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File: IMG-7833.jpg (1.5 MB, 1300x800)
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1.5 MB JPG
I'm trying to think of places to do some photography with a friend who got a camera a few months ago but everywhere looks like this in winter. Any suggestions for where to go/what to shoot when there's no leaves on the trees? We live in the south so no cool snow shots and we hate going into cities.
>>4405580 (OP)
Takes pics of some animals? Any old half fallen down barns? Maybe there's a cave nearby?
thats a retarded quesiton kinda. really sorry to break it to you but the thought process has to occur in your mind - as the old Polish adage goes: one likes fish, other when his feet stink .
Translation for americans: taste is subjective. God has punished you by yall living there so i wont waste any mo time
There's an interesting thing everywhere you go, you just got to find it. If you look at my image gallery (that unfortunately is overly saturated by going off the rails... Again...) you'd see there are some interesting images of leaves and mushrooms. Leaves changing colors is pretty interesting
How come you haven't found anything interesting yet?
File: narosPE.jpg (4.28 MB, 5000x3573)
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4.28 MB JPG
Okay here are a few leaves pictures
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Why is this picture so severely out of focus?
File: 3K8gTA5.jpg (3.08 MB, 5184x3456)
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3.08 MB JPG
Because the leaf is the focus?
The leaf is completely and entirely blurry. Why?
Shallow depth of field? F/3.5 on a macro setting on a Canon FD 35-105 on a T2i?
So you think a completely blurry leaf that is not in focus at all is an acceptable picture because you used the macro setting on your camera?
File: VgpT4SE.jpg (451 KB, 1376x1511)
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451 KB JPG
When I saw that leaf it could fit on the palm of my hand. Mind you this was before I got macro filters, so I had to get it just right for the photo. Here is an image I took with a +3 macro filter.
I was trying to get you to focus on the leaf turning blue and at the time I felt it was acceptable enough looking
That's your problem. In reality it is a picture any sane person would skip over as a failed shot, but you come up with some b.s about it to cope and pass it off as acceptable. It's a literal 0/10 picture.
Okay then. Glad you enjoyed looking at my image even though it was completely a disappointing experience. Maybe I'll do better next time. Find more good images, and have a good day
Your shit attitude will never allow you to get better at anything, but I honestly doubt you even want to improve. You probably just like pressing a button and holding a camera.

You deserve all the shit you get on here.
>"hey /p/ what do you shoot when there's no leaves?"
>nobody can post a pic that isn't leaves
Most autistic board on 4chan award goes to /p/
What do you expect? It's almost like Zach is out to prove that he is the king autist.
File: 20250207_205900.jpg (2.34 MB, 4000x2252)
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2.34 MB JPG
I've honestly made an image of a tree without leaves.

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Why did you post this again?
Because OP wanted to find an image in his area?

I suggested, hey what not find a tree with no leaves and take a Gothic photo of it or perhaps uses it to make a Pollack image, or maybe even try to emulate a Chinese tree painting from over a thousand years ago.
Makes me want to throw away all cameras.
Obsessed and seething
File: DSC_0355_01.jpg (2.68 MB, 8288x5520)
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2.68 MB JPG
>>4405580 (OP)

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File: DSC_0356_01.jpg (4.83 MB, 5520x8288)
4.83 MB
4.83 MB JPG
Trees who have nice bark and ivy which is evergreen.

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File: DSC_0357_01.jpg (4.45 MB, 8288x5520)
4.45 MB
4.45 MB JPG
Dead grasses can be really beautiful too.

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I can't help you then. It is what it is.
File: DSCF3597.jpg (4.29 MB, 4000x3000)
4.29 MB
4.29 MB JPG
just shoot what you see

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File: DSC_0516_03.jpg (4.69 MB, 5520x8288)
4.69 MB
4.69 MB JPG
>>4405580 (OP)
You just need to find the right trees. Also go out after it rained.

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Jesus christ, stop
Keep going. I'm enjoying the tree posting.
Cool pics and enjoyable scenes to look at.
File: VsGe901.jpg (1.45 MB, 5184x3456)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB JPG
Oh I've photographed mushrooms before.
File: DSC_0577_02.jpg (4.89 MB, 5520x8288)
4.89 MB
4.89 MB JPG

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Based. I think you made that poor fella really jealous with all your cool tree pics.
File: DSC_0624.jpg (4.98 MB, 5504x8256)
4.98 MB
4.98 MB JPG
I love making nophotos mad with nice trees.

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Wow. Cool. You should try taking incredible images of goats sometime. You'll get a whole brigade seething at you for days on end. They wish they could be us so freaking bad.
File: DSC_0574_02.jpg (4.74 MB, 5520x8288)
4.74 MB
4.74 MB JPG
There's a nice flock of sheep near where I live. I'll post them if I get to photograph them. Have a tree for now.

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I'm excited for the future. Thanks for the tree pic, based tree bro.
File: DSC_0611_04.jpg (4.87 MB, 7068x4712)
4.87 MB
4.87 MB JPG
You know what's better than a tree? Multiple trees ;-)

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File: DSC_0637_02.jpg (4.98 MB, 8288x5520)
4.98 MB
4.98 MB JPG
thanks fellow tree enjoyer, what are your favourite trees?

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File: Image26.jpg (840 KB, 1657x1094)
840 KB
840 KB JPG
I like horse chestnut and the weird twisted up ones on my property.

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Image Created2024:12:11 17:41:32
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File: scantest_0073.jpg (4.24 MB, 6272x4704)
4.24 MB
4.24 MB JPG
Peep this thing. Sometimes I sit by it and listen to the water flowing around it. Pretty nice.

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Image Created2025:01:25 18:58:36
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File: Image 229.jpg (2.84 MB, 2373x3512)
2.84 MB
2.84 MB JPG
This one is really cool also.

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File: DSC_0121_01.jpg (3.59 MB, 5520x8288)
3.59 MB
3.59 MB JPG
Personally, I love the lone pine trees that are up everywhere as a leftover from the storm Lothar, in my country.

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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)70 mm
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Image Created2025:02:17 01:24:08
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Image Height8288
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AE Bracket Compensation0.0 EV
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File: DSC_0302_01.jpg (4.92 MB, 5520x8288)
4.92 MB
4.92 MB JPG
Looks chill af anon.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 7_2
Camera Softwaredarktable 5.0.0
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)39 mm
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Image Created2025:02:17 01:30:19
Exposure Time1/13 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating180
Exposure Bias0 EV
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Light SourceUnknown
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Focal Length39.00 mm
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Image Width5520
Image Height8288
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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Image QualityRAW
White BalanceAUTO1
Focus ModeAF-S
Flash Bracket Compensation0.0 EV
AE Bracket Compensation0.0 EV
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Lens Range24.0 - 70.0 mm; f/2.8
Shooting/Bracketing ModeSingle Frame/Off
Noise ReductionOFF
Camera Actuations317
Very nice tree indeed. I love how it tries to reach to the sky.

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