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I've looked everywhere and can't find anything the artist is called Ingrid Siliakus she does some cool stuff but wondering if she had any templates or does she keep this stuff secret?
It's supposedly all from one sheet of paper too thats why im interested
The general style is called "architectural kirigami" and nope you won't find templates by Ingrid Siliakus online anywhere. But there are a couple books with simpler patterns.
Are you serious how comes and why not? Surely people can work it out right?

If not do you know where I can find the simpler ones?
Not one person is interested in this sort of stuff?
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Well, Ingrid Siliakus earns her dosh from exhibitions and from selling replica of her works. On top of that her stuff is so detailed and complex that she uses a laser cutter to save weeks or even months of manually cutting and scoring the models. I've never seen templates of her stuff online and she doesn't have any on her website - and I think the complexity of her projects is beyond what average persons would want to try to copy anyways.

But architectural kirigami is pretty simple and straight-forward, once you understand the basic techniques which are the same as for regular popup cards/books you can look at any other model like those from Siliakus and "easily" copy them yourself.

Look for kirigami and "architectural" kirigami patterns on sites like pinterest or just google the terms and you'll find plenty templates. And check the book sharing thread here on /po/, that's where I got a few books from last year.
This is probably too big to post...
Thank you so much been a real help
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I'll try to post some of the stuff I've got on my hdd, but it's not much. Most books are too big to post on 4chan (I'm surprised the 5+MB file even worked, what's the limit for pdf here?), but I got all of them from an google archive somebody posted in the sharing thread and from public torrent sites like kickass by searching for origami and kirigami anyways, so they should be easy to find.
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This template makes a nice pen holder. Can't find the version without watermarks though.
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This is a model I always wanted to copy...
basically im looking for something similar to ingrid siliakus' city, i just need a template so i can work out the rest
WHAT THE FUCK?! Just from cutting one sheet of paper?
it looks pretty basic actually
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Yeah, it's pretty simple. You've seen nothing yet, do you know Peter Callesen?
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This book here has a few templates which have a somewhat similar style (nested buildings, bridges).
Well, that's what I have. Some other books are too big to post here
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Clean version. I was too lazy to distinguish between mountain and valley folds because it's obvious which is which. The book suggests to score mountain and valley on different sides of the paper for best results though.
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I knew I had a better version of the pencil holder... And a few more incoming...
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this variation is nicer
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Ive seen origami before but this stuff is blowing my fucking mind, the detail and brains to make that using one piece of paper!
Maybe it's because it isn't origami, but kirigami
sO is this thread going to die like the other kirigami threads?
probably, everyone just making weeb stuff with paper than any of this magic, i find this more beautiful desu and a lot more complex im trying to designa tetris kirigami right now, a lot harder than it looks

God. Tier. Not exactly what OP was asking for but pretty close.

One thing to note about Ingrids work is she turns the main fold on it's side, like a Greeting Card or Birthday Card, this gives the buildings a better look and doesnt leave a gap in teh sides, this is the biggest thing I have observed so far, will come back with more if I work out the intricacies.
Yeah, you're right, Ingrid's works tend to have a vertical main fold, like books rather than the "original" cards.

I posted Masahiro Chatani's book because he was the guy who actually invented architectural kirigami / origamic architecture (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origamic_architecture), so naturally Ingrid's stuff is based on the technique and inspired by his works. The links at the bottom of the wikipedia article are worth checking out for some other interesting related stuff.
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cut the other day, found the design somewhere online and copied it
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without backlight (looks a bit more boring)
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Looks cool anon

First attempt
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I tried one from this book, the Escher stairs. Kinda funny because Escher lived in my village

This is great stuff
thanks for all the templates! i have a laser cutter :)
This is great stuff! Thank you all for your posts. I had two books that show how to create simple pop-ups such as letters and simple structure templates. I can no longer find them but wanted to introduce my kids to the craft. This will get us started. I just wanted to say thank you!
Nicely done. Here's another cool Escher template.
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Picture of the finished model, don't have an own version right now.

I envy you, wish I could afford one. I got a Silhouette Portrait vinyl cutter the other day, but had to realize that it doesn't work too well with thick cardstock. So now I'm saving up for a laser cutter as next step.

Glad you find the stuff useful, and have fun with it.
Wow, the designs in this thread are incredible. First time I've ever heard of 切り紙.
I made some stuff like this a while ago, even designed a pattern once, lost it tho
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Does anyone have any Christmas Kirigami they would like to post? Tis the season, and I would be much obliged!
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I was referring to Christmas related templates...
Seconding this. I've seen lots of nice stuff on pinterest, but most of the time those fags only post finished pictures, not the templates.

Are you all banned from google?
Here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=diagram+christmas+card+kirigami

For an extra bonus, click on the tab where it says 'Images' (or whatever it's called in your local google language).

Of course we searched Google, but most are just pics of completed projects, not detailed templates like the post before you explained. I guess we were hoping for some help from genuine and generous Anons who love to share in the craft.
yea but there's no proper templates its like this shit is hidden from public, is it forbiddin art or something?
Yeah, I think it's because kirigami is even less mainstream than origami. Theoretically there are plenty books with templates for popup cards somewhere out there, but it's really hard to find scans online - it's even hard to find them in local libraries or book stores because it's not a very popular hobby, at least where I come from.
Check this one, I'm currently making a template :

That's a lovely model although personally it would be nice if it had some colors to it.
Well, those architectural kirigami models usually get a lot of their appeal from backlight and shawows. Adding multiple colors could distract from that. However, I'm currently experimenting with similar models consisting of multiple colored layers and they have an appeal of their own. Gonna post pics once I have something worthy to be looked at hehe.
Does anyone have Vol.1 of that series? I've been looking for a while and can't find it.
Any good free programs to design this stuff?
"Free" programs allowed too.
I'm only aware of two programs, and sadly none of them is free (they both have free trial versions though):

Popup Card Designer / Popup Card Designer Pro :

Popup Card Studio :

The free demo versions have restrictions, of course (popup card designer has saving disabled, can't remember studio, maybe I never even tried it). And since the topic is a bit obscure, I wasn't able to find cracks or keys online. And the full versions are a bit too expensive if you ask me. If you manage to find something I'd really appreciate when you leave a heads up in this thread, OP here.
However, it's not really hard to design your own patterns on plain graphing paper (or using snap to grid in a free vector program like Inktrace) once you understood the basic workflow - which you can easily learn by playing around with the free versions of those programs. Which is what I do.
Thanks man, appreciated.
>tfw your program is so unpopular no one will even pirate it

If you're still around, I found the program here, works fine. It's a spanish site but it's the english version.

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Awesome, thanks a lot!
Great, thanks a lot.
Hey, I'm looking at a lot of this and wondering if I'm making the right assumption, is the math of this that every line in the XY plane(from one end of the paper to the other) has to be of equal length It seems like it would be relatively simple to make a 3d modeling software to help you make them and to tell you if a design followed that simple rule.
Actually, the limit is 8 MB.
Here are a few more kirigami books you can try.
Here is the first one.
Here is the second one.
Here is the third one.
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Here is the last one that I have.
Here is a better version of the first one.
Plus, I have the other two.
Here's vol. 2.
Here's vol. 3.
can someone explain me why there is two different parts of the Saint Basil's Cathedral?
actually meaning there is one full size and one which is only a part of it with blue lines
Then why not try the other book that says it's of better quality than this one. In this one >>559560 everything is right. Learn to read and check things out before you start bitching about something.
That one is just a bad copy. Get the other one.
wtf are you on? I'm just asking a question.. Thanks anyway
thanks man
>wtf are you on? I'm just asking a question.
You know, people say that there are no stupid questions, but that was a stupid question. Anyone could see that the first book was a very bad copy. FYI, I'm not on anything. That's why I told everyone to use the second copy instead of the first one. I'm the one who put the better copy in here after realizing that I loaded the bad copy by mistake.
I thought initially that you were supposed to print it on a double-sided piece of paper, but couldn't wrap my head around it, and I was still reading it without going through all the thread.
You sound very butthurt for some reason, chill out
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How is it for a first? I kinda fucked up and there is two part teared up during the folding that I got half right but I think that look fine still
>You sound very butthurt for some reason, chill out

You sound like an idiot.
As someone who only does origami and not kirigami, this is amazing.
okay man, you win the argument
>a double-sided piece of paper
As opposed to a single-sided piece of paper, you halfwit?
Wow... this board must be slow. Over a year old
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these two in particular are great

I want to try almost everything in these books
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I attempted the kirigami on the cover. Holy shit is this difficult to make cleanly. Pictured is the prototype, made from regular printer paper. I'll finish the version with proper cardstock tomorrow.
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Also thought I may as well include the template I drew in CAD.
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Final, in cardstock.
Is a simple design possible to do with just a scissors? I don’t have any lasers
an exacto knife does a pretty good job
Anyone know what kinda laser cutter she uses?

I would love a way to print out multiples of these to give out instead of cutting them all by hand.

Even just simple ones, it would save me an effort.
can i still reply
sure you can.
what about me?
I also wanted to make this particular city. I guess she has too much creativity.
Not boring at all, the shadows are much more subtle in that one. Me likey.
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>Are you all banned from google?
fuck people like you. if we wanted to sit alone and google stuff on our own we wouldn't be on 4chan trying to interact with other humans. fuck off.
Nice to see this thread is still alive and well! (Posted a bunch of the PDFs when the thread was fresh, now I come back after almost 3 years and another anon posted books I don't have last year - gotta love the slowness of /po/!)
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bump for Kirigami
buy a fucking cameo, I almost burn my house for using my laser with paper.
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I made this a while back. Found the pattern on pinterest but i dont have it anymore sadly.
ok, throw me some numbers
I found a whole bunch of them googling kirigami castles...most of them are pinterest...
S: now, give me a pass
G: my password?
S: out with it
G: 0r4l_cumsh0t
S: 0r4l_cumsh0t? yeah, that fits...
oh shit, i'm sorry
sorry 4 wut? our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, specially since they got good size n' all
yeah, i see that, your daddy gave you a good advice
it gets bigger when i pull on
sumetimes, i pull it so hard, I RIP THE SKIN
oh well my daddy taught me a few things too, like how not to rip the skin, by using somebody elses mouth
will you show me?
i'd be right happy to
>steve procedes to suck hillbilly's cock and give him his arsehole
I'd like some nice instructions
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here you have niiice some instructions
*unzips dick*
Leopold II was fucking hardcore!
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I designed and built a kirigami scale model of Mt. Ranier as a gift recently. It turned out okay, as you can see. I'm not entirely satisfied with the result though. I'm going to redo it in white paper, with some extra length in the supports to account for slop in the folds.
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Here is the template. This was pretty easy to make using a topo map of the mountain and Inkscape to convert the lines to paths. I had to take some liberties while cutting it out because some sections were so thin.
>How is it for a first?
Pretty gud.
What type of paper tends to be used in these?
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Heavier paper is definitely better. It's not like origami where you will have to fold multiple layers of paper. The entire piece is a single layer and must be stiff enough to hold its shape.

The text in the image is translated from this book: >>547165

You can see the difference between printer paper and cardstock here:
That's where you are wrong.
Hey I’m an origami guy just getting into this to amen some cards for teachers. Is it necessary to use a light box, or do you have alternate ways of stenciling? Thanks.
You can print the template on the backside of the model, or use carbon paper and trace it on.
It's quite impressive to see some of these artworks
its impressive that a thread can last 4 fucking years.
Shit on a turtle
best way to cut these?
I'm guessing with an exacto knife
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I knwo this is old, but i did a quick photoshop fix in case anyone wants to try it
Exacto knife with metal ruler, circles and round shapes are best done with scissors imo
that's a really nice idea as a gift!
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so simple yet so effective
Who would you give it to? Your boyfriend? lol what a fag!
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Does somebody have this template?
I had it but sadly the external hard drive in which I had it stored got broken,I'm only got left with this picture,and some cut outs that I've re-scanned without success
Sadly, the original site containing the diagrams is down and archive.org has no backup of the pics. :(
Thanks for the info Anon,It's a great loss ,such a fine work
Hopefully someone will come up with it in the future
Couple years ago I found plenty of the pdfs in this thread as torrents.
I tried the things in here with regular printer paper (a little bit on the heavier side) but the end results sucks because the paper just hangs like grandpa balls.

How heavy should the paper be for this (in g/m2)?
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Gonna answer my own question here. After experimenting, 180g craft paper seems to hold its shape well and it's not difficult to cut.

Pic related is a test cut/fold.
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this post aged like a brapbag
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Why does that man have boobs?
You need finer cutting tools.
OLFA 9148US ABB-10B 9mm is what I've used to avoid the rough edges you have on your work.
Nothing says /po/ more than responding to a 4 year old reply.
I made something similar for my mom when I was 11, didn't know it was kirigami
There is something so serene about this board. Very Zen. I think I'm going to get I to papercraft because of it.
Same, I might get back into bookbinding and stickermaking because of this board
You god!
Where is this model be found? It's simple but nice looking.
It actually worked, thanks!
Nah It's just a woman not drawn like a pinup from the time, and since she's not white they didn't want to add what was seen as beautiful feminity back then so It's not as clear to the people of today I guess, hope that helped
Not really, because that entire statement made absolutely no sense when read by normal people.
"No It's just a woman that is not drawn like a pinup from the time, since she is not white they did not want to add what was seen as beautiful or feminine either back then so It is not as clear to the people of today who are accustomed to cartoonish depictions of feminity that exagerate those traits I suppose, hoping that helped"
Nope, still doesn't make any sense.
At least I'll have tried :(
How do you that? Any guide or anything you can help me with??
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I'm trying to find Volumen 4 of this, or at least the grand piano pattern, does anyone have a pdf?
Here you go, anon.
Thanks anon, you're the best.
Fuck me this is why I keep coming back to this board
I fucking love /po/
wtf this thread is also up since 2016
I was a mere student when I first saw this post. Now I am a doctor prescribing benzos to zoomers
That's beautiful. What do you use to cut the paper ?
I fucking love po.
me too
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diy kiri for brainlets
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>2292 days and 10 hours ago
Why not learn the actual hobby skill and do it from scratch?
I may be wrong, but since the pendulum clock dropped off I think this may now be the oldest thread in existence. 2016, 8 years.

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