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Fuck you making a new general, general.

The purpose of this general is to discuss your favourite poisons and ethers used to clean optics and sensors, tools and tooling for disassembling and repairing camera bodies/lenses, solvents and materials used for replacing shit that rots.

>thread question
What is your go to cleaning fluid? How do you control asshole dust particles? Why are my kim whipes so dusty?

Useful links:
>Fuck all right now

Poison of the day:
>Hydrogen peroxide - useful for removing fungus from lenses.
I highly suggest these for your lenses as opposed to an off-brand.
Nikkor 24-70/2.8 ED I did the hood ring service on

>What is your go to cleaning fluid? How do you control asshole dust particles? Why are my kim whipes so dusty?

Naptha or lighter fluid, UV filter, kimwipes are shit use >>4405843

>Useful links


I have used this to do my Beseler Topcon RE Super and a few other lenses. It's a dollar or two per manual but well worth it to do it right.
>Naptha or lighter fluid, UV filter, kimwipes are shit use >>4405843
Thanks, will pick some of that up. I just had the lid off my A1 getting the fungus off the eyepiece lens only to find that all of the fungus is in fact between the prism and focusing screen objective lens. Cunts like half a days work to pull all the bullshit electronics out of the way to get it so I gave up and put it back together for now.

For fungus, simple alcohol will work just fine or lens cleaner, basically any liquid cleaner that will not damage coatings or glue. Naptha and lighter fluid is for removing grease and oil specifically from focus helicoids.

The prism has a coating on it of silver which is why it's reflective. Isopropyl 91% alcohol should be okay to clean it.

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