the point. There is no 'living in the moment'. It doesn't actually mean anything. It's just a series of words that lukewarms read and go 'yeah I agree with that because I can't think'. Just do what you like who gives a fuck
>there is no living in the moment omg words i cant think
You’ve never experienced it.

Less likely is lifelong clinical depression, autism, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia left you unable to enjoy things other than computers.
You're going to have a hard life if you genuinely value every little quip, anecdote, saying, whatever, like this. You're not living for yourself, you're living for what other people are telling you to do. Unfortunate that you can't see it, but there's obviously no helping you.
>omg its just words man ur a sheep maaaaan people just TOLD you to be conscious
You don’t understand the words because you’ve never experienced what they describe and are a spiritually dead NPC lacking the ability to imagine what they are like.
>ever giving a fuck what anyone else thinks

photography is what connects me to the moment. NOT having my little cam and 2 prime lenses with me would take me out of the moment more than anything else.
I'm actually going outside more often because of photography. I don't know how that's negative?
sounds more like photography is how you avoid social interaction
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Quads don't lie
You sound like a child.
Or some sort of narcissist. What's with the victim complex? Why do you act like you're being bullied and ordered around because of a generic complaint typically referencing people who literally never look down from their phone and stand there filming crimes and deaths? Why do you act threatened? Why are you automatically on the defensive over this generic quip?

Why do you act threatened? Seriously? Narcissism?
>Did someone just imply something that might one day result in someone thinking i am imperfect!?

Possibly autistic as well, since you are unable to perceive any nuance
>>4405533 (OP)
retarded thread
canonychads probably made fun of him for coping with crappy autofocus
>oh no god forbid i have to try to take a photo. fujifilm is NOT bad. my $2500 went to SOUL. you don't get it. i LIKE spending forever taking a photo. buying my camera actually makes people better ARTISTS, unlike you... ASIANS AND ENGINEERS!
>lol look @ this loser he thinks hes cool spending forever taking a photo
>stop making fun of me >:( (son, the chicken nuggies are done) NOT NOW MOM
Zach tier
>>4405533 (OP)
>in the zone, being in the moment
>see something interesting, suddenly in the zone to take photos
>step back and return to the zone being in the moment
I just 'zone focus' in an instant from one state to another
>>4405533 (OP)
hateful normie crabs in a bucket. many such cases of them coping and seething and people having passion and enjoying some facet of life.
>For the first 100 years of photography it was pretty point and shoot
This is so wrong lol, it took a lot of technical knowledge. Then roll film came and it made photographing accesible to even the filthiest casuals.
Photography is always a frozen image of the past. When you press the shutter you're creating a future image of the past. Let that sink in and remember, time is relative.
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>Let that sink in
>meaningless oversocialized drivel
Look how you come apart at a different opinion. You're obviously feeling threatened yourself, you projecting little socialite. How fragile.
>>4405533 (OP)
i'm better than you
ngl that's a based shitpost
You’ll get out of highschool someday champ. Until then you’ll have an insufferable personality based on the assumption that you’re always right.
That dudes not coming apart, he’s ripping you apart. You never even answered his question. Why are you defensive? Did the mean handsome normie man in your head tell you "look up from the screen you fuckin sperg" and start banging your waifu? Is that why you made this thread? Lol
do "gnostic"fags really lmfao
>>4405533 (OP)
It's true.
Looking at things with your own eyes is more emotionally sincere then any form of secondary looking like photography.

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