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Not sure where to ask, so I figured /p/ could help. It's about microphotpgraphy and microscopy, so I'm hoping it's on topic enough.

Any opinions on the Swift SW380B? I plan to get one with a 5 megapixel camera that goes in the eyepiece slot, and using it connected to my laptop or phone. I've used college lab microscopes for a couple years when I got my associate's degree, and I just want something for hobbyist use at home. I have no idea what brands I used in college, but I know this one has an abbe condenser. A camera that hooks to the phone/computer would make it cool too, never had that before.

Of course I'll be getting emission oil, dyes, and some accessories separately. I thought about getting the tripod version as well so a camera can hook in without interfering with the binoculars, but it's like an extra 100 bucks that doesn't seem like a huge change in convenience.
>>4406014 (OP)
kek back in the day we used to take a smartphone (it's barely a smaprtphone as I used samsung wave m) pic directly from the eyepiece as the microscope with actual imaging equipment were time hoarded by postgrad students
>>4406014 (OP)
All the modern chinese brands are the same, some models good and some bad. Look for reviews or forum posts. However I'd look for a trinocular model so you can have a camera set up while you observe. Doing this: >>4406022
will be more convenient and give the same results as those cheapo cameras. The only solutions I've seen are real cameras, but luckily as long as you have an actual full frame camera the results are good so going with a used camera is fine. I'd look into getting one that tethers well to a computer and can do video in case you wanna check out some water bears.
The big disadvantage of the new cheap models is they generally can't be serviced very well and upgrading them is harder. You can always go the route of buying an old BH-2s off ebay and upgrading. If you want to get into any stuff like dark field or phase contrast I'd recommend that. Oly BH-2s are super common and easy to get serviced, replacement parts are plentiful and cheap etc. But for a cheap used model it's a gamble how bad of shape it's in.
Missed that part of your post, but trust me you want a trinocular if you plan on doing photomicroscopy as a hobby and not microscopy with a pic here and there.
>dark field
Dark field is free or at worst cheap as fuck with a $0.99 filter. True phase contrast means an abbe condenser attachment (available to fit all or most Chinese models) and phase contrast lenses, which I concede is easier depending on the model.
>>4406014 (OP)
I dont know anything about microphotography, but I saw this video of an anatomy prof explaining his histology setup. I though it was cool. He connects his digital cam to the microscope and syncs the images to his laptop.
https://youtu.be/cMhQT3vylac [Embed]
>>4406014 (OP)
I'm curious what you find, I only ever see the expensive setups at work. It would be nice to know what a normal person can use
>>4406014 (OP)
Very interested in this. What does darkfield do/add?
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208 KB JPG
You can observe things that are reflective or shiny without them being shiny.
It's supposedly a different method that's supposed to filter out everything except the cancer cells

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